Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus CLICK HERE to read this report on the InternetThe CARMEL ALERT July 1st, 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish PeopleDavid's Comment:Another Step Closer to a Confrontation With YHVHJoel 3:1-2 "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land. (NKJ)It is now official - Mahmud Abbas has confirmed that the Palestinian Authority will go ahead with their plans to petition the UN in September this year to declare & officially recognise a Palestinian State that would be established on land that God covenanted to Abraham & the descendants of his sons Isaac
and Jacob. Abbas has made this decision in spite of advice to the contrary from the Obama administration & others. Lets not forget who Abbas really is. He is not the "moderate" man that the news media makes him out to be. Abbas is the man who organised the funding of the 1972 Munich Olympic games terror attack in which nine Israeli athletes and a German policeman were massacred in cold blood. Abbas is also a long term Holocaust denier and an Islamic hater of Israel & the Jewish people.
To make matters worse, it seems that there are at least 118 countries that will support this attempt by the Muslim world to undermine Israel's God given right to occupy the Promised Land. It gets even worse. If and that is a big if, because I dont think God will allow it, if there was ever to be such a thing as a state called Palestine in Judea & Samaria and the Gaza Strip, if would be a case of illegal Ethnic Cleasing, as Abbas regularly makes it very clear that it will be "Judenfrei". That means Jews will be prohibited from living there. Would the U.N. tolerate Ethnic Cleansing anywhere else in the world ? I think not !
Have these supposedly intelligent world leaders even stopped to think about how there can be a Palestinian State in the so called West Bank & the Gaza Strip, when the 2 locations are about 100 km apart. The only way to practically join those two areas together to form a continuous country would be to construct some kind of walled off highway, which would effectively cut Israel into 2 separate parts that would need border crossings to travel from one side to the other. The only other possibility I can see is to construct an underground tunnel all the way from Ramallah to Gaza - that is not going to happen !
The only sure thing about this attempt to steal the Lord's own land from Him & the people He promised it to, is that His anger will be invoked to the point that the nations who have any part in it will feel the heat of His wrath. Ps 2:1-6 Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us." He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: "Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion." (NKJ)Then there is the new Gaza flotilla that is now on its way to Israel. Based on the fact that even the UN acknowledges that there are no food or medical shortages in the Gaza Strip, it is obvious that this next attempt to break Israel's security blockade is nothing more than an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic provocation. There are reports of chemical weapons on board some of the flotilla vessels and other reports that there are terrorists on board whose goal is to kill Israeli soldiers. If they do attempt to engage with the Israeli Navy, there will be a serious confrotation and there may well be many injured or even killed. The secular news media will be lurking like ghoulish bloodsuckers, eager to once again crucify Israel in the eyes of the World. The good news is that the flotilla's future is in serious doubt See the latest article at www.melainephillips.com.I strongly encourage you to pray without ceasing that your nations leaders will not be counted amongst the goats who decide to take the course that leads to a head-on collision with the Holy One of Israel. It would also be appropriate if you speak to your pastor about this and encourage him to have the congregation pray corporately every Sunday until September.The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie THIS WEEKS NEWS REPORTS 1. Abbas Confirms PA Will Seek Statehood in September Israel Today News June 27th The Palestinian Authority on Sunday officially decided to seek UN recognition of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state in September. The decision came during a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the terrorist organization that is the driving force behind the Palestinian Authority. The unilateral statehood bid had been threatened for the better part of the past year. But in recent months, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas appeared to backtrack, noting that the motion would never pass in the Security Council, where the US enjoys veto power.
