The CARMEL ALERT May 13th 2011
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Palestinian textbooks Make Peace Impossible Israel Today News May 8 Israeli watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch published a detailed report on Sunday showing why the content of Palestinian Authority school textbooks makes reaching a genuine peace accord between Arabs and Jews impossible in the near future. The report shows how Palestinian Authority schools have for the past decade indoctrinated the next generation of Arabs to view Israel as a blood-thirsty, thieving enemy. This stands in stark contrast to the terms of the already-signed Israeli-Palestinian peace deals, which obligate both sides to educate their people for peaceful coexistence. One example quotes from a 12th-grade textbook published by the Palestinian Authority, which teaches students that: "Palestine's war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine and expelled its people from their cities, their villages, their lands and their houses, and established the State of Israel." These types of lessons try to instill in young Arabs the idea that there was once a sovereign and free nation known as "Palestine" and that about 100 years ago the Jews began invading and taking over that nation.
In reality, the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea had never been an independent national entity except under ancient Israel and later the Christian Crusaders from Europe. Nor was the land teeming with an Arab population that was pushed out by the Jews. If Mark Twain, an impartial visitor to the region in the late 19th century, is to be believed, the Holy Land before the mass return of the Jews was "a desolate country... We never saw a human being on the whole route... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere." (The Innocents Abroad) The truth, as investigative journalist Joan Peters discovered when researching British Mandate documents, is that most of the Arab population was as new to the land as the returning Jews. In her book From Time Immemorial, Peters notes a huge jump in the number of local Arabs around 1930, a jump that would not be attributed to natural growth. It was also shown that most of the Arab growth was taking place near Jewish population centers, further debunking the myth that the Jews were pushing the Arabs out. While the international community clambers for a signed and sealed peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, most Israelis know that a piece of paper alone is not enough to end the Middle East conflict. Unless both Arabs and Jews are educated for peace, Israelis argue that a future peace treaty won't be worth the paper it is printed on, and the conflict will rage on unimpeded.
2. Britain & France Making a Fatal Mistake Israel News May 9th The Guardian newspaper quoted a senior diplomatic source who said that British Prime Minister David Cameron told Netanyahu that unless Israel "engages seriously in a meaningful peace process" the UK will consider endorsing the Arab threat of going directly to the United Nations General Assembly. "Britain's clear and absolute preference is for a negotiation to take place between Israel and the Palestinians which leads to a two state solution which everyone endorses. But at this point Britain is not ruling anything out". "The more Israel engages seriously in a meaningful peace process the less likely it is that this question of unilateral declaration would arise," the source said. Unlike the US, the UK has no law or policy requiring Hamas to recognise Israel.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who welcomed the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, said his state would also be willing to recognise an Arab state if there was no progress in peace talks, L'Express reported on Wednesday. Despite their stance on the Hamas-Fatah agreement, both Britain and France are indirectly members of the Middle East Quartet through their membership in the European Union (The Quartet is made up of the United States, United Nations, European Union, and Russia). The Quartet has specifically stated in the past that Hamas cannot be recognised as legitimate if it does not recognise Israel and renounce violence. Recognition of a state has become more problematic for the United States and Western nations that refuse to deal with any entity on the terrorist list, as is Hamas. Please pray that these countries will not make this fatal mistake3. Hamas Police Break Up Pro Bin Laden Rally in Gaza Ha Aretz News May 9th Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas on Saturday broke up a Salafist protest against the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in a US raid in Pakistan last week. Dozens of Salafists - conservative Islamists who have clashed with Hamas - gathered in Gaza City's main square holding up posters of bin Laden and chanting "We warn you America, we warn you Europe." Some banners read "We are all your soldiers Osama" and "Osama is alive inside us." Hamas police forces cordoned off the square, stopped protesters from marching through the streets and ordered them to leave. Hamas' head in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh had denounced bin Laden's killing as an assassination "of an Arab holy warrior." Analysts said he was trying to cool tensions with Salafist groups who consider Hamas too moderate and call for a fundamentalist version of Islam based on the faith followed by its founders. Hamas, classified by the US and the European Union as a terrorist group over its violence against Israel, signed a unity deal last week in Cairo with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ more secular Fatah movement. Please pray that the World will see the reality of the situation in Gaza4. Situation in Egypt Rapidly Deteriorating Gloria Centre May 11th In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us: "By lifting the heavy hand of the Mubarak police state, the revolution unleashed long-suppressed sectarian animosities that have burst out with increasing ferocity...." No kidding! Did you think a single Egyptian Christian didn't know this in February? Why didn't the media report or the U.S. government understand that this was absolutely inevitable and predictabe. But the only mentions of Christians were to claim that they were really enthusiastic about the revolution. The remaining Christians in most of the Arabic-speaking world may be on the edge of flight or extinction. All of the Christians have left the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip which is, in effect, an Islamist republic. They are leaving the West Bank. Half have departed from an increasingly Islamist-oriented Iraq where they are under terrorist attack. Within a few years they might all be gone.
