Dream given by Yahweh

You will find the dream typed in WHITE and the interpretation in another colour below.  This is what Yahshua/Jesus revealed to me in a dream before I was aware of the fall of the dollar and the current crisis in America/around the world.
19th June 2010 – 6:50am

I flew up to Rustenburg to my parents and my family and I were driving around in the car.  We drove around one particular block at least 3 or 4 times and as we were driving I saw flower arrangements.  The flowers were perfect flower arrangements.  Each time we drove around the block, another flower arrangement was added.
Then I saw a shop and my sister mentioned, whilst pointing to the shop, that the clothes were really cheap and nice.  She wanted to go shopping there.  I saw men’s winter pajamas’ through the window and remembered that I wanted to buy some for my husband.  Begging my Dad to stop there we got out and went inside to have a look. 
The pajamas were not what I was looking for as all the bottom pieces were shorts.  I saw something that I liked and wanted to try it on.  I tried it on but my stomach was showing so I didn’t take it.
Interpretation: People are naked before the King of kings, God Almighty and the scripture says ‘Men of earth, you don’t know how poor, wretched and naked you are.  You might have much in earthly riches but truly you are poor and have nothing.   Yahshua/Jesus Blood saves us and covers us and through Him we are clothed with righteousness.
I found a wallet in the fitting room and in the wallet was dollar bills and rands.
Interpretation:  Yahweh/God showed me that the dollar would become weaker and eventually fall.  The rand has always been weak against the dollar bill but eventually the rand would be its equal.  The fact that the dollar bills were found in a cheap clothing store is that the dollar value will become very bad and eventually worthless.  A new currency would have to take its place.
When I found the wallet I tried to find a Manager who I could give it to, someone that could be trusted.  I went outside and there was a pool where a lot of people were swimming.  All of a sudden it turned night.  I was no longer the person who found the wallet but it was another lady with blonde hair.  She ran back to the clothing store where the pool was, that place seemed like a holiday resort.
Interpretation: Unfortunately people are enjoying the pleasures of this world and have forsaken Yahweh/God of the Bible and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  People of earth have forsaken Yahshua/Jesus’s sacrifice and the Word of Yahweh/God.  Revelations says that the world drinks from the whore of Babylon and they have gone mad.  No longer is Yahweh/God feared and His Son Yahshua/Jesus is mocked.  People are too comfortable where they’re at, enjoying the rich and good pleasures of this life.  The enemy of this world, satan, has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving and lead astray in their hearts.  Yahweh says in the Bible that they will say peace peace, but there is no peace and sudden destruction will come from the Almighty.  The fact that the day turned to night suddenly, so suddenly will destruction come in one hour Revelations 18.  As people drink of idolatry, whoring, sexual immorality, witchcraft and drugs, removing the Word of Yahweh from every area of life, deception has crept in and no longer can anyone discern the difference between what is right or wrong.
The blonde head lady, who had the wallet, ran back inside to the shop but there were a whole bunch of men who followed her inside with the intention of raping her.  She was filled with fear.
Interpretaion:  We as people have settled for second best, we have allowed the governance of evil men and the works of the devil to rape us of our freedom and eternal salvation in Yahshua/Jesus for the pleasures of this life.
I looked outside and there was a river with marsh.  There was a hand seen in the marsh and water, that hand used something which created an electrical frequency that zapped a plant in the water and marsh.  Chaos immediately erupted, the very same plant/tulip erupted into a huge mountain and it grew suddenly and speedily into an enormous mountain. 
Interpretation:  The electrical current is the machine now known as HAARP which government authorities have made that can create earthquakes, volcanoes to erupt and storms.  They are tampering with creation and the way things were made to naturally run which is dangerous.  Man manipulating creation for his own purposes.
The mountain is a symbol of a government, a nation that will rise up suddenly.  Daniel 7 – One World Government.
Animals were running from their natural habitat with fear.  Suddenly four huge moons appeared behind the original moon, shining so bright that people could not look at it.
Interpretation: The four moons represent that in four coming months all these things given in this dream would take place. 
Dream given on the 19th June 2010 (original moon) + 19 July, 19 August (one month), 19 September  (second month), October (third month) and November (fourth month).
After the original month and an extra four months of this dream being given, major earthquakes started taking place in the world and up to date we have experienced tremendous amounts of storms, earthquakes and tornadoes erupting.  On the 24th November 2010 Russia and China shook hands on agreeing to quit the dollar and trade in their own currencies – why?