US President Barack Obama has signaled that his administration will veto recognition of a Palestinian state established outside the framework of a peace agreement with Israel. But that won't stop the Palestinians from taking the motion to the General Assembly. While UN General Assembly votes are not legally binding, the Palestinian resolution is expected to be adopted by such an overwhelming majority as to cause serious problems for Israel. The resolution calls for recognition of a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 armistice lines, which would put all of Judea and Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem in Arab hands. Abbas reminded Obama that he, too, called on Israel to make peace based on the pre-1967 lines. As such, Abbas insisted the White House has no reason to oppose the Palestinian statehood bid. Please pray that the UN will not recognise a Palestinian State at any time 2. 118 Countries Plan to Support Palestinian Statehood ICEJ News June 27th One hundred and eighteen countries plan on supporting a Palestinian request for recognition of statehood in the United Nations this September, Israel Radio reported Thursday, citing a Foreign Ministry report. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman ordered the report compiled in order to create a list of countries for government ministers and Members of Knesset to lobby against the statehood bid, according to the report.Please pray that your nation will not be one who comes against God by voting for this illegitimate state3. Gaza Flotilla Delayed ICEJ News June 27th Organizers of the upcoming Gaza flotilla faced fresh delays Thursday when an Irish ship due to participate was found to have engine damage, an event the flotilla participants said was due to Israeli sabotage, Army Radio reported. The ship, dubbed "Saoirse," had been docked overnight in Turkish waters. Flotilla spokesman Dror Feiler said there was no direct evidence Israel was involved in a statement provided to Army Radio. Two other ships have also had mechanical failures preventing them from sailing. The number of vessels ready to sail in the flotilla has been reduced from 15 to 10 and the number of so called peace activists had dropped from 1500 to 350. See the latest article at www.melainephillips.com Please pray that the flotilla will not seek to confront the Israeli navy4. America Bows Before Muslim Brotherhoods Rising Power June 30 The Obama Administration on Wednesday signaled that it will reestablish official ties with Egypt's rising Islamist power, the Muslim Brotherhood. When former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was ousted earlier this year, the Obama Administration insisted that the Brotherhood was a fringe group, and that detractors were making too big a deal of the Islamists influence in Egyptian society. But an unnamed White House official told Reuters that the administration has had to face facts and is now determined to "engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency" in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood, while not actively involved in terrorism at present, has a very violent past and continues to support allied terror groups across the region. The Brotherhood also has a stated long-term goal of establishing an Islamic caliphate, first in Egypt, then stretching across the Middle East, and finally encompassing the whole world. But first, the Muslim Brotherhood wants to see Egypt return to a state of war with Israel, an entity that it sees as a blight on the Muslim Middle East. There is concern in Israel that if Washington can succumb to pressure to accept the Muslim Brotherhood, it may eventually open its arms to Hamas and Hizballah, too. After all, both of those groups also wield considerable political clout in their respective societies.Please pray the a pro Israel US president will soon replace Barack Obama 5. Jordan Not in Favour of a Palestinian State Israel Today News June 30th To the surprise of many, Jordan will side with Israel, the US and European powers this September when the Palestinian Authority petitions the UN to recognize an independent Palestinian state. United Arab Emirates newspaper al-Bayan reported on Wednesday that the Jordanian regime has decided to vote against a unilateral declaration of independence by the Palestinians. "Jordan's top national interests will be in danger if the Palestinian Authority declares statehood unilaterally – especially in everything related to the issue of refugees, water, Jerusalem, and the borders," a senior Jordanian official told the newspaper. Palestinian Arabs actually make up about 60 percent of Jordan's own population, meaning the Bedouin-ruled kingdom would be leaned on heavily by a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. There is even speculation that the Palestinian Arabs could eventually try to seize control of Jordan. The decision by Jordan to oppose Palestinian statehood, at least via a unilateral declaration, is further evidence of the danger such a state will pose to the region, and the burden it will be on the international community. Please pray that many other countries will take the same stand as Jordan6. Israel Warns Syria INN News June 29th Israel has warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that he will be targeted if he tries to start a war with Israel to take the glare off his brutal suppression of the uprising in his country. The warning was sent through mediators in Turkey following intelligence reports of exceptional movements of Syrian troops and re-location of long-range missiles. Israel last month said there was clear evidence the Syrian regime paid residents to storm the Israeli border at the Golan Heights and engage the army, which killed approximately a dozen Syrian Arabs in clashes. “This is what Assad always does. He's under pressure at home, so he deflects attention,” said Andrew Tabler, a Syria expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The protest movement in Syria has not subsided. Assad also has not backed off from using brute force to gun down demonstrators, whom the government has labeled as “armed gangs.”Please pray that peace is maintained for as long as possible on Israel's northern borders7. Israel Allowing 7000 Beni Menashe to Make Aliyah CBN News June 23 More than 7,000 members of the Bnei Menashe will soon arrive in Israel, CBN reported on Thursday. The Bnei Menashe claim descent from one of the tribes of Israel, which were exiled by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago. They reside primarily in the two Indian states of Mizoram and Manipur, along the border with Burma and Bangladesh. Throughout their exile, and even after their one copy of the written Torah was lost, the Bnei Menashe have continued to observe Jewish traditions, including the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals, following family purity laws, and remembering the Exodus from Egypt. Shavie Israel, a Jerusalem-based group which assists “lost Jews” seeking to return to the Jewish people, has helped bring many of the Bnei Menashe to Israel, and is helping facilitate this wave of aliyah as well. Thanks to Shavei Israel’s efforts, Israel’s Chief Rabbinate officially recognise the Bnei Menashe in 2005 as being “descendants of Israel.”
Shavei Israel’s chairman, Michael Freund, on Monday briefed the members of the Knesset committee on immigration and absorption on the successful integration of some 1,700 Bnei Menashe, who immigrated to Israel earlier, into Israeli society. He told them that an astounding 96 percent of the Bnei Menashe are employed, the majority of their sons chose to serve in combat units during their compulsory IDF service, many are enrolled in colleges and universities, and some have been ordained as rabbis. Freund told the committee that “It is time for Israel to let the remaining Bnei Menashe come home.” Please pray that Israel will also allow all of the Ethopinan Jews to come home
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