Thursday, May 19, 2011

The latest news from Israel - The CARMEL ALERT May 20th 2011

Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly),
Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment:  After Nakbah Day 2011Jeremiah 30:3   'For behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD, 'that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,' says the LORD. 'And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.'"   (NKJ)
Last week the Jewish world celebrated Yom Hatzmaut or Independence Day #63, rejoicing the miraculous restoration of the modern state of Israel on May 14th 1948.  This past Sunday the Arab world also remembered the same event.  However Israel's neighbours were not celebrating, more like they were mourning the day they call The Nakbah or the Catastrophe.   For 63 years the Arab world has been cursing the day that God kept His covenant promises to the Jewish people and gave them their country back.

Almost every year there has been organised protests and there have been several instances of limited violence, but nothing close to the scale of protest and violence that took place last Sunday.  Due to the massive level of unrest and the violent spirit that seems to have been released over the Arab world, Israel was expecting that this year's Nakbah day events would be more intense than usual.  To make matters worse, several weeks ago someone launched a Facebook page with the aim of enlisting millions of Arabs to rise up and storm Israel's borders on May 15th.  The page was quickly removed but the information kept circulating around the Middle East encouraging Arabs to gather in mass on Israel's borders.  Another dynamic that threatened to inflame the situation was the reconciliation of the feuding Fatah and Hamas factions.

The Israeli government took the threatened assault on the nations borders very seriously and prepared the army for any eventuality, moving large numbers of troops and extra equipment into strategic locations along the border in advanced of the 15th.  As it turned out on the day, the threatened millions did not arrive, but there were hundreds in some places and thousands in other places.  150 managed to penetrate the Israeli / Lebanon border and 400 broke through at the Israel / Syria border.  The Israeli soldiers had no choice but to open fire and in the ensuing chaos, a total of 13 Arabs were killed at the various locations.  Some of them may have been killed by Lebanese government soldiers.

True to form, howls of protest were heard from the Arab world, claiming that the IDF attacked peaceful protesters.  If you saw news reports on your television, you will agree with me, that they were not peaceful protesters, but were a violent rabble intent of causing death and destruction to the nation and the people that they have been indoctrinated from birth to hate and to drive into the sea.   Surprisingly media criticism of Israel's actions in defending her borders has been relatively low key.  Perhaps the reason is that the number of deaths and injuries on Nakbah day pales into insignificance compared to the numbers killed and injured as a result of the uprisings across the Arab world over the last few months.

What did become very clear from the events of May 15th, is how deeply hatred for Israel and the Jewish people is ingrained in the majority of Arab people, particulalry the young people.  If the IDF soldiers had not been there to stop them, I hate to think how many Israelis would have been killed as the would
be infiltrators pillaged, raped and murdered there way to their ultimate target -  Jerusalem. 

In light of the violence across the Muslim nation in the Middle East & Nth Africa and the ingrained Islamic hatred of Israel, the Western world has to be realistic and recognise the fact that the prospects of peace between Israel and the Arabs are extremely slim, if not totally non-existent.  It is an ancient hatred that goes back to Isaac & Ishmael, Jacob & Esua, and Israel & the Amelekites.  

To close on a more positive note there are two rays of hope to to bring peace to these two closely related peoples plagued by 3000 years of conflict.  The first is to pray for their salvation and infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the second is to increase our prayer & intercession for the full restoration of Israel.  When the majority of Jews are back in the land of their forefathers, back in an intimate convenant relationship with their Heavenly Father, they will complete the 'great commission' to take the good news of the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.  Then the end will come and Yeshua the Prince of Peace will return to re-establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and then Jew & Arab and the rest of the world will live in peace for a 1000 years and then forever in the New Jerusalem   .......  The sons of Ishmael will no longer call it Nakbah   -   Maranatha YESHUA !!!
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie

1. Violence and rioting mark Palestinian "Nakba Day"    ICEJ News   May 16th     Israel's Mission at the United Nations in New York announced on Monday that the Jewish State will submit a formal complaint to the UN Security Council against Syria and Lebanon for breach of UNSC resolutions and violation of international law following "Nakba Day" riots on the northern border Sunday.  UN General Secretary Ban ki-Moon noted the fact that the incidents, in which as many as 13 people were killed and over a hundred others wounded, originated in Syrian and Lebanese territory. He also called on all sides to show restraint and refused to blame Israel or the Arab countries.  The most serious incidents occurred on Syria's border with the Golan Heights, where over 100 people breached the border fence near the Golan Druze village of Majdal Shams. Most were quickly arrested but on Monday the IDF was still searching for several people who eluded them overnight.  Incidents also occurred on the border between Israel and the Hamas ruled Gaza Strip, resulting in dozens of injuries and one death, although the IDF said the Palestinian who was killed was attempting to plant a bomb.
   There were also violent protests in eastern Jerusalem and throughout the West Bank on Sunday and an Israeli Arab truck driver in Tel Aviv went on a rampage, killing one Israeli pedestrian and wounding several others. There were scattered reports of violence in other cities around the country, but overall police said the day was much quieter than they'd feared it would be, although many said these were the worst riots in years. Leaders of the demonstrations as well as bystanders said that the recent events in other Arab countries have inspired people, especially those who are too young to remember the futility of past violence.
   Senior Israeli officials accused Syrian President Assad as well as Iran of supporting the violent infiltration in order to draw attention away from Assad's brutal crackdown on his own people as well as internal problems in the Islamic Republic. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he hoped the situation would calm down soon, while Defense Minister Ehud Barak praised the IDF for acting with restraint that prevented an even bigger death toll and promised that his troops would learn from this incident, which he warned was probably just the first of many.   Hamas leaders hailed the events as "the beginning of the end of the occupation of Palestine" and Palestinian Authority President Abbas called those who were killed martyrs to the Palestinian cause, adding "their precious blood will not be wasted. It was spilt for the sake of our nation's freedom."   Meanwhile, Israeli embassies in several cities around the world were surrounded by large crowds chanting anti-Israel slogans and burning flags. Police in Egypt, Jordan and several other countries used tear gas and other crowd control measures to keep the crowds from attacking the buildings  
Please pray for peace & security to be maintained on Israel's borders
2. Three Officers and Ten IDF Soldiers Wounded in Riots     IDF Website  May 15    During the violent events which took place on Sunday (May 15) on Nakba Day,  specifically those which took place near the Lebanon and Syria borders,   three IDF officers, ten soldiers and three Israeli civilians were wounded.  All were lightly injured as a result of rocks hurled at them by protestors.   One of those injured was an infantry Golani Brigade officer, Col. Eshkol Shukrun, who was lightly wounded from rocks hurled at him in the village of Majdal Shams. Despite his injury, Col. Shukrun continued to command troops in the area, working to disperse the rioters and infiltrators who managed to enter Israeli territory from Syria.      IDF reinforcements continue to operate in the area, currently working with Israel Police forces to calm the region where the conflicts took place. The IDF sees the Syrian and Lebanese governments as responsible for every violent act toward or provocation of Israel from their territories. The IDF warns that it will respond accordingly to any attempt to attack its citizens or property.  Please pray for a full & rapid recovery of the injured soldiers3. Hamas Admits Peace Accors is a Prelude to War     Israel National News   May 11th     Saying Hamas would accept a PA state based on the "1967 borders," Zahar made it clear a peace accord would only serve as a prelude to Israel's destruction. Zahar, who has served as Hamas' foreign minister in Gaza since 2006, said Hamas would not recognize Israel because doing so would "cancel the right of the next generation to liberate the land."  "If the Palestinian state does not encompass all of Israel the next generation will liberate the land," Zahar said.   Zahar added recognition of Israel could lead to a de facto cancellation of the "right of return" - a term Arabs use when demanding that Israel allow millions of Arabs into Haifa, Tel Aviv and the rest of its cities and communities.  "What will be the fate of the five million Palestinians in the diaspora?" Zahar asked.    Zahar told Maan his faction's unit deal with Fatah which included maintaining a ceasefire with Israel, is "part of the resistance, not a cancellation."   �A truce is not peace," Zahar said. Please pray that the real intentsions of the Arab world towards Israel be revealed