There were lots of Chinese people that started appearing in the dream.

Interpretation: China has one of the largest armies in the world next to America.  Unfortunately the American Governent has intentionally gotten involved with the affairs of other countries dispersing their troops making their army weaker.  Weak enough not to defend itself against an invasion?  America is so much in debt with China, America couldn’t print enough money to pay it back.  Aslo consider the Arab uprizing which has taken place, great civil unrest is happening all over the world.

This dream, given by Yahweh/God Almighty, has been fulfilled and I am being obedient to share it with you.  It says in Revelations that the enemy has been sent down to earth and he is filled with wrath because he knows his time is short.  Revelations explains the wrath of the devil and the wrath of Yahweh which  will come upon the face of the earth and it is called the great tribulation.  Revelations says that even though these things will come upon the whole earth, many hearts will be hardened and some will not repent of their abominations before the Almighty and against His Word.  The Bride of the Groom Yahshua, she is making herself ready, the virgins according to Matthew 25, having enough oil – obeying the Words of her Groom.

I pray that we prepare ourselves for the King and that we are kept in the great tribulation that is coming upon the face of the earth.  There is NO pre-tribulation rapture!!!  Yahweh says in Psalm 91 that He will keep His people through it. 

Yahweh sent the plagues against Egypt to reveal to the Egyptians and Pharaoh that He is the only living God and for them to repent and turn to Him, but Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and Pharaoh did not repent.

My prayer is that you come to know the goodness of Yahweh/God Almighty and the wonderful redemptive plan through Yahshua Messiah/Jesus.  I pray that if you know Him you will seek Him more and have an ever increasing intimate relationship with the Father.  It is not about religion, it is about relationship.  As a parent speaks to his or her children, so the Father wants to speak to you as his son or daughter.  Love Him as He loves you and obey the commandments He placed in His Word for us to have life and peace.  King David said that Yahweh’s Word was a light unto his feet and a lamp unto his path meditating on His Laws and Precepts Day and Night.

Those who are far off I pray you will draw near and realize how much He loves you.  Yahweh says in His Word that He relents in sending calamity but rather that the nations should repent, turn back to Him and receive the salvation given freely through Messiah Yahshua/Jesus.

Be blessed on your journey and may we be kept from the hour of temptation coming upon the face of the earth.

Porest poor in US hits new record high - Yahoo News - 4th November 2011 - http://news.yahoo.com/poorest-poor-us-hits-record-1-15-people-040233161.html

NOTE: This is an article printed on Infowars webpage concerning the FALL OF THE DOLLAR and more....What Yahweh, God Almighty revealed to me through His Spirit concering the dollar and the fall of it is coming to pass.
Kurt Nimmo
Infowars Nightly News - http://www.infowars.com/nightly-news-ows-in-canada-dollar-falls-americans-support-second-amendment/

October 27, 2011

On the Thursday, October 27 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with Dan Dicks of the alternative media outfit Press for Truth about the Occupy Wall Street movement in Canada. Press for Truth has covered Occupy Toronto and the symbolic take over of the financial district. 

Alex covers the casino roller-coaster stock market and the fall of the dollar after the EU agreed on write-downs as it grapples with Greece and the debt crisis. 

Other topics covered on tonight’s show include:

The hypocrisy of Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama bombing Libya, a war crime resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and the maiming of countless others.

The Stop Online Piracy Act introduced in Congress and its ramifications for the First Amendment.
DHS boss Napolitano’s knowledge of the ATF’s gun-running to Mexican drug cartels despite her claim she did not know until only recently about the op.

A new scientific study revealing that influenza vaccines only prevent the disease in 1.5 out of every 100 adults.
A Gallup poll demonstrating that a majority of Americans support the Second Amendment and a full 49% own a firearm. 


