Thursday, May 5, 2011

Response to - Warriors of Yahweh stand up - Yahweh is speaking to His people

05th May 2011
It has been very encouraging receiving the following responses to the 3 visions given by Yahweh which I sent out on the 03rd May 2011.  The Father has been revealing to His people this particular message for a very long time.  Please have a read at the replies from fellow brothers and sisters and the email I sent out is right at the end of this letter.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Janine Bouwer <>
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 9:33:31 AM
Subject: Re: [The Watchmen on the Tower] WARRIORS OF YAHWEH STAND UP – 03RD MAY 2011

Shalom sis :)
Thank you for sharing these awesome visions! I have felt this in my Spirit for a while already, tho it became clear when I felt the inspiration to write the poem Spiritual War. I sense it sis, that's why I'm not concerned yet with the weddin feast, heaven or even the enemy, my eyes are on Him and His people. He has been setting us all apart for His glory and vision and given us His heart for His cause.

I had an interesting wnd as well. I was in bed on Saturday and I felt His presence strongly within me as I was reading His word. It grew quickly and became so strong, that I would feel overwhelmed and had to look away for a min. I would read more but yet again His presence intensified so I couldn't read more. There was a part of me being challenged tho I wasn't too sure what. I wanted more but I couldn't handle as much as I wanted. It was beautiful yet scary, like He showed me a part of His glory.
Sunday we had the young adults service, but for most of them it was the last day of their camp so there was an anointing and passion. Between Sunday and Monday I felt Dad helped me understand many things that I hadn't understood yet. Dad's workin fast at preparing us all :) its both beautiful yet scary at the same time, just like as many souls are saved, there are still many more to save.

Love u sis and I trust u'll have an awesome day!
Shalom and lots of love xxx
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Johan Meintjes ESPI <>
To: Janine Bouwer <>
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 1:23:03 PM
Subject: FW: Waarskuwing dat ons Mei 2011 baie dinge sal sien gebeur.
This seem to tie in with your impression of raising warriors. Blessings. JM

shalom! (from: )

I wish to add to this email as confirmation and call you to understand the time!. On 22 March I woke up with the words in my mouth: "The hour has come!" and again on 24 March : "Raise up an army. Raise up an army of warriors!" Then I was lead to study the prophetic word of Is. 19 as well as Ez. 38 and 39. Please go and read

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Thurston McCutchen <>
To: Janine Bouwer <>
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 6:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: [The Watchmen on the Tower] WARRIORS OF YAHWEH STAND UP – 03RD MAY 2011
Praise YHWH Janine! Singing in the Ruach seems to enter us to His precense! Exactly what I am sensing---ummm- Thanks for sharing! Thurston

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Stephen <>
To: Janine Bouwer <>
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 11:27:30 AM
Subject: RE: [The Watchmen on the Tower] WARRIORS OF YAHWEH STAND UP - 03RD MAY 2011
SATERDAY  25-DEC-1999   8:09

GOD IS SO FRUSTRATED, BUT HE IS PATIENT. The eternal life inside of me is growing stronger, it is becoming difficult to contain it! It is turning like a dynamo. The Spirit of the living God is so strong. He works quietly and gently but He is so powerful. I feel that I am getting physically stronger and my mortal body is becoming quickened. It is incredible. I see a time when young men and women of the world will grow tired, but the saints will have this eternal life…working in them WHICH DOES NOT WANT TO DIE, WHICH CANNOT DIE. Our God is awesome.

I see the Son of God seated on a white horse. His eyes are fiery and Strong. With Him are many of the saints arrayed in battle formation behind Him. He has a sharp two edged sword in His right hand and He is holding the reigns with his left. There’s a subtle rumble of eternal power radiating from this Holy nation. On the opposite side of the valley is satan and his army of demons, with all their noise and pomp, they could not upstage the subtle rumble. Satan is angry but it cannot compare to the anger of our Lord. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.
Behold the heavens are about to shake. Satan always sends human instruments ahead of his army into the front line, after all they can be easily replaced, not so with his demons as he only has a finite number of those.

Behold, I saw the Heavenly Father standing up from His throne. His wrath is great and will be unleashed soon, mixed in full strength. Woe to satan for his time is short.
SG Bergh
A fellow Sister and I also chatted over sms how she had received a similar message from Abba Father a while ago and how it has remained in her heart.  Funny enough, she had sms me on the day I sent the email without reading it as yet, her exact words were – that He is assembling an army with the warrior women of Yah. CONFIRMATION!!!

All the glory to the King of Kings that He is revealing His truth and secrets of the Reign to His Saints, His servants.  He who has an ear to hear, let him hear, he who has eyes to see, let him see....Matthew 13.

Blessings and much love!

Shalom and blessings!
Greetings in the AWEsome Name of Yahshua our Messiah/Jesus Christ of Natzareth.
Last night as I sat down to play guitar, committing the time in to Yahweh’s Hands, a song welled up within my spirit.
Abba Father showed me a vision in the spirit;
There was a battle line and as I looked to my left, I saw a mighty army of men and women dressed in strong, fine armour.  It was the army of Yahweh and to the right of the battle line I saw many demons.  The army of Yahweh/God and the army of demons were running towards one another, towards the battle line with a great shout and with great force.  The army of Yahweh looked so strong and mighty with their shields in their one hand and their swords lifted up high above their heads.  The army of Yahweh were many and they were charging forward with no fear found in them.
The second vision Abba Father showed me in the spirit this morning;
As we were driving on the way to work in the car, we were singing in the Spirit and Abba Father showed me an army camp with mighty warriors resting and walking about.  They were drinking, eating and being refreshed and some were getting ready for the war that was just over the horizon nearby.  All of a sudden the King of the army, Yahshua/Jesus arrived, arrayed in splendor with the crown upon His head.  The army was overwhelmed with joy and humbled themselves before the King.  The King got off His white stallion and walked towards His GREAT army of men and women.
In my spirit I heard the interpretation;
Yahweh/God, the Host of Heaven is busy preparing a mighty army for a serious battle that is just over the horizon.  An army that is strong in Him to do battle in the spirit in the last days.  He wants us to know that He is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.  In Him, drinking from the Rivers of Living Water and eating of His Word, we will not thirst but be refreshed.  We must eat of His Word to gain strength and building our houses upon the Rock which will not sink.  We must dress in the full armour and never drop our sword (His Word) or our shield (Faith).
Abba Father gave Joel 2 and verse 11 really stood out to me.  In the ‘Scriptures’ version of the Bible it says  GREAT is the Army of Yahweh, the DOERS of His Word! 
I stand amazed with the revelation of how Yahweh, by His Spirit, has been restoring His Commandments and Word in the hearts, minds and lives of His people Israel, the body of Messiah, His Bride.
Revelations 14: 12
12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of Yahweh/God and the faith of Yahshua/Jesus.
3rd Vision - In the vision there were saints that came back from the war injured.  Those that were injured were being carried on the arms and backs of other saints.
This I believe is Yahweh telling us that as the evil increases and the war approaches we must be there to carry one another in prayer.  We must encourage one another and be there for one another.  No man can walk on his own and it is never about this one or that one’s ministry, it is about a body, working together for the glory of the King!
May we all continue to press on in knowing our King more, praying for one another and lifting up prayers and supplications for all men.
Be blessed and your prayers are always welcome J

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