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The CARMEL ALERT July 8th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Guest Comment: Not Stealing 'Palestine, but Purchasing IsraelThe Real History of Israel's founding & Why it Matters by - Daniel Pipes
Zionists stole Palestinian land: That’s the mantra both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas teach their children and propagate in their media. This claim has vast importance, as Palestinian Media Watch explains: “Presenting the creation of the [Israeli] state as an act of theft and its continued existence as a historical injustice serves as the basis for the PA’s non-recognition of Israel’s right to exist.” The accusation of theft also undermines Israel’s position internationally. But is this accusation true?
No, it is not. Ironically, the building of Israel represents almost the most peaceable in-migration and state creation in history. Understanding why requires seeing Zionism in context. Simply put, conquest is the historical norm. Governments everywhere have been established through invasion and nearly all states came into being at someone else’s expense. No one is permanently in charge; everyone’s roots trace back to somewhere else.
Germanic tribes, Central Asian hordes, Russian tsars, and Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors remade the map. Modern Greeks have only a tenuous connection to the Greeks of antiquity. Who can count the number of times Belgium was overrun? The United States came into existence after the defeat of Native Americans. Kings marauded in Africa, Aryans invaded India. In Japan, Yamato-speakers eliminated all but tiny groups such as the Ainu.
The Middle East, due to its centrality and geography, has experienced more than its share of invasions, including the Greek, Roman, Arabian, Crusader, Seljuk, Timurid, Mongolian, and modern European. Within the region, dynastic froth caused the same territory Egypt for example to be conquered and re-conquered.
The land that now makes up Israel was no exception. In Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel, Eric H. Cline writes of Jerusalem: “No other city has been more bitterly fought over throughout its history.” He backs up that claim, counting “at least 118 separate conflicts in and for Jerusalem during the past four millennia.” He calculates Jerusalem to have been destroyed completely at least twice, besieged 23 times, captured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. The PA fantasizes that today’s Palestinians are descended from a tribe of ancient Canaan, the Jebusites; in fact, they are overwhelmingly the offspring of invaders and immigrants seeking economic opportunities.
Against this tableau of unceasing conquest, violence, and overthrow, Zionist efforts to build a presence in the Holy Land until 1948 stand out as astonishingly mild, mercantile rather than military. Two great empires, the Ottomans and the British, ruled Eretz Yisrael. In contrast, Zionists lacked military power. They could not possibly achieve statehood through conquest.
Instead, they purchased land. Acquiring property dunam by dunam, farm by farm, house by house, lay at the heart of the Zionist enterprise until 1948. The Jewish National Fund, founded in 1901 to buy land in Palestine “to assist in the foundation of a new community of free Jews engaged in active and peaceable industry,” was the key institution and not the Haganah, the clandestine defense organization founded in 1920.
Zionists also focused on the rehabilitation of what was barren and considered unusable. They not only made the desert bloom, but drained swamps, cleared water channels, reclaimed wasteland, forested bare hills, cleared rocks, and removed salt from the soil. Jewish reclamation and sanitation work precipitously reduced the number of disease-related deaths.
Only when the British Mandate of Palestine gave up power in 1948, followed immediately by an all-out attempt by Arab states to crush and expel the Zionists, did the latter take up the sword in self-defense and go on to win land through military conquest. Even then, as the historian Efraim Karsh demonstrates in Palestine Betrayed, most Arabs fled their lands; exceedingly few were forced off.
This history contradicts the Palestinian account that “Zionist gangs stole Palestine and expelled its people” which led to a catastrophe “unprecedented in history” (according to a PA twelfth-grade textbook) or that Zionists “plundered the Palestinian land and national interests, and established their state upon the ruins of the Palestinian Arab people” (writes a columnist in the PA’s daily). International organizations, newspaper editorials, and faculty petitions reiterate this falsehood worldwide.
