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The CARMEL ALERT July 15th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: The Secular Media Sinks To An All Time LowLuke 8:18 "Therefore consider carefully how you listen." (NIV)
I am sure that most of our readers are aware of the huge scandal that has broken out in the UK over phone hacking by journalists working for Britain's biggest selling Sunday tabloid newspaper. These so called 'professional@ journalists are accused of gaining information for their news stories by electronically eaves-dropping (hacking) on mobile phone conversations of murder victims, families of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan and entertainment celebrities. Other accusations are now surfacing that other journalists paid to obtain personal details from the phones of members of the Royal Family.
In todays mass communications world, news is BIG business that generates massive amounts of money. One can only guess the true extent of the underhanded tactics employed by journalist desparate for a big news stories. I feel sorry for the politicians, celebrities and sports stars who are constantly hounded by the media. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has accused journalists of trying to illegally obtain private medical information about his family, details of his bank accounts and his phone messages, a source close to Brown has revealed. Journalists obtained details about Brown's seriously ill son and published a story about him, while other working for an up-market Sunday paper tricked Brown's accountants into handing over financial details, the former prime minister alleges.
The incessant pursuit by the Papperazzi was one of the contributing factors in the horrific accident that ended in the death of Princess Diana. Seems these people know no boundaries when it comes to peoples privacy and personal dignity, if they catch the scent of a story. When it comes to Israel, most media people are typical left wing liberals who take the standard "Israel are the bad guys" position and always report the news from that perspective. On more than a few occasions anti-Israel journalists have been found to have fabricated stories and even paid to set up confrontations between Arabs & Israeli soldiers. In the case of 12 year old Muhammed Durah, supposedly shot dead by Israeli soldiers, one of France's main TV news channels was found guilty in court of false reporting.
Much as changed in the media world of the last few decades. It used to be that professional journalists simply reported the news. However many of today's reporters take it upon themselves to make us think the way they think. The late New Zealand evangelist Barry Smith, who focused on the End Times and thus closely monitored the newspapers for information, used to say "when you read the newspaper, just read the headlines - that's the news - the rest of the article is only someone else's opinion." And generally that someone was not a Bible believer, so we don't want to hear their ungodly opinion.
Another friend, Victor Schlatter, author of several excellent books wrote, "if you don't monitor the news media you are UN-informed and if you do monitor the news media you are MIS-informed." So where does that leave the average person ? - Ignorant or deceived ! Praise God that these days there are alternatives for Bible believers. This is why we send the Carmel Alert out each week. And there are multitudes of other sources on the internet or by regular mail, that provide a Biblical perspective on the major issues in the world today - the main ones being Abortion, Homosexuality and the Arab / Israeli conflict.
I am definitely not accusing every secular journalist of misleading their readers or of using immoral or illegal means to obtain their stories. It is probably only a minority, but when it comes to reporting the Arab / Israeli conflict, sadly the majority do not give a balanced perspective in their reports. Most take the liberal, left wing position that there is such a thing as a 'Palestinian people' and that Israel is illegally occupying their land, and thus they paint Israel as the aggressor and the 'bad boy, on the Middle East block, when ever Israel is forced to take military action against the constant terror.
As Yeshua warned us in the opening verse, we need to carefully consider how we hear, and that goes for what we see as well. What enters our eye-gate or our ear-gate has the potential to change our minds, and our minds have the power to change our hearts. We do need to monitor the news so that we know what is going on in the world around us, but we always need to maintain a Biblical perspective. That means we need to read the Bible, more than we read, watch or hear anything else.
Philipians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-- meditate on these things. (NKJ)
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Rocket Fire from Gaza Resumes Israel Today News July 10th Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired three rockets into southern Israel Saturday night. Two rockets hit open fields near communities in southern Israel, causing no injuries or damage. The third landed inside Gaza. Last week, an Israeli soldier was lightly wounded when a bomb planted by Palestinian terrorists along the Gaza security fence exploded near his tank. Israel Air Force strikes left at least five Palestinians wounded and one missing early Friday in the Gaza Strip, witnesses and officials in the territory said.
