Friday, June 3, 2011

Latest News from Israel - Carmel Alert - 3rd June 2011

OUT of ZION  Ministries  
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The CARMEL ALERT  June 3rd  2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel
David's Comment:  Col Ha Kavod (Good On You) PM NetanyahuDeuteronomy 33:12    Of Benjamin he said The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between His shoulders.
It is a little more than a week since the landmark political statements by US President Obama and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr. Obama got the ball rolling in his speech outlaying his new vision for peace in the Middle East.  Mr. Obama made a huge mistake, and I believe he shot himself in the foot by arrogantly demanding that Israel returning to the borders that existed prior to Israel's miraculous victory in the Six Day War of 1967.  The majority of Jewish Israelis, Jewish people around the world, and Christian Zionists immediately rejected the US Presidents demand as totally unacceptable as anyone with even just a little understanding of the Middle East, realises that Israel cannot defend herself if the country was forced to return to the 1967 borders, and the nation still chosen by God to be the terrestial seat of His government, would very quickly be overrun and very quickly destroyed by the enemies of the God of Israel and His Messiah (Psalm 2).

The next day PM Netanyahi was scheduled to meet with President Obama at the White House.  It seemed that the Israeli leader would be going into that meeting at a serious disadvantage, but very quickly the Israeli leader politely, but with uncompromising authority made it very clear to Mr Obama and to all those watching or listening on radio, that Israel withdrawing to the pre 67 borders was an option that is simply not on the table.  President Obama immediately realised he was dealing with someone who was not afraid to stand up to him.  A dark look of disdain for PM Netanyahu was very obvious in Obama's eyes the looks he was giving Bibi said it all !

PM Netanyahu was calm, cool, collected and sensitively assertive as he continued to speak with Mr Obama and in later speeches and interviews that followed the White House meeting.  As PM Netanyahu addressed the US congress he received 29 rounds of applause - 26 of them were standing ovations. Back home in Israel, the PM's popularity across the political spectrum received a major boost. News analyst Michael Cohen noted "the idea that Congress would openly side with a foreign leader against the president of the US seems too far-fetched to believe. 

PM Netanyahu is an astute politician who has an extremely good command of the English language and exudes confidence and strength in his body language.  He was a high level combat soldier during his army service and lives with the legacy of his brother Jonathan who led the successful raid on Entebbe airport to free the Israeli hostages, but lost his life in the process of saving most of the hostages.  The PM is not what you would call a religious man but his daughter is a religious Jewess and his teenage son recently won 1st prize in the Israeli national Bible knowledge contest. 

We are aware that multitudes of Christian Zionists pray for Mr Netanyahu, and as strong as he is, we need to continue to pray that God will continue to direct his path and turn his heart the way it needs to go.  As a major political leader on the world stage Mr. Netanyahu must be seen to be doing his best to make peace with the so called Palestinians, but wisely he conditions Israel meeting Arab demands on them being prepared to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as the worlds' only Jewish state.  Bibi knows they cannot do and thus makes the prospects for a lasting peace very slim indeed.  He also said any peace deal with the Palestinians must grant Israel a military presence along the Jordan River, exclude repatriation of Palestinian refugees to Israel and leave Jerusalem as Israel's united capital.

However, the Israeli leader also said Tuesday in his address to the US Congress, some Jewish settlements in the West Bank would fall outside Israel’s borders in a final peace deal.  Jewish settlers living outside the 1967 lines expressed concern after hearing PM Netanyahu say Israel "will be required to give up parts of the ancestral Jewish homeland," during the speech before Congress. The possibility of Jewish settlements becoming a part of a Palestinian state aroused their anger.

All in all PM Netanyhu is doing a great job of leading God's nation at this very strategic time of history and we believe he is God's chosen vessel for the task of defending Israel against the Arab world & the nations.  In Hebrew his name is Ben yamin - son of my right hand   Netan Yahu - given by God !!!
There is no-one on the political horizon who comes close to his leadership abilities, so please join us as we continue to stand with and pray him.
Good on you Bibi !!!    The Lord be with you    ..............
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie

1.  Canada to World:  "Lay off Israel!"    Israel Today News  May 29th
Canada further emerged as Israel's new best friend on the international stage at last week's G8 Summit in Deauville, France.   Playing off US President Barack Obama's recent foreign policy speeches, the G8 leaders were keen to use their closing statment to demand that Israel retreat to its 1967 borders.   Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was having none of it.  According to reports from the summit, Harper blocked all efforts to include references to the 1967 borders in the closing statement. The statement that finally read did call for renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, but put no pressure on Israel to accept dangerous pre-conditions.  Harper also blocked huge financial aid packages to Egypt, which in its current transition phase has been cozying up to Iran, Hamas and other regional Islamists.   Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the weekend phoned his Canadian counterpart to express his deep gratitude for Harper's efforts and for Canada's support at a time when Israel is feeling increasingly isolated.Please pray that the Canadian PM & his nation will see the blessings of the Lord for their solitary stand with Israel2. Egypt Opens the Rafah Crossing    Jerusalem Post  May 28th    Egyptian envoy to the Palestinian territories Yasser Othman on Saturday said Egypt "would not let anyone interfere" with the opening of the Rafah crossing on the Sinai-Gaza border to regular pedestrian traffic. Egypt announced on Thursday that, as of Saturday, the border crossing will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for Fridays and official holidays. Palestinian men aged 18 to 40 will need visas to cross. Older men, boys and females of all ages will be able to travel without one. Some 300 people crossed from Gaza to Sinai in the first hour after the crossing opened on Saturday. Thursday’s announcement of the move, which was immediately hailed by both Fatah and Hamas, was received with concern in Israel. An officer from the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories warned it could lead to an increase in the flow of weapons and terrorists from Egypt into Gaza. Please pray that the border remains secure against terrorists and weapon smuggling3. PM Netanyahu Pledges to Keep Jerusalem United    Ha Aretz News May 29th   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his government's support for a united Jerusalem on Sunday, calling the unification of Jerusalem one of the "foundations of the nation of Israel."    Speaking at a special government meeting held at the David Citadel in Jerusalem, the prime minister said Israel had won congressional support during his most recent trip to Washington, where he presented the issue of Jerusalem's unification.   "The wide support for these principles is an inalienable asset for the state of Israel," Netanyahu said. "The world knows that the nation of Israel and our friends are loyal to Jerusalem and its legacy."   "The government is obligated to building Jerusalem, as [Jerusalem] is the heart of the nation," Netanyahu said.
   The PM spoke to the U.S. Congress last week, where he said that Israel is willing to make painful concessions for peace, but Jerusalem will not be divided.  "Jerusalem must never again be divided," Netanyahu said to round of applause by the congressmen. "Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel."   The day after the prime minister's speech in Washington, the speaker of the Knesset and several other government ministers attended a dedication ceremony for the new Jewish settlement of Ma'aleh Zeitim, in East Jerusalem's Ras al-Amud neighborhood.   At the ceremony, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin condemned those that seek to "cut up" Jerusalem, as bringing "disaster" onto the city and its residents.    The comments come shortly after a weekend in which U.S. President Barack Obama called for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians based on borders from 1967, which Netanyahu rejects as "indefensible".
     The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that the cabinet is set to approve the so called Merom Plan, a five year program based on a NIS 291.9 million aimed to economically fortify Jerusalem through developing the city's tourism and hi-tech sectors. Jerusalem's mayor, Nir Barkat is enthusiastic regarding the plan and believes it will "strengthen the city's economy and allow young people to stay in the city."
Please pray that the Lord will protect & bless His Holy city of Jerusalem4.  Hamas Moving HQ to Egypt    Israel News Report  May 31st     Hamas is moving its headquarters from Damascus to Egypt, and the terror group is strengthening itself in the Sinai, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee Monday.   He also noted that the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Hamas sprung, also has become a more powerful force in Egypt since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. The Prime Minister stated his concern about the inability of the provisional military regime in Egypt to exercise sovereignty in the Sinai, which borders Israel and from where Bedouin and Hamas terrorists smuggle weapons from Iran, Sudan, Syria and elsewhere into Gaza.   Al-Qaeda also has brought 400 terrorists into the area, according to an Egyptian official quoted by an Arab news agency,     The Prime Minister confirmed previous reports that Hamas supreme leader Khaled Mashaal has pulled out of Damascus, where his presence and welcome by Syrian President Bashar Assad is an additional worry for him in the face of the continuing uprising.  