Dream given to Janine by Yahweh/God Almighty, Yahshua/Jesus in Oct 2010 + Jan 2011

Shalom Family,
I would like to share with you what I believe Abba Father has shared with me and in all things, everything must be tested.  I believe this message confirms what Yahweh has revealed to many of the brothers and sisters and it confirms what we all know is in His Word/Bible.  I believe He is in control and I know we have an enemy who is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  Many prefer not to worry about what is going to happen and not focus on the last days.  I do agree that we should not worry and keep our eyes fixed on Yahshua/Jesus but I do believe that Yahweh/God spoke to Daniel, the Prophets and John to inform us of the coming events. 
The scripture says in Ezekiel ‘When the watchman on the tower sees the sword coming against the land, he is to warn the people’.  Yahshua also said My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you.  That is an inward peace we will have, as believers of the faith, in Yahshua/Jesus when all these things spoken of in Revelations and Matthew 24 comes upon the earth.
I woke up on the morning of the 23rd January 2011 having a dream and the two important points in the dream was the following;
1.        We drove past a huge mansion, it was gigantic in size and the plot was huge but it seemed run down.  It had moss growing all over it.
2.       We were walking past a huge container and suddenly the container tipped over and dropped a load of bricks on top of a person that was walking past.
Abba Father woke me up with this interpretation;
1.        Do not store where moth and rust destroy, but store in the Kingdom of Heaven where neither are.
2.       People, the unsaved, are in for a long, hard journey up ahead and THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW IT.  It will take place suddenly.  People have put their trust in their wealth, their stocks, their bonds, their jobs which will fall suddenly in one hour.  People that were once rich will be on the streets begging for bread and standing in soup kitchen queues. 
Abba Father lead me to read James CH 5V1-3
Come now, rich ones weep, crying aloud over the hardships coming upon you.  Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth eaten.  Your gold and silver have become rusty and their rust shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh like fire.  You have laid up treasure in the last days.

At this point Abba Father reminded me of 2 dreams He gave me last year in 2010 with the following interpretation;

A great deception has been and is sweeping over the nations and slowly but surely blinding the masses.  People will not know the difference between right or wrong and what is real and what is fantasy.
The dollar WILL crash and mean absolutely nothing.  The new currency will take its place and there will be chaos.  What was worth something will mean absolutely nothing, people’s investments; savings will be lost in one day.  Many chinese people involved in the dream concerning America. (Please have a read concerning Brother Bob's dream below)

I donot share these things to elevate myself nor do I desire to cause fear but rather out of obedience share what I believe the Father has shared.  We must be aware, be awake and know that Yahweh is in control.  Psalm 2 says “Evil men conspire against Yahweh and His anointed, but Yahweh laughs at them”. 

We must share the gospel with as many people as possible and continue to keep our eyes on the King, being prayerful and watchful even as evil is increasing.  No matter what lies ahead, our King is with those who put their trust in Him.

Be blessed our redemption draws nigh.


Confirming Brother Bob


March 14, 2011


I have been a regular visitor to your site, and reader of the articles you post for many years.  Many of the prophetic visions that people reveal to you have greatly impacted me, but the vision Brother Bob received and revealed to you brought me chills and tears.

Steve, I can’t reveal any specific information about myself, but just to give you a bit of background about myself, I will tell you that I am highly trained in military combatives, and tactical hand-to-hand combat.  I have trained and trained with SEAL teams, other acknowledged military special forces units, and also officially unacknowledged black ops teams.  I have been engaged in a wide variety of martial arts training for about 25 years, and I’m an expert in hand-to-hand combat, edged and improvised weapons, and close quarters combat tactics.  I honestly cannot tell you some of the things I have been told by the men I have worked and trained with, but I can tell you that some of it is quite chilling (and you and Hawk are right on the money about many things).  However, Brother Bob’s email moved me as nothing ever before has.