4. PM Netanyahu: Palestinian Refusal to Recognise Israel is the Root of the Conflict   Jerusalem Post   May 15th    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday said that the events of Nakba Day proved that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is "not a conflict on 1967 but a conflict on 1948, and on the right of Israel to exist."   Netanyahu, speaking at the opening of the Knesset's Summer Session and commemorating the anniversary of Theodore Herzl's death, put forth what is widely believed to be the diplomatic message he will take to Washington, where he is scheduled to address the US Congress later this week.
5.  Not All Palestinians Want a State    Israel Today News    May 17th    Come September, the international community in all its great wisdom will seek to solve the Israeli-Arab conflict by birthing a Palestinian state on the ancient Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria. Half of the biblical city of Jerusalem will be the capital of that state.  The world insists that for the Palestinian Arabs to experience dignity and live meaningful lives, and for Israelis to have security, a Palestinian state is a must. Jews and Arabs cannot have peace any other way, according to world leaders.   But for years, those Jews living in Judea and Samaria, and the handful of Arabs brave enough to speak openly, have argued that peace begins and ends with them, and that they already live together in relative harmony.  In order to catch a glimpse of what the mainstream media so often ignores as it stokes the fires of the Israeli-Arab conflict Israel Today visited one of these communities where Jews and Arabs have already forged peace on their own terms, and all without the need for diplomatic intervention and international treaties.
6. Obama's Vision For Peace in the Middle East   Har Aretz News   May 19th   U.S. President Barack Obama said Thursday that the U.S. endorses the Palestinians' demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war.  "The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," Obama stressed during a major Mideast policy speech at the State Department.  U.S. President Barack Obama delivering a speech about United States' policy on the Middle East and North Africa at the State Department in Washington May 19, 2011.   "The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state. "    Obama urged Palestinians and Israelis to renew peace talks, and stressed that the Palestinians' efforts to delegitimize Israel will fail.   "For the Palestinians, efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure. Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won�t create an independent state," Obama said. "Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection. And Palestinians will never realize their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist."
   The president stressed that the recent Fatah-Hamas reconciliation raises profound and legitimate questions for Israel.   "Israel must be able to defend itself � by itself � against any threat," said Obama, adding that provisions must be "robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism; to stop the infiltration of weapons; and to provide effective border security."   Obama emphasized the United States' close friendship with Israel and restated its commitment to Israel's security, but urged Israel to make bold moves to advance peace.   "As for Israel, our friendship is rooted deeply in a shared history and shared values. Our commitment to Israel�s security is unshakeable. And we will stand against attempts to single it out for criticism in international forums. But precisely because of our friendship, it is important that we tell the truth: the status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace."
    Obama said the Arab revolution across the Middle East and North Africa speaks to a longing of freedom that has built up for years and has led to the overturning of tyrants - without perhaps more to fall. He embraced the call for change and compared it to signature moments of American history.  Obama stressed that the astonishing ripples across the region show that repression will not work anymore.
Please pray that PM Netanyahu will not buckle under pressure from Obama & Clinton7. Israelis to Land on the Moon     Israel News   May 16th    If all goes according to plan, by December 2012 a team of 3 young Israeli scientists will have landed a tiny spacecraft on the moon, explored the lunar surface, and transmitted live video back to earth, thereby scooping up a $20 million prize - the Google Lunar X Prize, revolutionizing space exploration, and making the Jewish State the third nation (after the U.S. and Russia) to land a probe on the moon. And they are doing it in their spare time.  The three engineers � Yariv Bash (electronics and computers), Kfir Damari (communication systems), and Yonatan Winetraub (satellite systems) all have high-level day jobs in the Israeli science and technology world, and also both teach and study. They all had heard of the Google Lunar X Prize independently, before being introduced by mutual friends who, as Yonatan puts it �thought we were all crazy enough to do it, so we should meet each other.�

    *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *
NEW     Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel    NEW     Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
            Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
           The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
           Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

   other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
            The Middle East Problem

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