Friday, July 29, 2011

OUT of ZION Ministries  
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Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 

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The CARMEL ALERT July 29th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel
David's Comment: NO !!!  to a Palestinian State Lev 25:23  'The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine;    (NKJ)
Now that the threat of the 2nd Flotilla is behind us, and most government leaders and lNGO's (non-goverment organisations) acknowledge that there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, we hope that is the end of these pointless endeavours to break Israel's coastal blockade of the Gaza coastline.  With that behind us the focus is now back to the PA pressure on the UN to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State this coming September.

As I have stressed in a number of previous comments it is very clear from the Bible that this contested land was without a shadow of doubt given by God to Abraham and the descendants of Isaac & Jacob - the Jewish people.  To claim otherwise is to call God a liar. (see    report 22/7)
I have also written many times that there is no legitimate "Palestinian Peopel".  (see These people are simply Arabs from various neighbouring countries who migrated to the area that was called the region of Palestine from 70 AD to 1948.  The word "Palestine" was adapted from the word "Philistine" by the Romans to curse the Land of Israel.  Before 1967  Arabs refused to be called "Palestinians".  It was Yassar Arafat & the PLO who began to use this term after the end of the Six Day War.

The people now claiming to be "Palestinians" & the Israelis have been in conflict over the land ever since.  Now after 44 years it is coming to a head.  Most of the Western World and much of the Church have been deceived by a lack of knowledge of history or wrong  theology to believe the Israelis are illegally occupying the land.  Again this is calling God a liar.   

Yeshua is coming back to a united Jerusalem, under Jewish control, as the capital city of Israel - not "Palestine".   Lord please forgive me for even using the horrid word !    He is coming back to be the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings to rule over His Fathers kingdom.  He will sit on the Throne of David which will sit where the Holy of Holies sat in the Temple  on the Temple Mount.   O how the Devil hates even the thought of it.  He is doing his best to prevent the 2nd coming of Yeshua and this attempt to create a state other than Israel on God's land is the Devil's work. 

The resurrection of Israel in 1948, the return of the Jews and the increasing size of the land is all part of Gods plan in preparation for the re-establishment of His Kingdom on the Earth  - In ISRAEL.     Any backward move by Israel, is a backward step in the return of the Lord and the coming of the Kingdom.
Hence as servants of the LORD, I believe we all need to be involved in prayer at this extremely strategic time.

The enemy is very focused and very well organised.   They realise the importance of the next few days and weeks.  I was sent the following information and feel that is it very important that I pass it on.   They are trying to get as many people sign a petition.  We need pray against this petiition.

Please  go to the website and have a look at what the enemy of God's Kingdom is up to.     This is an issue for urgent prayer.  From my initial look at their site, it seems to be humanistic ideology that is really being used by the evil one.   

I feel this is highly important and we need urgent prayer against this website and its campaign.  The website states: “To the leaders of France, Spain, Germany, the UK and the High Representative of the EU and all UN member states: We urge you to endorse the legitimate bid for recognition of the state of Palestine and the reaffirmation of the rights of the Palestinian people. It is time to turn the tide on decades of failed peace talks, end the occupation and move towards peace based on two states...

Posted: 22 July 2011  In four days the UN Security Council will meet, and the world has an opportunity to embrace a new proposal that could turn the tide on decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: UN recognition of the state of Palestine.  Over 120 nations from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America have already endorsed this initiative, but Israel's right-wing government and the US vehemently oppose it. Europe is still undecided, but a massive public push now could tip key countries to vote for this momentous opportunity to end the occupation.  US-led peace initiatives have failed for decades, while Israel has confined the Palestinian people, confiscated their lands and blocked Palestine from becoming a sovereign political entity. This bold new initiative could be a game changer, but Europe must take the lead. Let’s build a massive global call for key European leaders to endorse this statehood bid now, and make clear that citizens across the world support this legitimate, non-violent, diplomatic proposal. Sign the petition and send this to everyone...”
 The numbers adding to this demand are increasing by the hour.  Please pray against this.   Please pray that this campaign would fail.  Please continue to pray that the Israeli government would not give in to the world's demands, and would scrap any plans of giving up Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem

There is far too much distortion within the media, which is being blindly accepted by many people without checking the truth. Please do continue to pray for the truth to be revealed regarding how Israel, and in particular Gaza, are portrayed by the media.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie

1.  Muslim Threat Forces Glenn Beck Rally off Temple Mount     Arutz 7 News   July 22nd     Glenn Beck has been stared down by 40,000 Muslims and said he is moving his “Restoring Courage” rally next month from the Temple Mount. One possible venue is the Mount of Olives.  Beck was in Israel 2 weeks ago at the invitation of Knesset Members Danny Danon (Likud) and Nissim Ze’ev (Shas) to offer advice on fighting the worldwide campaign to make Israel appear illegitimate.  Beck also ironed out details of the rally that he announce earlier this year, but he  told viewers on his television program, “I told you last Friday we had heard…that 40,000 Muslims would be on top of the Temple Mountduring the rally…. “When we heard about the Muslims, we knew there was trouble… The firs time I was in Israel, they were throwing stones down on the heads of Israelis praying” at the Western Wall.   “When I heard ’40,000,’ my security said, 'Your back is in their direction, and these people play for keeps.’”
    Beck explained his change of location by stating that “courage is coupled with wisdom”  and that he would not put his lives and the lives of others in jeopardy.  He added that the original choice of the Temple Mount for the rally was not his decision, saying it was chosen for him, and implying that he was directed to it by the Creator. “It was my understanding we would be the first Christians to use the site as a high profile event.”   Beck added that he believes the rally “will be remembered by millions in the world as a turning point in their own personal lives and their world. However, we prefer that turning point is not World War III."  He said he soon will decide whether to hold the rally inside the walls of Jerusalem or directly outside, “maybe the Mount of Olives, which would be kind of appropriate. We would be looking at the eastern wall... We believe the messiah will go through there” even though it is bricked up, as if “some people think you can stop the messiah with bricks.”
Please pray that this historic event will go ahead without any hindrances or opposition2. Iranian Nuclear Scientist Shot Dead in Teheran    Ha Aretz News   July 26th    Gunmen on a motorcycle assassinated an Iranian nuclear physicist on Saturday. The semi-official ISNA news agency identified the victim as Darioush Rezaei, a 35-year-old physics professor involved in Iran's nuclear program and said he was shot dead in front of his home in Tehran. Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been murdered in recent years in attacks that Iran has blamed on the US ­and Israel, which both accuse Iran of seeking to develop a nuclear weapons capability under the cover of its civilian atomic energy program. Please pray that Iran will never be able to complete its nuclear weapon program.Turkish PM:   No Normalisation With Israel Until an Aplogy & End of Gaza Blockade  Ha Aretz  News  July 26th3    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that his country will not normalize its relations with Israel as long as Israel does not apologize for the killing of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists during the takeover of the Mavi Marmara ship last year. Erdogan added that Israel should compensate the families of those killed and end the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Erdogan said he supports the Palestinians, and those who are dedicated to the Palestinian cause. He added that Turkey supports the Palestinian intention to seek UN recognition in September and that the entire world should take action in order to remove the Gaza blockade. He added that Israel should accept the fact that East Jerusalem will be the capital of the Palestinian state.
4.  Italy Stands by Israel -  Boycotts Durban III   Arutz 7 News   July 25th    Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini announced Friday that Italy has decided to boycott the Durban III Conference to be held in September due its anti-Israeli nature. He noted that previous conferences were used as an arena to hurl accusations at Israel rather than discussing the struggle against racism, discrimination and xenophobia. Frattini noted that Italy chose not to attend the second Durban Conference in 2009 for the same reasons. Italy joins the US, Israel, and Canada, all of which have already announced they will not attend Durban III. The Durban II Conference in 2009 was boycotted by nine countries including Israel, the US, Germany, Australia, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Poland.   Please pray that many more countries will follow Italy's example
5. The UN's Hostile Obsession With Israel      Israel Today News    July 22   This September two important events, both dangerous to Israel, will take place at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.  The first, as many know, is the Palestinian Authority's effort to win international support for its unilateral statehood bid.  The second, which is closely related, is the third World Conference Against Racism, dubbed "Durban III."   The first such conference was held in Durban, South Africa. Both that and the second Durban conference quickly disintegrated from legitimate discussions on racism into orgies of anti-Israel sentiment. The question both of those gatherings raised, and which Durban III is certain to raise again, is why the world has such an unnatural obsession with bashing Israel?  
    This enormously informative video presentation put together by the Messianic-led Jerusalem Institute of Justice explains how an organization that claims to protect human rights is doing just the opposite when it comes to Israel:
Please pray that the UN will wake up to its foolishhness 6.   New Layer of Gas Discovered Off Haifa Coast   Ha Aretz News    July 24th
    A deeper layer of natural gas has been discovered at the Tamar field, off the coast of Haifa, according to a report published on Thursday by Delek Drilling and Avner Oil Exploration. The significance of the newly discovered structure will depend on the amount of natural gas at Tamar and on the estimations of additional layers in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea that have not yet been discovered.
Lets give thanks to the Lord for the gas & oil that He has given Israel
7. Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in Gaza Road Accident  Ha Aretz News   July 25th    Four members of the Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades were killed when their car collided with a truck in the Gaza Strip last Friday. The al-Quds Brigades confirmed that Abu Fadi Razayna, a leader in the group, was among the dead. The al-Quds Brigades constitute the military wing of Islamic Jihad.

  "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH   click  here    to visit Josie's new health products webpage or watch the video
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
             Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel                 Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
             Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
             Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
            The Middle East Problem
                                          *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

   For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog... This blog post is very informative and provide news on new layer of gas discovered at Tamar. Delek Drilling is doing awesome work in Tamar. Thanks
