Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT June 17th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: Isaac & Ishmael Can Love Each OtherGen 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, (NKJ)CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT June 17th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Josie and I are now back on Mt Carmel after a 10 day ministry tour of the UK. Most of my speaking tours revolve around revisiting to churches where i have been before and taking the Israel message to churches where I haven't been before. This time was different in that most of the meetings were in new places, one of them part of a denomination whose leadership is deceived by Replacement Theology. One disappointment was that I was scheduled to speak to a Korean group, but they cancelled at the last minute. However the Lord must have had a different plan in mind, as friend in London kindly arranged for me to speak to an Arab church in a suburb of London - thank you Lord and thank you David.
I have only spoken to my Arab half brothers or cousins once before. It was during the 2nd Intifada, when there was much friction between the Arabs & Jews here in Israel. I was invited to speak to an Arab congregation in the Gallilee town of Shefaram and it went very well. At the end of my message, as I returned to my seat, an elderly Arab Christian grabbed my arm and said "We will need each other in the days to come." As we know from the Bible account, Hagar and Ishmael were pushed out of the tent and that night I felt the Lord show me that one day He would use Messianic Jews to reach out a hand of reconcilliation to the descendants of Ishmael to invite him back into the tent. Form that time I have had a desire to share the Word with my Arab brethren and even more challenging, one day to share the Gospel with Muslims.
When David emailed me about the opportunity to speak to this Arab congregation in London I immediately said yes to the offer. Josie and I were met at the train station by Pastor Sameh and his wife and we got to know each other a little as we drove to the church for the meeting. After enjoying a lovely time of worship - all in Arabic - with Egyptians, Syrians and Iraquis, I was invited to give the message. I shared a little of my testimony and told them about our congregation - Carmel Assembly - where the One New Man - Jews, Arabs and people from the nations serve and worship the Holy One of Israel and His Anointed One .... Yeshua.
I shared about the reality of the Arab / Israeli conflict - that it isn't really between Arabs and Jews, because many African and Asian countries hate Israel as much if not more than some of the Arab countries. This conflict is actually an Islamic / Judeo-Christian issue. I also said that if the Arab countries ceased spending much of their massive oil revenues on weapons to destroy their Jewish cousins, then the whole Middle East could look like Dubai. As I closed I played our daughter-in law Keren's song in Hebrew (Kadosh Ata). Can you picture it ? - Egyptians, Syrians & Iraqis and 2 Jews all worshipping the Lord in Hebrew - it was truly amazing. The people all seemed to love it and I am sure the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob loved seeing and hearing the descendants of the patriachs singing to Him in Hebrew in true New Testament unity.
Before leaving for the next meeting we enjoyed refreshments & good fellowship together - the desendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael. I think I can speak for everyone there that it was an amazing time and I want to thank David and Pastor Sameh for the opportunity to bless the other side of the family. Abraham must have been rejoicing !!!
Would you please pray that the Lord will open up many more doors for us to minister to the Arab people, Christian & Muslim in the days ahead.
As the capital city of Israel is facing yet another attempt to divide it, the European Coalition for Israel, together with a network of respected international prayer leaders, is calling for prayer for a united Jerusalem.
On June 1st a campaign to advocate for a united Jerusalem and a negotiated, just and lasting peace agreement in the Middle East was launched in the European Parliament in Brussels. Today, on the June 7th, which also marks Jerusalem Day according to the Gregorian calendar, a call for Prayer will be issued on a global level. Together with prayer leaders from around the world, ECI is asking believers not only to pray for a united Jerusalem, but also for their own national governments, as they will soon have to vote on the issue of a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the upcoming United Nation General Assembly in New York, starting on September 19th. The campaign concludes that a unilateral declaration would in fact divide Jerusalem and is illegal according to international law.
The call reads. �History demonstrates that only Jewish sovereignty over the holy sites in Jerusalem will keep the city open for people of all faiths, Muslims as well as Christians. In this respect, Jerusalem is already a ’shared capital’, though under the sovereignty of the Jewish state. Both International Law and the Word of God confirm that Jerusalem belongs historically to the Jews. This does not contradict the fact that there is also a place for others, something that has been brilliantly demonstrated by the Israeli Government since they recaptured East Jerusalem in 1967. During the Jordanian rule of East Jerusalem (1949-1967) Jews did not have access to their holy sites in the Old City and many of their synagogues were destroyed. Under Jewish oversight however, the city has remained open for people of all religious affiliations."