Israelis should hold their heads high and point out that the building of their country was based on the least violent and most civilized movement of any people in history. Gangs did not steal Palestine. Merchants purchased Israel.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Gazans Admit No Shortages - No Need for Flotilla israel Today News July 2nd Israel has maintained that the international aid flotillas that keep trying to break the Israeli maritime blockade and reach the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip are unnecessary, since no one is starving in the narrow coastal strip. Now local Gazans are saying the same thing. In a series of conversations with Gaza businessmen, Israel's Ynet news portal revealed that the Palestinians living there are unimpressed with the latest aid flotilla, the first ship of which set sail from Greece on Friday. "The flotilla isn't bringing things that reach the man on the street," said one Gazan, hinting at the fact that not only does Gaza have plenty of supplies thanks to daily transfers via the Gaza-Israel border crossings, but also that much of what does come in is siezed by Hamas and resold at exorbitant prices.
The latest flotilla docked in Greece earlier this week, only to have a number of its ships mysteriously disabled in port. The flotilla organizers claimed Israeli special forces were behind the alleged sabotage. But the first ship, the American "Audacity of Hope," managed to set off for Gaza on Friday afternoon. The Audacity of Hope is carrying several dozen Americans supportive of the "Palestinian cause" and opposed to Israel's security measures against Gaza. The organizers of that particular ship admitted last month that their only goal was to confront the Israeli blockade, and they didn't even bother to pack any humanitarian aid on the vessel.
Because of the acknowledged political and nationalist nature of the stunt, Israeli officials fear at least some of the flotilla participants are determined to harm or even kill Israeli soldiers sent to board their ship. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week ordered the Israeli military to do whatever it takes to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza, but to also take every measure to avoid casualities on either side. But by press time it appeared Israel would not yet have to deal with the problem directly. The Greek coast guard halted the Audacity of Hope shortly after it left port, and ordered the ship to return. The American vessel and the others in the flotilla had been forbidden by Greece from disembarking until further notice. The flotilla organizers have accused Israel of exerting political and economic pressure on Greece to stop the ships, but the truth is that the bulk of the international community is against the sailing of the ships. Please pray that this fiasco will end Flotillas for good
2. UN to Discuss Making "Palestine" a Member State Reuters July 5th The U.N. Security Council plans to discuss in July the possibility of Palestine becoming a United Nations member state, the Security Council president said on Tuesday. The Arab League has said it would request U.N. membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital at the U.N. General Assembly in September. An open debate on the Middle East has been scheduled for July 26 according to a provisional calendar for the Security Council for July. "I think (that) will be an occasion to explore the various options that might exist on the Palestinian side," said German Ambassador Peter Wittig, U.N. Security Council president, in response to a question about when the issue would be debated. Germany holds the Security Council presidency in July. Wittig pointed to an upcoming Quartet meeting as a possible indicator on the situation. The Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators -- the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations -- are expected to meet on July 11. The meeting, expected to take place in Washington, will come amid a U.S. push to revive peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Separately, a spokesman for U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said he could not give a firm date as to when the much-delayed findings from a panel set up to investigate the 2010 Gaza flotilla incident would be released. "I don't think we are yet at the point where the report would be handed over - when that happens obviously we'll let you know," he said at a press conference. Please pray that the Lord will intervene to stop the UN going ahead with this
3 Pro-Palestinian Activists Take to the Skies Israel Today News July 4th Discouraged by the current failures of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" stuck in port in Greece and beset by internal disputes and controversies, pro-Palestinian activists are turning to the skies. This coming Friday, an estimated 700 activists from America and Europe plan to land at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport and list "Palestine" as the destination on their entry cards. The activists, who will arrive on numerous different flights, said they hope to draw attention to the Palestinians' statehood bid and to garner support for an end to the "Israeli occupation." Israel's Foreign Ministry says it will prevent the activists from entering the country, just as it has done with similar groups in the past that were determined to create public disturbances.Please pray that these activists will be identified & deported before they can cause any trouble
4. Terrorist Attack gas Pipeline for the 3rd Time ICEJ News July 6th After saboteurs blew up a section of the Egypt to Israel natural gas pipeline, which conveys gas to both Israel and Jordan, for the third time in five months on Monday morning, experts had conflicting predictions as to the impact on electricity prices, but urged the country to continue to develop its alternative resources. While the outcomes of this explosion will in all likelihood be similar to those of the previous two occurrences – more expensive, polluting fuels will be used as backup during the period – this third incident has made experts increasingly doubtful of Egypt’s gas reliability. In the wake of last week’s announcement from the Public Utility Authority that electricity prices could increase by 20 percent in 2012, industry leaders expressed hopes that such a rise would not be further influenced by the events in Sinai.