The witnesses said that IAF fighter jets struck a smuggling tunnel under the border between southern Gaza and Egypt, where five people were wounded. The Israel Defense Forces spokesman's office said the strikes were in response to response to six homemade missiles fired by militants from Gaza toward towns in southern Israel, marking escalating tension along the Gaza border for the first time in two months.
Some Israelis fear the Palestinians could begin ratcheting up the level of violence ahead of a Palestinian bid to unilaterally declare statehood at the UN in September. While that strategy would seem counterproductive, the international community had demonstrated time and again that its chosen method of dealing with Palestinian violence is appeasement. Please pray that the IDF will be able to apprehend those responsible for firing the rockets
2. Next War With Lebanon Will be Over Natural Gas Israel Today News July 11 Israel and Lebanon have become embroiled in a legal and diplomatic battle over rights to undersea natural gas fields that could potentially turn violent.
Dispute over natural resources has long been a catalyst for war, and few would be surprised if Lebanon's dominant Hizballah terrorist militia used this latest quarrel as justification for a fresh attack on the Jewish state. "Lebanon has warned that it insists on protecting its borders and resources," a spokesman for Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told Bloomberg. Berri and the Lebanese government were responding to an Israeli cabinet vote that defined the nation's maritime borders. Israel was keen to take that step after Lebanon began laying claim to offshore territories that encompass huge natural gas reserves discovered by Israel in recent years.
Last year, Lebanon submitted maps demarcating new maritime borders to the UN. But the lines differ greatly from those decided upon by Israel, and even from those Lebanon itself agreed to years ago. "The line that Lebanon submitted to the UN is significantly south of the Israeli line," said Netanyahu. "It contradicts the line Israel has agreed upon with Cyprus, and what is more significant to me is that it contradicts the line that Lebanon itself concluded with Cyprus in 2007." Israel will submit its own maps to the UN later this week.
The natural gas reserves discovered in the eastern Mediterranean in recent years are estimated to be the largest in the world, and could drastically alter Israel's economic and energy situation. But the new maritime border insisted upon by Lebanon would mean a loss of billion of dollars worth of gas rights to Israel. Israeli firms working the Tamar and Leviathan undersea gas fields announced last year that in addition to the enormous amount of natural gas, there may also be rich oil reserves in the area. Hizballah, which effectively controls Lebanon's government, responded by accusing Israel of "stealing" Lebanon's natural resources, and threatening war. Hizballah has attacked and started war with Israel for less in the past.Please pray that no one will try to attack Israel's gas drilling platform3. Egyptian Gas line Hit Again ICEJ News July 12th Authorities suspect sabotage in the latest explosion to hit the pipeline funneling natural gas from the northern Sinai in Egypt to Israel. The explosion, which occurred Tuesday morning near the town of Al-Arish, caused a fireball and flames which were visible up to 20 kms (12 miles) away. A security guard and members of his family were reported to be injured in the explosion, even as fire trucks and security forces converged on the area in an effort to contain the damage. The explosion was the fourth attack this year on pipelines in Sinai that supply gas to Israel and Jordan. "The most important economic connection between Israel and Egypt is eroding," National Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau told Army Radio. "Electricity disruptions are not expected since we have other energy reserves, however it will be more expensive."Please pray that the pipeline is repaired quickly & better protected in the future
4. Glen Beck Impressed Israeli Lawmakers ICEJ News July 12th Popular and controversial American TV commentator Glenn Beck addressed a gathering of Israeli lawmakers on Monday and won overwhelming praise from nearly everyone present. Speaking at a meeting of the Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee at the invitation of committee chairman MK Danny Danon (Likud), Bech lavished love and praise on the Jewish state. But, Beck warned that many of Israel's leaders, like his own in America, are either afraid or uninterested in telling the truth. "We have created a system of politicians who are afraid to tell the truth. Instead they're telling people what they think they want to hear," said Beck, recalling that he mistakenly viewed Israel as a hostile, war-torn nation before actually visiting himself.