The campaign will encourage believers to pray daily for the peace of Jerusalem as well as for their own governments - that they will firmly respect Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem and will not further divide the land. Nearer to the date of the UN meeting in New York, more information will be given as to how believers can be involved in intercession as well as during the week of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York itself.
You can join the campaign to pray for a united Jerusalem by signing the pledge on our new campaign website on www.keepjerusalemunited.org
Press release ECI Launches Call for Prayer for a United JerusalemBrussels, 7th June, 2011 – The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1.Water Found Beneath Jerusalem David Dolan June 16th Construction workers in Jerusalem have discovered a large underground cave full of fresh flowing water. Officials say it is the most substantial underground water reservoir ever uncovered in the land. Scientists from Hebrew University who have been exploring the cave say it’s located about 150 feet below the ground. It appears to be around 30 feet high and stretches for some distance before cascading into the mountain aquifer that exists below the hills of Judea and Samaria. The cave was uncovered while workers were drilling a shaft into the ground in preparation for a new subway railroad that will run from Jerusalem to Israel’s Ben Gurion international airport and the nearby city of Tel Aviv. Officials say the planned subway line will probably have to be built elsewhere as a result of the huge fresh water discovery underneath the current site of the central Jerusalem bus station. The cave also runs below the city’s largest public auditorium where the annual Christian Feast of Tabernacles celebration is held every autumn. Officials say the potable water discovery is almost as good as finding large oil deposits or gold. Lets give the Lord thanks & praise for supplying all of Israel's water & energy needs
2. Growing Oppostion to Obama's Demand for Pre 67 Borders Israel Today News June 10 Prominent US Senators on Thursday threw another wrench in the Middle East peace plans of President Barack Obama when they proposed a new resolution opposing an Israeli withdrawal to its pre-1967 borders. The draft resolution presented by senators Orrin Hatch and Joe Lieberman states that "it is contrary to United States policy and national security to have the borders of Israel return to the armistice lines that existed on June 4, 1967." Echoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the senators insisted that the 1967 borders were indefensible, and invited Arab attacks on the narrow Jewish state. The resolution is supported by at least 30 other senators, and possibly many more. The resolution comes just weeks after a joint session of Congress made the extraordinary move of providing a foreign leader - Netanyahu - with a platform to oppose the policies of the US president. Congress was unhappy that just days prior to Netanyahu's address Obama had publically called for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders for the sake of peace. Analysts noted that Obama's statements had for the first time turned Arab demands that peace be based on a full and complete Israeli withdrawal the official policy of the White House. Please pray that Obama's vision will be a total non-event3. Hizbollah Increases Control in Lebanon Israel Today News June 14th While the international community remains excited about the perceived spread of democracy in the Middle East, one of the region's only true democracies is now fully under the control of Islamist radicals. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday finally announced his new cabinet, and it is made up primarily of Hizballah representatives and their allies. Of the 30 cabinet ministers, 19 belong either to Hizballah or to smaller Christian parties that are allied with the Muslim terrorists. Mikati himself, despite being a Sunni Muslim, was the prime ministerial candidate supported by the Shiite Hizballah after former Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned in protest over the Islamists' growing power. On Monday, Hariri slammed the new government as a "Hizballah government." Syrian government officials praised the formation of the new Hizballah-dominiated cabinet, which is also expected to strengthen ties between Lebanon and the Iranian regime. Please pray that the northern border remains quiet for as long as possibleArabs and leftists hurled rocks at IDF soldiers in southern Samaria Wednesday, breaking the leg of one of the soldiers. They continued to pummel him with rocks after he fell to the ground. Other soldiers came to their friend’s rescue and began firing in the air. The Arabs did not heed their calls to stop the attack and the soldiers proceeded to fire at the Arabs, wounding one of them moderately and another lightly. The soldier whose leg was broken was evacuated and received first aid. Ever since the Nakba Day and Naksa Day disturbances, there is ongoing rioting by Arabs and their Israel-hating collaborators throughout Judea and Samaria. 4. Supposedly "Non-Violent" Arabs & Leftists Break Soldiers Leg Israel National News June 15th please pray for the safety of Israel’s soldiers as they guard Israel's increasingly troubled borders