“A disruption in supply of Egyptian gas to Israel has a significant impact on the electricity tariffs in Israel,” Amit Mor, CEO and energy specialist at the Eco Energy consulting firm, said. Mor said he felt price rises might be inevitable due to the Israel Electric Corporation’s need to replace the gas with sources like coal, heavy fuel oil and diesel, as well as to extract gas quicker from Israel’s own depleting Mari-B reserves in Yam Tethys. While Egyptian gas only costs $4.5 per million British thermal units, diesel costs more than $40 after taxes, coal costs about $5.5, and heavy fuel oil costs $17 plus negligible taxes, according to Mor. “The government has some leeway, has some means, to lower the impact on electricity price increase by allowing the IEC to utilize the less costly but more polluting heavy fuel oil,” he said. Please pray that gas supplies will be restored as soon as possible
5. Airstrikes on Terror Cell in Gaza Kill Two ICEJ News July 6th Two known terrorists central Gaza were killed on Tuesday in airstrikes carried out by the IAF in response to intelligence that a cell from the Global Jihad terror group was preparing to launch a rocket attack on Israel. Minutes later, Palestinian gunman opened fire on Israeli vehicles driving on the highway adjacent to the Strip inside Israel moderately wounding one driver. The violence was the first along the Gaza border in over two months, not including four rockets which were fired into Israel from Gaza in June. Please pray that all terror attempts will be intercepted & prevented
6. Israel is Sitting Pretty
On the economic front, Israel is coming up roses. Her economygrew by 4.7 percent last year according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development against an average of 2.8 for its member countries. The OECD forecast for Israel in 2011 is 5.4 percent.” Canada’s Globe and mail recently reported ”The London-based World Energy Council says Israel’s Shfela Basin, a half-hour drive south of Jerusalem, holds 250 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil, possibly making the energy-vulnerable country (as expressed by The Wall Street Journal) “the world’s newest energy giant.” With reserves of 260 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia would remain the world’s No. 1 oil country – though not, perhaps, for long. Howard Jonas, CEO of U.S.-based IDT Corp., the company that owns the Shfela Basin concession, says there is much more oil under Israel than under Saudi Arabia: Perhaps, he says, twice as much.”
It concluded that Israel should be pumping oil within three to four years. Israel, it reported, “will match Canada in oil exports to the U.S. and thus free its long-time friend from needing to deal with tyrants”. This week Bloombergs reported “The results for Sara and Myra follow other gas finds off Israel since 2009, including the Tamar and Leviathan discoveries that together hold an estimated 25 trillion cubic feet. The finds are sufficient to meet Israel’s domestic needs eventually and enable it to export gas, industry executives and government officials have said.” In effect, these resources will change the global balance of power. Yes, Israel is sitting pretty. Lets give thanks to God for this incredible provision for Israel's future
7. UN Exonerates Israel in Marmara Incident ICEJ News July 8th Ha'aretz reported on Thursday that Turkish and Israeli diplomats have been shown a copy of the UN's final report on the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident from May 2010. The report contains harsh criticism of Turkey for failing to prevent the flotilla from sailing, as well as upholding Israel's legal right to impose a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. The UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, also criticized Turkey for its highly politicized investigation into the incident and praised Israel for its own investigation which it said was performed to levels consistent with international standards for fairness and integrity. Please pray that this decision will be accepted internationally
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