Friday, July 29, 2011

OUT of ZION Ministries  
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Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 

CLICK HERE  to read this report  on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT July 29th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel
David's Comment: NO !!!  to a Palestinian State Lev 25:23  'The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine;    (NKJ)
Now that the threat of the 2nd Flotilla is behind us, and most government leaders and lNGO's (non-goverment organisations) acknowledge that there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, we hope that is the end of these pointless endeavours to break Israel's coastal blockade of the Gaza coastline.  With that behind us the focus is now back to the PA pressure on the UN to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State this coming September.

As I have stressed in a number of previous comments it is very clear from the Bible that this contested land was without a shadow of doubt given by God to Abraham and the descendants of Isaac & Jacob - the Jewish people.  To claim otherwise is to call God a liar. (see    report 22/7)
I have also written many times that there is no legitimate "Palestinian Peopel".  (see These people are simply Arabs from various neighbouring countries who migrated to the area that was called the region of Palestine from 70 AD to 1948.  The word "Palestine" was adapted from the word "Philistine" by the Romans to curse the Land of Israel.  Before 1967  Arabs refused to be called "Palestinians".  It was Yassar Arafat & the PLO who began to use this term after the end of the Six Day War.

The people now claiming to be "Palestinians" & the Israelis have been in conflict over the land ever since.  Now after 44 years it is coming to a head.  Most of the Western World and much of the Church have been deceived by a lack of knowledge of history or wrong  theology to believe the Israelis are illegally occupying the land.  Again this is calling God a liar.   

Yeshua is coming back to a united Jerusalem, under Jewish control, as the capital city of Israel - not "Palestine".   Lord please forgive me for even using the horrid word !    He is coming back to be the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings to rule over His Fathers kingdom.  He will sit on the Throne of David which will sit where the Holy of Holies sat in the Temple  on the Temple Mount.   O how the Devil hates even the thought of it.  He is doing his best to prevent the 2nd coming of Yeshua and this attempt to create a state other than Israel on God's land is the Devil's work. 

The resurrection of Israel in 1948, the return of the Jews and the increasing size of the land is all part of Gods plan in preparation for the re-establishment of His Kingdom on the Earth  - In ISRAEL.     Any backward move by Israel, is a backward step in the return of the Lord and the coming of the Kingdom.
Hence as servants of the LORD, I believe we all need to be involved in prayer at this extremely strategic time.

The enemy is very focused and very well organised.   They realise the importance of the next few days and weeks.  I was sent the following information and feel that is it very important that I pass it on.   They are trying to get as many people sign a petition.  We need pray against this petiition.

Please  go to the website and have a look at what the enemy of God's Kingdom is up to.     This is an issue for urgent prayer.  From my initial look at their site, it seems to be humanistic ideology that is really being used by the evil one.   

I feel this is highly important and we need urgent prayer against this website and its campaign.  The website states: “To the leaders of France, Spain, Germany, the UK and the High Representative of the EU and all UN member states: We urge you to endorse the legitimate bid for recognition of the state of Palestine and the reaffirmation of the rights of the Palestinian people. It is time to turn the tide on decades of failed peace talks, end the occupation and move towards peace based on two states...

Posted: 22 July 2011  In four days the UN Security Council will meet, and the world has an opportunity to embrace a new proposal that could turn the tide on decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: UN recognition of the state of Palestine.  Over 120 nations from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America have already endorsed this initiative, but Israel's right-wing government and the US vehemently oppose it. Europe is still undecided, but a massive public push now could tip key countries to vote for this momentous opportunity to end the occupation.  US-led peace initiatives have failed for decades, while Israel has confined the Palestinian people, confiscated their lands and blocked Palestine from becoming a sovereign political entity. This bold new initiative could be a game changer, but Europe must take the lead. Let’s build a massive global call for key European leaders to endorse this statehood bid now, and make clear that citizens across the world support this legitimate, non-violent, diplomatic proposal. Sign the petition and send this to everyone...”
 The numbers adding to this demand are increasing by the hour.  Please pray against this.   Please pray that this campaign would fail.  Please continue to pray that the Israeli government would not give in to the world's demands, and would scrap any plans of giving up Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem

There is far too much distortion within the media, which is being blindly accepted by many people without checking the truth. Please do continue to pray for the truth to be revealed regarding how Israel, and in particular Gaza, are portrayed by the media.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie

1.  Muslim Threat Forces Glenn Beck Rally off Temple Mount     Arutz 7 News   July 22nd     Glenn Beck has been stared down by 40,000 Muslims and said he is moving his “Restoring Courage” rally next month from the Temple Mount. One possible venue is the Mount of Olives.  Beck was in Israel 2 weeks ago at the invitation of Knesset Members Danny Danon (Likud) and Nissim Ze’ev (Shas) to offer advice on fighting the worldwide campaign to make Israel appear illegitimate.  Beck also ironed out details of the rally that he announce earlier this year, but he  told viewers on his television program, “I told you last Friday we had heard…that 40,000 Muslims would be on top of the Temple Mountduring the rally…. “When we heard about the Muslims, we knew there was trouble… The firs time I was in Israel, they were throwing stones down on the heads of Israelis praying” at the Western Wall.   “When I heard ’40,000,’ my security said, 'Your back is in their direction, and these people play for keeps.’”
    Beck explained his change of location by stating that “courage is coupled with wisdom”  and that he would not put his lives and the lives of others in jeopardy.  He added that the original choice of the Temple Mount for the rally was not his decision, saying it was chosen for him, and implying that he was directed to it by the Creator. “It was my understanding we would be the first Christians to use the site as a high profile event.”   Beck added that he believes the rally “will be remembered by millions in the world as a turning point in their own personal lives and their world. However, we prefer that turning point is not World War III."  He said he soon will decide whether to hold the rally inside the walls of Jerusalem or directly outside, “maybe the Mount of Olives, which would be kind of appropriate. We would be looking at the eastern wall... We believe the messiah will go through there” even though it is bricked up, as if “some people think you can stop the messiah with bricks.”
Please pray that this historic event will go ahead without any hindrances or opposition2. Iranian Nuclear Scientist Shot Dead in Teheran    Ha Aretz News   July 26th    Gunmen on a motorcycle assassinated an Iranian nuclear physicist on Saturday. The semi-official ISNA news agency identified the victim as Darioush Rezaei, a 35-year-old physics professor involved in Iran's nuclear program and said he was shot dead in front of his home in Tehran. Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been murdered in recent years in attacks that Iran has blamed on the US ­and Israel, which both accuse Iran of seeking to develop a nuclear weapons capability under the cover of its civilian atomic energy program. Please pray that Iran will never be able to complete its nuclear weapon program.Turkish PM:   No Normalisation With Israel Until an Aplogy & End of Gaza Blockade  Ha Aretz  News  July 26th3    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that his country will not normalize its relations with Israel as long as Israel does not apologize for the killing of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists during the takeover of the Mavi Marmara ship last year. Erdogan added that Israel should compensate the families of those killed and end the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Erdogan said he supports the Palestinians, and those who are dedicated to the Palestinian cause. He added that Turkey supports the Palestinian intention to seek UN recognition in September and that the entire world should take action in order to remove the Gaza blockade. He added that Israel should accept the fact that East Jerusalem will be the capital of the Palestinian state.
4.  Italy Stands by Israel -  Boycotts Durban III   Arutz 7 News   July 25th    Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini announced Friday that Italy has decided to boycott the Durban III Conference to be held in September due its anti-Israeli nature. He noted that previous conferences were used as an arena to hurl accusations at Israel rather than discussing the struggle against racism, discrimination and xenophobia. Frattini noted that Italy chose not to attend the second Durban Conference in 2009 for the same reasons. Italy joins the US, Israel, and Canada, all of which have already announced they will not attend Durban III. The Durban II Conference in 2009 was boycotted by nine countries including Israel, the US, Germany, Australia, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Poland.   Please pray that many more countries will follow Italy's example
5. The UN's Hostile Obsession With Israel      Israel Today News    July 22   This September two important events, both dangerous to Israel, will take place at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.  The first, as many know, is the Palestinian Authority's effort to win international support for its unilateral statehood bid.  The second, which is closely related, is the third World Conference Against Racism, dubbed "Durban III."   The first such conference was held in Durban, South Africa. Both that and the second Durban conference quickly disintegrated from legitimate discussions on racism into orgies of anti-Israel sentiment. The question both of those gatherings raised, and which Durban III is certain to raise again, is why the world has such an unnatural obsession with bashing Israel?  
    This enormously informative video presentation put together by the Messianic-led Jerusalem Institute of Justice explains how an organization that claims to protect human rights is doing just the opposite when it comes to Israel:
Please pray that the UN will wake up to its foolishhness 6.   New Layer of Gas Discovered Off Haifa Coast   Ha Aretz News    July 24th
    A deeper layer of natural gas has been discovered at the Tamar field, off the coast of Haifa, according to a report published on Thursday by Delek Drilling and Avner Oil Exploration. The significance of the newly discovered structure will depend on the amount of natural gas at Tamar and on the estimations of additional layers in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea that have not yet been discovered.
Lets give thanks to the Lord for the gas & oil that He has given Israel
7. Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in Gaza Road Accident  Ha Aretz News   July 25th    Four members of the Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades were killed when their car collided with a truck in the Gaza Strip last Friday. The al-Quds Brigades confirmed that Abu Fadi Razayna, a leader in the group, was among the dead. The al-Quds Brigades constitute the military wing of Islamic Jihad.