In Lebanon while the Christians are holding their own there is a steady emigration. As for Syria, the community has generally supported the Assad regime fearing a revolutionary Islamist replacement. One dissident recalled that as he was being beaten in a Syrian prison a few years ago the police yelled at him, "Why are you doing this? You're a Christian!" Egypt has more Christians than Israel's entire population. There have been numerous attacks, with the latest in Cairo leaving 12 dead, 220 wounded, and two churches burned. The Western media generally attributes this to inter-religious battles. Yet Egypt's Christians, so totally outnumbered and not having any access to the power of the state, have generally kept a low profile. It is hard to believe that gangs of Christians go out and attack Muslims, especially when the fighting revolves around mobs attacking churches. “How can they say we started it when we are defending our church?” asked one Christian. That makes sense. The Christians cannot depend on any support from Western churches or governments. Will there be a massive flight of tens or even hundreds of thousands of Christians from Egypt in the next few years?
The U.S. government has just announced that it will forgive about $1 billion of Egyptian debt at a time when the American economy isn't doing so well. You can just bet that there are no political strings attacked: no pressure over Egyptian backing of Hamas, growing anti-Israel policy, cutting off natural gas supplies, the increasingly difficult situation of Christians, opposing Iran's ambitions and nuclear weapons' drive, or anything else. What will happen if and when an Islamist-dominated regime is in power in Egypt--which could happen as early as September? Will U.S. aid and support continue? Up until now, the strength of the Muslim Brotherhood has been badly underestimated in the West. But increasingly it is also apparent that the strength of anti-Islamist forces has been overestimated. I have noted that even Amr Moussa, likely to be Egypt's next president and a radical nationalist, has predicted an Islamist majority in parliament. That should be a huge story yet has been largely ignored. He is not creating his own party, meaning that a President Moussa will be dependent on the Muslim Brotherhood in parliament. Rather than the radical nationalists battling the Islamists these two forces might well work together. And who will they be working against? Just guess. Please pray that the Lords will be done in Egypt
5. Facebook groups call for '3rd Intifada' on May 15 ICEJ News May 11th The IDF began moving additional forces into the West Bank on Wednesday ahead of threatened protests on May 15, the 63rd anniversary of Israeli independence (according to the Gregorian calendar) which Palestinians call "Nakba (Catastrophe) Day." Security officials believe that widespread protests are possible as early as Friday, although intelligence estimates are that the protests will not be violent. The planned protests are being coordinated through several Facebook groups, which claim to have drawn inspiration from recent events in Egypt and other Arab countries. The Palestinian Authority’s planned commemoration of the Nakba this weekend will be the first significant test of how the recent reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas has affected the PA’s security cooperation with Israel, senior Israel Defense Forces officers said yesterday.