5. Are Many "Palestinians" Really Jews? israel Today News June 16th In the shadow of the conflict over the Promised Land more and more Palestinians are disclosing the truth: Entire families are considering conversion to Judaism. They claim that their ancestors were forced to choose between religion (Judaism) and remaining on the Land, and hence, they were compelled to convert to Islam. On our forays into the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria we have met many Palestinians who have told us about their Jewish ancestry. For their own protection, we cannot publish everything that we were told. These Palestinians are part of the seed of Israel and could be called “Palestinian Marranos” - like the “secret Jews” of Spain in the 15th century who were forced to convert to Christianity, but covertly remained observant Jews. By returning to the Jewish religion and nation, they foresee a peaceful resolution of the conflict. “My great great-grandparents immigrated to Israel from Yemen about 300 years ago,” Mohammed Sir told Israel Today. “My grandfather and my father told me that we are actually Jews. As Jews they would have been forced to pay protection money in order to live here under Islamic rule.”Please pray that the true origin of many Arabs will be revealed soon6. Gazan's Enjoy New Water Park Israel Today News June 14th Gaza is the most destitute place on earth, and the people there live in abject poverty and despair. That is why humanitarian aid flotillas regularly try to break the heinous Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory. At least, that's what the international media wants its viewers to believe. Stories of suffering sell more newspapers and advertising slots, after all. But once again, the truth that Gaza is no better or worse off than anywhere else in the Middle East has been revealed in a series of photographs showing local residents enjoying the opening of a new water amusement park. The park, which features massive water slides, rides for children and luscious green lawns is located in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis, which is often referred to by mainstream media outlets as a "refugee camp." Nor is the Khan Younis water park the only one of its kind in Gaza. In September of last year, Israel Todayr eported on the popular and luxurious "Crazy Water Park" in Gaza City after it became the target of Hamas fanatics intent on maintaining image of Gaza as a place of squalor.
Also last year, Gaza City became home to a new luxury shopping mall that rivals those in Tel Aviv. With such amenities popping up in a region that purportedly has less than nothing, a few rare foreign journalists started to notice that something was amiss, and to report the truth. Last summer, a prominent Washington Post reporter revealed that grocery stores in Gaza are "stocked wall-too-wall with everything from fresh Israeli yogurts and hummus to Cocoa Puffs smuggled in from Egypt. Pharmacies look as well-supplied as a typical Rite Aid in the United States." That despite the fact that Gaza continues to receive enormous amounts of humanitarian aid, enough to nearly feed and care for the entire population for free. Even Arab journalists began to expose the Gaza lie, such as when Egyptian reporter Ashraf Al-Houl wrote that "the sight of merchandise and luxuries filling Gaza shops amazed me." Al-Houl went on to note that "a sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast."Please pray that the worlds recognises the true situation in Gaza. Canada Proudly Boycotts Resolution on Durban Commemorative Meeting ICEJ Canada June 13th7 Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird, is pleased to announce that Canada proudly boycotted action on a United Nations General Assembly resolution which sets out the details for a high-level meeting to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the 2001 hateful and anti-Semitic Durban Conference. On November 25, 2010, Canada announced that it would not participate in the 10th anniversary event, scheduled for September 22, 2011. “Canada has already made it clear that under this government’s leadership, we will not lend our good name to a meeting which seeks to commemorate the original Durban Conference and its declaration, which was flawed with anti-Semitic and hateful rhetoric,” said Minister Baird. “We were the first country to announce we would not participate in the 10-year anniversary, and we are pleased that other like-minded nations have joined Canada’s leadership in boycotting this meeting. “As such, no Canadian delegation attended today’s meeting of the General Assembly, as a sign of protest.”Please pray that your country will follow Canada's example
8. BREAKING NEWS: 4 Killed in Building Explosion in Netanya Ha Aretz News June 17Four people were killed and over 88 were injured in a explosion early Friday morning in an apartment building in downtown Netanya. The circumstances surrounding the explosion are still unclear, but first estimates indicate that the damage was the result of a gas explosion. Major damage was caused to the apartment building and to other nearby buildings on Herzl Street in Netanya's Independence Square, an area frequented by many tourists. The smell of gas continues to pervade the area. Please pray for the injured and the families of those killed
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011 http://youtu.be/Jt601Euxz8A
NEW Israels Great Financial Future http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Hal%20Lindsay.wmv
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel NEW Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Glenn%20Beck.wmv
Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=13603556&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63hTOaRu7h4&feature=player_embedded#at=103
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4dksiRW-Yg
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures http://www.youtube.com/user/israelmedia1#p/a/u/1/mQFWi6cCUtY
Interesting info from an Arab perspective http://www.shoebat.com/videos/speak2arab.php
For those who want to boycott Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIQto3KPUM&eurl
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:
The Middle East Problem
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