  "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH   click  here    to visit Josie's new health products webpage or watch the video
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
             Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel                 Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
             Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
             Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
            The Middle East Problem
                                          *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

   For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Oil Prices Rise

Reuters -
July 21, 2011

Oil rose for a third straight session Thursday, lifted by upbeat U.S. economic data, signs of a deal to bailout Greece and confirmation the International Energy Agency would not release more emergency stocks for now.

The market shook off early losses caused by weak economic data from China and turned positive as euro zone leaders were set to give their financial rescue fund new powers to help Greece overcome its debt crisis, easing concerns that have weighed on oil and other markets in recent weeks.

Further support came from upbeat data showing factory activity in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region bounced back in July, as well as news members of the IEA decided against releasing more oil stockpiles despite the threat of high prices to the economic recover.

US swelters under heatwave News -

A heatwave and stifling humidity battered the central and eastern United States, leaving residents searching for the coolest oasis to fend off record temperatures that have left over 20 dead.
"The dangerous heatwave continues across much of the central and eastern United States, with excessive heat and humidity expected to expand into the Ohio Valley and East Coast states for the remainder of the week," the National Weather Service (NWS) said on its website.

The New York Times reported that across the country the deaths of 22 people had been attributed to the heatwave, which has left some 17 states from Texas to Michigan battling temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 Celsius).
The weather service has issued excessive heat warnings for those states saying there is a "large ridge of high pressure in the upper levels of the atmosphere... keeping hot temperatures in place."
Weather experts predicted that heat index values across parts of the Midwest, Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic could reach between 105 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit (40 to 46 Celsius) through Friday.
A heat index of 123 degrees Fahrenheit (51 Celsius) was registered in Iowa, in the central United States. In Maryland, near the US capital, weather services reported temperatures of 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 Celsius).

On the East Coast, humidity was assaulting Washington, where some residents walked under sun umbrellas. Others took advantage of evening outdoor movie screenings to cool down during night-time hours.
The intense heat is set to stay in place through the weekend, sending Americans flocking to outdoor pools and air-conditioned shopping malls.
In Oklahoma City, forecasters said the city has had 27 days this year of triple digit temperatures. Things were so bad in the town of Enid, Oklahoma, that the asphalt at a busy intersection crumbled in the heat.
Cities like Chicago and Detroit have opened cooling centers. And in Omaha, Nebraska, one amusement park owner had to put two tonnes of ice cubes into his swimming pools to lower the water's temperature to 82 degrees.

Further over toward the West Coast, where temperatures often soar in the summer months, there were few hot weather warnings signalled by the NWS.
Small parts of Utah had a red flag warning in place — indicating a heightened fire risk — but temperatures were well within normal ranges in Arizona, California and up the coast in Oregon and Washington.
In Death Valley, California, famous as the hottest and driest place in North America, the average maximum temperature forecast this week was around 115 degrees, although it will cool from Sunday to around 106, according to the NWS.
But on the east coast the swelter continued. Late Wednesday, hundreds of people gathered on a lawn in Northeast Washington to watch the aptly titled Marilyn Monroe film, Some Like it Hot, at a free film screening.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 
CLICK HERE  to read this report  on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT July 15th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: The Secular Media Sinks To An All Time LowLuke 8:18   "Therefore consider carefully how you listen." (NIV)
I am sure that most of our readers are aware of the huge scandal that has broken out in the UK over phone hacking by journalists working for Britain's biggest selling Sunday tabloid newspaper.  These so called 'professional@ journalists are accused of gaining information for their news stories by electronically eaves-dropping (hacking) on mobile phone conversations of murder victims, families of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan and entertainment celebrities.  Other accusations are now surfacing that other journalists paid to obtain personal details from the phones of members of the Royal Family.