Please pray that the Lord will bring confusion to their plans6. Facts About Israel's Population JNN News May 12th Israel’s population has grown to 7.7 million on the eve of its 63rd Independence Day. This is an astounding figure, given there were just 806,000 residents when the Israeli state was reborn in 1948. Jews make up 75% of the population, but there is a significant Arab minority which comprises about 20% of the nation. Non-Jewish immigrants and their children account for about five percent of the population. While there are many similarities between Israel and a country like Canada, population density is not one of them. Canada has about three people per square kilometer. Israel has 100 times that density, making it the second-most dense country in the world. Israel now has about 150,000 Christians, a population that has grown about 400 percent from 39,000 since 1949. Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed. In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US. Please pray that the Lord will continue to impel ALL Jews to return to their ancient homeland
7. Israel at 63: An Export Superpower JNN News MAy 12th As Israel celebrates 63 years of being an independent state, it turns out that it is an export superpower. According to figures published on Tuesday by the Israel Export Institute and presented by the Globes financial news paper, since its establishment in 1948 Israel has multiplied the volume of goods it exports to the world by an astonishing 13,400. The figures also show Israel has gone from exporting a “modest” amount of about $6 million in 1948 to exporting no less than $80.5 billion in 2010. The well-known Jaffa oranges, which were the pride and joy of Israel’s export industry for many years, have taken a few steps back. Israel’s high tech and R&D (research and development) sectors were at the top of the export list last year, totaling approximately $28.5 billion and constituting about 35% of Israel’s exports in 2010. However, the oranges are not out quite yet, as figures show that agricultural exports also grew in the last year, totaling $1.3 billion. Israel has long been a leader in diamond exports, according to the report. Since the founding of the state, Israel’s diamond exports have multiplied by 3,190. While in the early years of statehood the scope of diamond exports from Israel to the world stood at about $2.8 million, in 2010 exports amounted to approximately $8.9 billion. The Israel Export Institute estimated that exports will continue to rise in 2011 by about another 7%. If these forecasts are realized, the total amount of Israeli exports by the end of next year will be a whopping $86 billion.
Please pray that Israel will continue to prosper as the Jewish people return to the land * Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
The Middle East Problem
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news
I am Israel
Mulsims taking over in France
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
Israel Under Fire
Interesting info from an Arab perspective
For those who want to boycott Israel
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:
1. Palestinian textbooks Make Peace Impossible Israel Today News May 8 Israeli watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch published a detailed report on Sunday showing why the content of Palestinian Authority school textbooks makes reaching a genuine peace accord between Arabs and Jews impossible in the near future. The report shows how Palestinian Authority schools have for the past decade indoctrinated the next generation of Arabs to view Israel as a blood-thirsty, thieving enemy. This stands in stark contrast to the terms of the already-signed Israeli-Palestinian peace deals, which obligate both sides to educate their people for peaceful coexistence. One example quotes from a 12th-grade textbook published by the Palestinian Authority, which teaches students that: "Palestine's war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine and expelled its people from their cities, their villages, their lands and their houses, and established the State of Israel." These types of lessons try to instill in young Arabs the idea that there was once a sovereign and free nation known as "Palestine" and that about 100 years ago the Jews began invading and taking over that nation.
In reality, the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea had never been an independent national entity except under ancient Israel and later the Christian Crusaders from Europe. Nor was the land teeming with an Arab population that was pushed out by the Jews. If Mark Twain, an impartial visitor to the region in the late 19th century, is to be believed, the Holy Land before the mass return of the Jews was "a desolate country... We never saw a human being on the whole route... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere." (The Innocents Abroad) The truth, as investigative journalist Joan Peters discovered when researching British Mandate documents, is that most of the Arab population was as new to the land as the returning Jews. In her book From Time Immemorial, Peters notes a huge jump in the number of local Arabs around 1930, a jump that would not be attributed to natural growth. It was also shown that most of the Arab growth was taking place near Jewish population centers, further debunking the myth that the Jews were pushing the Arabs out. While the international community clambers for a signed and sealed peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, most Israelis know that a piece of paper alone is not enough to end the Middle East conflict. Unless both Arabs and Jews are educated for peace, Israelis argue that a future peace treaty won't be worth the paper it is printed on, and the conflict will rage on unimpeded.