   The vacuum of power in the Sinai has been illustrated by “the two gas explosions that occurred there” this year, Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Knesset committee. “Global terrorist organisations are interfering there, and their presence is increasing because of the geographic connection between Sinai and Gaza."  The Sharon government agreed to pull out of Gaza following the 2005 expulsion of nearly 10,000 Jews in the area. Agreements with Egypt on security in the Sinai began falling apart after Hamas ousted Fatah from Gaza four years ago. Following the Operation Cast Lead campaign at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, Israel relied on American and European guarantees to monitor the transfer of goods and merchandise from the Sinai to Gaza, but these also have eroded. The opening of the Rafiah crossing this past Saturday has further harmed security.   The de facto dominance of Bedouin tribes and allied terrorists in the Sinai has set the stage for further stockpiling of advanced arms by Hamas and for plotting terrorist attacks at tourist and holy sites in Egypt.   
Please pray that all the schemes of the enemy will be exposed
5. Israeli Navy is Prepared to Board New Flotilla Ships    ICEJ News   June 1st   The Israel Navy is prepared to intercept and take control of ships participating in a new attempt to break the blockade of Gaza Strip, a senior navy officer said on Tuesday, one year after the operation to stop the Mavi Marmara passenger ship that ended with nine terrorists dead.   “We will order the ships to stop, but if they don’t, we are prepared to intercept and board the ships,” the senior officer told reporters.  A new  flotilla of 15 ships, organized by the Turkish IHH organization – which is outlawed in Israel due to its ties with Hamas – as well as the Free Gaza Movement, plans to set sail for the Gaza Strip late this month.  The organizers are now working to raise money to buy the ships, and they may have to delay their launch date by several days or even weeks.   Please pray that this flotilla will be cancelled now that the Egypt Gaza border is open
6.  Jerusalem Day Parade Marred by Violence & Arrests   ICEJ News  June 2nd
The 44th annual Jerusalem Day parade through the center of the capital was attended by over 40,000 people on Wednesday afternoon, waving flags and commemorating the liberation of the eastern half of the city in the 1967 Six Day War.   The parade route was different this year, moving through the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, as well as in the area of the Damascus Gate and Rehov Hanevi'im where scuffles broke out between Jewish marchers and Arab residents, resulting in dozens of arrests, mostly of Jews.   "In previous years we have also had problems and violence between the Arabs and the Jews, but in our opinion the number of arrests [this year] was not small, it was quite large," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.  Arab residents of Sheikh Jarrah called the parade route a "provocation" but parade organizers said it was necessary to march through the predominantly Arab neighborhood because of tests to the cities new light rail system in the streets where it is usually held.
    In related news, the IDF is preparing a "firm but non-lethal response" to planned attempts by several Palestinian organizations to rush Israel's borders this coming Sunday to mark the anniversary of the Six Day War. After "Nakba Day" demonstrations in mid May during which several people were killed and wounded and over a hundred Palestinians infiltrated through the borders with Syria and Lebanon, the IDF has improved border security by establishing new lookout posts, barbed wire fences and increased manpower at key points. Troops have also been issued rubber bullets and water cannons to minimize casualties but the IDF has warned that Israel's "red lines" will be defended.
7.  Jerusalem Arabs Ask Israel to Maintain Control of Jerusalem   ICEJ News   May 30th    The Israeli Knesset's Interior Committee met on Monday to discuss future control of Jerusalem as pressure mounts for Israel to surrender the city's eastern half to the Palestinian Authority.    Among those slated to address the committee were Arab residents of eastern Jerusalem who want to continue living under Israeli sovereignty.   That these Arabs would risk their lives to come forward and request to remain part of Israel debunks the international misconception most recently enunciated by US President Barack Obama that the Palestinian Arabs cannot reach their full potential or live dignified lives while under "Israeli occupation."   It also provides further evidence for the conclusion of Israel Today's recent cover story revealing that many Arans do not want an independant state and already live in peace and prosperity with their Jewish neighbors.
   Monday's Knesset gathering was called by lawmakers who are growing increasingly concerned over how parts of eastern Jerusalem are slowly falling under the de facto control of the Palestinian regime.  "Signs of Israeli sovereignty are disappearing in parts of Jerusalem that are behind the partition fence and their place is being taken by hostile elements," wrote the lawmakers. "This, despite the lack of any decision by the Knesset or the government on the matter."   They warned that this "impotence leads to the de facto division of Jerusalem."
Please pray that the world will wake up to the truth and leave  Israel and Jerusalem alone
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                                           *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               
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     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel    NEW     Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

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             Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
             Interesting info from an Arab perspective
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85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
            The Middle East Problem

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