Steve I honestly say to you, as honestly and truly, and as much in GOD’s name as it can be said...I myself had a dream that was so frighteningly similar (the martial law section of the dream, at least) I thought I was reading about my own dream (save for the parts involving him specifically being tortured for being a man of GOD).  My dream also began with me floating out over the Pacific and seeing things unfold from an almost 3rd person perspective.  I saw the attack on the US begin by Chinese troops, who were being supported by what appeared to be North Korean troop units.  Further, I saw strategic nuke strikes on Seattle, LA, and fair number of other Western and Mid-Western US cities (I also think that D.C. and other Eastern US cities suffered strategic nuke assault as well).

I then entered into my own body in the Eastern half of the US, and the enemy troops attacking here appeared to be Russian troops (led by GRU/Spetznatz special forces units), and the Russians were being supported by Central and/or Eastern European troops (could these have been the German troops Brother Bob saw?), and Latin American troops that I think were Venezuelan, but may have been Cuban, or a mix of the two.  The Russian special forces were a mix of sleeper units, and strategic strike teams that came up through Florida after staging in Cuba/Venezuela, and down through Canada.

A mix of Russian and Chinese troops came up and across the Mexican border, and fanned out very precisely into the regions they’d been pre-designated to attack.  In the Eastern half of the US the Russian Special forces units, that I’ve come to refer to as shock troops carried out the EXACT SAME tortures as those Brother Bob saw the Asian troops carrying out.  This was horrific.

They did this specifically to shock their captives into not fighting back, and to make sure rumors of their brutality spread to other parts of the nation and thereby began to break any potential resistance US citizens would put up.  Those of us that escape to the mountains as soon as the attacks begin have a chance to survive.  Not sure why (maybe the Russian still have a bad taste from what happened to them in Afghanistan in the 70’s and 8o’s), but they don’t follow anyone into the mountains...at least not initially.

This attack was ordered by the UN.

The timing was as the US economy further collapses, and the US loses it’s place as the premier economic and military entity on the planet (our troops are spread way too thin because we’re engaged in way too many military/political entanglements at the same time) and riots and such begin in this nation.  The US declares martial law to try to keep the populace under control.  The red, blue, etc., list protocols are activated, and the National Guard and select US troop units (which I now know to be the select North-Com units) begin rounding people up.

The US blacks-out communications to the world, but rumors get out that the US gov’t is engaged in mass imprisonment and assassination of it’s own people.  The UN uses this as the basis to sanction China and Russia as it’s new world police force and they are given the go ahead to attack, enter into, and restore order in the US and to “save the American citizens from their corrupt and evil leaders”.  This is all a ruse to finally destroy the US and bring it’s people to their knees once and for all.  We were so unprepared and far too busy fighting amongst ourselves to stop this invasion.

They walked right over us.

After they defeated us, they started their own propaganda news service and told the world that they were restoring order and proper gov’t to the US, but in actuality they restarted the red, blue, etc., list protocols and continued assassinating and “re-educating”people so designated.

You can see why I tried to forget this dream for so many years.  Steve, the pieces continue to fall into place, and I don’t think we have much time left my dear brother.  I had my dream in December of 2003 (the 22nd and the 23rd...two nights in a row, to be precise), and since that time I have done nothing but try to prepare for what I know (but have been so fearful of, and have honestly tried to forget) is coming.

I was told, directly, by someone in a high place that I am on the red list.  This man offered me a position as an assassin and trainer of assassins for these people, and when I flatly turned him down, he stated that if I knew what was good for me and my family, and understood what was coming here I’d take this position.  Otherwise, I’ll be one of the first targets (because I’m too highly trained, and too well-informed/knowledgeable), and my family (especially the my female family members) can expect to be treated as the spoils of war.

Steve, though the US may fall, I KNOW which side ultimately wins, and that none can stand before Our FATHER when HE decides that it is HIS time. But with that being said, I’m now starting to think that it’s about time for me to disappear brother.  I pray all our brethren find their way to safety through the Grace, Mercy and Love of our FATHER.  I sincerely wish for the best for you, Hawk, all your other friends and associates, all of your families, and as many people as our FATHER finds it in HIS will to save.

Sincerely yours in our FATHER and our beloved MESSIAH.