2. Britain & France Making a Fatal Mistake Israel News May 9th The Guardian newspaper quoted a senior diplomatic source who said that British Prime Minister David Cameron told Netanyahu that unless Israel "engages seriously in a meaningful peace process" the UK will consider endorsing the Arab threat of going directly to the United Nations General Assembly. "Britain's clear and absolute preference is for a negotiation to take place between Israel and the Palestinians which leads to a two state solution which everyone endorses. But at this point Britain is not ruling anything out". "The more Israel engages seriously in a meaningful peace process the less likely it is that this question of unilateral declaration would arise," the source said. Unlike the US, the UK has no law or policy requiring Hamas to recognise Israel.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who welcomed the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, said his state would also be willing to recognise an Arab state if there was no progress in peace talks, L'Express reported on Wednesday. Despite their stance on the Hamas-Fatah agreement, both Britain and France are indirectly members of the Middle East Quartet through their membership in the European Union (The Quartet is made up of the United States, United Nations, European Union, and Russia). The Quartet has specifically stated in the past that Hamas cannot be recognised as legitimate if it does not recognise Israel and renounce violence. Recognition of a state has become more problematic for the United States and Western nations that refuse to deal with any entity on the terrorist list, as is Hamas. Please pray that these countries will not make this fatal mistake3. Hamas Police Break Up Pro Bin Laden Rally in Gaza Ha Aretz News May 9th Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas on Saturday broke up a Salafist protest against the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in a US raid in Pakistan last week. Dozens of Salafists - conservative Islamists who have clashed with Hamas - gathered in Gaza City's main square holding up posters of bin Laden and chanting "We warn you America, we warn you Europe." Some banners read "We are all your soldiers Osama" and "Osama is alive inside us." Hamas police forces cordoned off the square, stopped protesters from marching through the streets and ordered them to leave. Hamas' head in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh had denounced bin Laden's killing as an assassination "of an Arab holy warrior." Analysts said he was trying to cool tensions with Salafist groups who consider Hamas too moderate and call for a fundamentalist version of Islam based on the faith followed by its founders. Hamas, classified by the US and the European Union as a terrorist group over its violence against Israel, signed a unity deal last week in Cairo with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ more secular Fatah movement. Please pray that the World will see the reality of the situation in Gaza4. Situation in Egypt Rapidly Deteriorating Gloria Centre May 11th In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us: "By lifting the heavy hand of the Mubarak police state, the revolution unleashed long-suppressed sectarian animosities that have burst out with increasing ferocity...." No kidding! Did you think a single Egyptian Christian didn't know this in February? Why didn't the media report or the U.S. government understand that this was absolutely inevitable and predictabe. But the only mentions of Christians were to claim that they were really enthusiastic about the revolution. The remaining Christians in most of the Arabic-speaking world may be on the edge of flight or extinction. All of the Christians have left the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip which is, in effect, an Islamist republic. They are leaving the West Bank. Half have departed from an increasingly Islamist-oriented Iraq where they are under terrorist attack. Within a few years they might all be gone.
In Lebanon while the Christians are holding their own there is a steady emigration. As for Syria, the community has generally supported the Assad regime fearing a revolutionary Islamist replacement. One dissident recalled that as he was being beaten in a Syrian prison a few years ago the police yelled at him, "Why are you doing this? You're a Christian!" Egypt has more Christians than Israel's entire population. There have been numerous attacks, with the latest in Cairo leaving 12 dead, 220 wounded, and two churches burned. The Western media generally attributes this to inter-religious battles. Yet Egypt's Christians, so totally outnumbered and not having any access to the power of the state, have generally kept a low profile. It is hard to believe that gangs of Christians go out and attack Muslims, especially when the fighting revolves around mobs attacking churches. “How can they say we started it when we are defending our church?” asked one Christian. That makes sense. The Christians cannot depend on any support from Western churches or governments. Will there be a massive flight of tens or even hundreds of thousands of Christians from Egypt in the next few years?
