Shalom Brothers and Sisters and Greetings in the Wonderful Name of our Messiah Yahshua/Jesus,
I received the below prophecy from a sister in the faith and I believe with all of my heart that it is truth. Please take time to read it and you can discern for yourself but I do believe that it is truth.
May we remain in the King and stay in His Word. As we abide in Him, He will abide in us and our faith and love for our Messiah grow stronger every day.
A fellow sister in the faith!
Prophecy - 16 June 2011 - Flip van Coller
While praying, I was led to wrote these words...
There comes a time and an hour when the whole earth will be shaken and every man will gasp with fear and believe not their eyes. This day is close, closer than you may think; the day terror will rain on the face of the earth. Then the people will run around in circles, confused and they will see no outcome. This will not only happen in Israel, but will be across the whole world....everybody will see Me...My power and My strength.
Everybody will know that it is to late and those who do not know Me will fall into a state of panic and their legs will grow weak. They will flee in their confusion and seek for an outcome but My hand will be pulled back till the very end. They will embrace the Enemy’s aid and be like puppets following the strong. But My people will hear My Voice and follow Me wherever I lead them through the wilderness.
Like as in the days of Noah, so shall it be... Like in the days of Moses and Elijah, so shall it be... The Enemy shall come and fear will overpower people seeing things they have seen in Movies. The Enemy shall come in his power, strength and majesty causing people to follow him through fear and panic, becoming like clay in his hands.
My people, the flock of My pastures shall see Me and hear Me, they will follow like Israel followed Moses. They will find their rest and peace in Me.
The Enemy will seek out My prophets, hunt them down and kill them, the Watchman I have anointed and called to fulfil My purpose. But I will lead my people and those who follow Me will not be entrapped by the Enemy, but they will find their peace in Me.
The heavens will be shaken and you will see things more dramatic than you can ever imagine, all the things spoken of in My Word.
I will stretch out my hand to those who know Me, those who follow Me. The time is close and you must prepare your selves for the time that is to come. Do not lean on your own strength or provision, I will look after you. Like I did with Israel, I will I feed you and nourish you with water from a rock. You will see that I am the Almighty and that My Word is true.
Everything will happen again like it did in the past, parallel and compact...history upon history...time upon time...the waves of prophecy will overcome you as I make My Word true through your lives. You will see that I am YHVH and that there are no other than Me. Those who will follow the Enemy will see that I am God and that there is no one higher than Me.
I will laugh from on high, from the heaven, as I trample My enemies under My feet. Follow Me and live...follow the Enemy and become like dust under My feet. You will be a testimony of My Power.
Prepare! The time is near! I come with fire in my hands and will cast it down onto the earth to cleanse it from all unrighteousness and to prepare the way for My Presence. I come and My coming is near! Tell people let them know, it will soon be to late!
Everybody will see that I am the End, the One that brings an end to all unrighteousness and Who cleanses everything. They will see that I am the Beginning, the One Who will restore everything and make it new like I planned it to be in the beginning.
Be part of My Plan, take My hand and I will lead you through the Jordan, so that you can taste My rest and my peace, so that you can be with Me forever.
You are invited and my invitation stands. Call the poor, the blind, the cripple and those who can’t hear. Call them and let them come close, for the Feast Table is prepared and My Father awaits the arrival of His children coming home. I knock, open up! The Door will soon close and those on the outside will note taste My peace. Come, while there is still time. Crown Me as your King and I will make you My Bride. I love you and await your answer. I am the One Who was, Who is and is to come. My time is near.
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