Beck made a surprise visit to Jerusalem in May to help Israel celebrate its 63rd Independence Day. He returned to the US with a newfound zeal for Israel's plight and its biblical mandate. But taking that kind of stand for Israel has come at a price. "I got my first death threat, because I came back and said the truth – the conflict is about the destruction of Israel and the end to the Western way of life," Beck told his new friends in the Knesset. In the face of such hostility, of such determination to not only discredit, but to bring about Israel's demise, Beck said it is easy to get discouraged or scared. "What do we do? Tell the truth. Live our lives with honor, and integrity, and have courage," Beck encouraged the Israelis.
On August 24 Beck will host a "Restoring Courage" rally in Jerusalem. He said thousands are expected to attend, including 70 prominent world politicans and four US presidential candidates. Beck said he hopes the event will help the Israelis to see that they are not alone, even if the mainstream media tries to make it out as if they are. "There are millions of people [who support Israel] that you don't see, because the media doesn't want to tell their story," said Beck. A string of lawmakers present at the meeting spoke after Beck and thanked their American guest for his unwavering Bible-based support of the Jewish state.
5. US Jews Against Re-Division of Jerusalem Israel Today News July 14th A bipartisan survey of American Jewish voters by McLaughlin & Associates found that an overwhelming majority oppose dividing Jerusalem as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of respondents believe Jerusalem must remain fully under Israeli control, even though the Palestinians have made it a "red line" demand that they receive control over the holy city's eastern half. The poll results were somewhat surprising in this regard, as a majority of the American Jewish community is in favor of the "two-state solution" and the creation of a Palestinian Arab state as an end to the Middle East conflict. But American Jewish views may be shifting as the community increasingly sees Israel as facing an existential threat that will eventually reach them as well. Firm majorities said that both Iran and the Palestinians will continue their efforts to eliminate Israel regardless of whatever concessions they are offered. Very few American Jews still believe a lasting and genuine peace is achievable via diplomatic means.
So, where does that leave American Jewish opinion regarding President Barack Obama? Nearly half of those polled (43%) said they are no longer sure who Obama favors in the Israeli-Arab conflict, and less than half (46%) still think the president's policies are not putting Israel in danger. That leaves more than half of Jewish voters who are either unsure or certain that Obama's policies endanger the future of the Jewish state. In fact, a sizeable portion of Jewish voters believes Obama is capable of outright lying when it comes to his relationship with Israel. Obama and other members of his administration have made it clear that they will veto a resolution on unilateral Palestinian statehood expected to be presented at the UN this September. But 40 percent of Jewish voters don't trust the president to actually order the US ambassador to exercise that veto.
6. Hizbollah Threatens Israel Over Gas Field ICEJ News July 14th The Iranian backed Shi'ite terror militia Hizbullah, which effectively governs Lebanon, gave a stark warning to Israel this week that it will protect Lebanese territorial waters against "Israeli threats." The warning is the latest move in the ongoing drama between Lebanon and Israel over drilling rights to massive natural gas deposits recently discovered in the western Mediterranean. Israel and Lebanon never established an internationally recognized maritime border because it would involve Lebanon's de facto recognition of the Jewish State, but until recently neither side thought the matter to be urgent. Israel recently concluded an agreement with Cyprus which marks the border where Lebanon's border with Cyprus also is, but Hizbullah has rejected this and wants the border it agrees to with Israel (including drilling rights) to extend further southPlease pray that no-one will be able to steal the gas from Israel or damage the drilling rig
7. Israelis Expect a New Intifada Later This Year Israel Today News July 15th A 52 percent majority of Israelis believes the next Palestinian intifada (terrorist uprising) will erupt in September, or shortly thereafter. That catalyst for this new orgy of violence will be the unilateral Palestinian statehood bid at the UN. Israelis polled by the Dahaf Institute said they believe the Palestinians will launch a fresh intifada regardless of the outcome of the UN bid, which is expected to be vetoed in the Security Council by the US, but pass as a non-binding resolution in the General Assembly. In fact, the Palestinians are saying the same thing. A poll conducted last month by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Opinion found that 76 percent of Palestinians feel the next step after winning a General Assembly vote on statehood will be to go to war with Israel. Please pray that peace will be maintained for as long as possible
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NEW For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
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