The U.S. government has just announced that it will forgive about $1 billion of Egyptian debt at a time when the American economy isn't doing so well. You can just bet that there are no political strings attacked: no pressure over Egyptian backing of Hamas, growing anti-Israel policy, cutting off natural gas supplies, the increasingly difficult situation of Christians, opposing Iran's ambitions and nuclear weapons' drive, or anything else. What will happen if and when an Islamist-dominated regime is in power in Egypt--which could happen as early as September? Will U.S. aid and support continue? Up until now, the strength of the Muslim Brotherhood has been badly underestimated in the West. But increasingly it is also apparent that the strength of anti-Islamist forces has been overestimated. I have noted that even Amr Moussa, likely to be Egypt's next president and a radical nationalist, has predicted an Islamist majority in parliament. That should be a huge story yet has been largely ignored. He is not creating his own party, meaning that a President Moussa will be dependent on the Muslim Brotherhood in parliament. Rather than the radical nationalists battling the Islamists these two forces might well work together. And who will they be working against? Just guess. Please pray that the Lords will be done in Egypt
5. Facebook groups call for '3rd Intifada' on May 15 ICEJ News May 11th The IDF began moving additional forces into the West Bank on Wednesday ahead of threatened protests on May 15, the 63rd anniversary of Israeli independence (according to the Gregorian calendar) which Palestinians call "Nakba (Catastrophe) Day." Security officials believe that widespread protests are possible as early as Friday, although intelligence estimates are that the protests will not be violent. The planned protests are being coordinated through several Facebook groups, which claim to have drawn inspiration from recent events in Egypt and other Arab countries. The Palestinian Authority’s planned commemoration of the Nakba this weekend will be the first significant test of how the recent reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas has affected the PA’s security cooperation with Israel, senior Israel Defense Forces officers said yesterday.
Please pray that the Lord will bring confusion to their plans6. Facts About Israel's Population JNN News May 12th Israel’s population has grown to 7.7 million on the eve of its 63rd Independence Day. This is an astounding figure, given there were just 806,000 residents when the Israeli state was reborn in 1948. Jews make up 75% of the population, but there is a significant Arab minority which comprises about 20% of the nation. Non-Jewish immigrants and their children account for about five percent of the population. While there are many similarities between Israel and a country like Canada, population density is not one of them. Canada has about three people per square kilometer. Israel has 100 times that density, making it the second-most dense country in the world. Israel now has about 150,000 Christians, a population that has grown about 400 percent from 39,000 since 1949. Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed. In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US. Please pray that the Lord will continue to impel ALL Jews to return to their ancient homeland
7. Israel at 63: An Export Superpower JNN News MAy 12th As Israel celebrates 63 years of being an independent state, it turns out that it is an export superpower. According to figures published on Tuesday by the Israel Export Institute and presented by the Globes financial news paper, since its establishment in 1948 Israel has multiplied the volume of goods it exports to the world by an astonishing 13,400. The figures also show Israel has gone from exporting a “modest” amount of about $6 million in 1948 to exporting no less than $80.5 billion in 2010. The well-known Jaffa oranges, which were the pride and joy of Israel’s export industry for many years, have taken a few steps back. Israel’s high tech and R&D (research and development) sectors were at the top of the export list last year, totaling approximately $28.5 billion and constituting about 35% of Israel’s exports in 2010. However, the oranges are not out quite yet, as figures show that agricultural exports also grew in the last year, totaling $1.3 billion. Israel has long been a leader in diamond exports, according to the report. Since the founding of the state, Israel’s diamond exports have multiplied by 3,190. While in the early years of statehood the scope of diamond exports from Israel to the world stood at about $2.8 million, in 2010 exports amounted to approximately $8.9 billion. The Israel Export Institute estimated that exports will continue to rise in 2011 by about another 7%. If these forecasts are realized, the total amount of Israeli exports by the end of next year will be a whopping $86 billion.
Please pray that Israel will continue to prosper as the Jewish people return to the land * Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
The Middle East Problem
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news
I am Israel
Mulsims taking over in France
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
Israel Under Fire
Interesting info from an Arab perspective
For those who want to boycott Israel
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:
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