In todays mass communications world, news is BIG business that generates massive amounts of money.  One can only guess the true extent of the underhanded tactics employed by journalist desparate for a big news stories.   I feel sorry for the politicians, celebrities and sports stars who are constantly hounded by the media.    Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has accused journalists of trying to illegally obtain private medical information about his family, details of his bank accounts and his phone messages, a source close to Brown has revealed.   Journalists obtained details about Brown's seriously ill son and published a story about him, while other working for an up-market Sunday paper tricked Brown's accountants into handing over financial details, the former prime minister alleges.

The incessant pursuit by the Papperazzi was one of the contributing factors in the horrific accident that ended in the death of Princess Diana.  Seems these people know no boundaries when it comes to peoples privacy and personal dignity, if they catch the scent of a story. When it comes to Israel, most media people are typical left wing liberals who take the standard "Israel are the bad guys" position and always report the news from that perspective.  On more than a few occasions anti-Israel journalists have been found to have fabricated stories and even paid to set up confrontations between Arabs & Israeli soldiers.  In the case of 12 year old Muhammed Durah, supposedly shot dead by Israeli soldiers, one of France's main TV news channels was found guilty in court of false reporting.

Much as changed in the media world of the last few decades.  It used to be that professional journalists simply reported the news.  However many of today's reporters take it upon themselves  to make us think the way they think.  The late New Zealand evangelist Barry Smith, who focused on the End Times and thus closely monitored the newspapers for information, used to say "when you read the newspaper, just read the headlines -  that's the news - the rest of the article is only someone else's opinion."   And generally that someone was not a Bible believer, so we don't want to hear their ungodly opinion.

Another friend, Victor Schlatter, author of several excellent books wrote
"if you don't monitor the news media you are UN-informed and if you do monitor the news media you are MIS-informed."   So where does that leave the average person ?  -  Ignorant or deceived !   Praise God that these days there are alternatives for Bible believers.  This is why we send the Carmel Alert out each week.  And there are multitudes of other sources on the internet or by regular mail, that provide a Biblical perspective on the major issues in the world today  - the main ones being Abortion, Homosexuality and the Arab / Israeli conflict.

I am definitely not accusing every secular journalist of misleading their readers or of using immoral or illegal means to obtain their stories.  It is probably only a minority, but when it comes to reporting the Arab / Israeli conflict, sadly the majority do not give a balanced perspective in their reports.  Most take the liberal, left wing position that there is such a thing as a 'Palestinian people'  and that Israel is illegally occupying their land, and thus they paint Israel as the aggressor and the 'bad boy, on the Middle East block, when ever Israel is forced to take military action against the constant terror.

As Yeshua warned us in the opening verse, we need to carefully consider how we hear, and that goes for what we see as well.  What enters our eye-gate or our ear-gate has the potential to change our minds, and our minds have the power to change our hearts.  We do need to monitor the news so that we know what is going on in the world around us, but we always need to maintain a Biblical perspective. That means we need to read the Bible, more than we read, watch or hear anything else.

Philipians 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-- meditate on these things.  (NKJ)
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1.  Rocket Fire from Gaza Resumes    Israel Today News   July 10th    Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired three rockets into southern Israel Saturday night.  Two rockets hit open fields near communities in southern Israel, causing no injuries or damage. The third landed inside Gaza.  Last week, an Israeli soldier was lightly wounded when a bomb planted by Palestinian terrorists along the Gaza security fence exploded near his tank.       Israel Air Force strikes left at least five Palestinians wounded and one missing early Friday in the Gaza Strip, witnesses and officials in the territory said.
The witnesses said that IAF fighter jets struck a smuggling tunnel under the border between southern Gaza and Egypt, where five people were wounded. The Israel Defense Forces spokesman's office said the strikes were in response to response to six homemade missiles fired by militants from Gaza toward towns in southern Israel, marking escalating tension along the Gaza border for the first time in two months.
    Some Israelis fear the Palestinians could begin ratcheting up the level of violence ahead of a Palestinian bid to unilaterally declare statehood at the UN in September.  While that strategy would seem counterproductive, the international community had demonstrated time and again that its chosen method of dealing with Palestinian violence is appeasement.  
Please pray that the IDF will be able to apprehend those responsible for firing the rockets
2. Next War With Lebanon Will be Over Natural Gas    Israel Today News  July 11    Israel and Lebanon have become embroiled in a legal and diplomatic battle over rights to undersea natural gas fields that could potentially turn violent.
Dispute over natural resources has long been a catalyst for war, and few would be surprised if Lebanon's dominant Hizballah terrorist militia used this latest quarrel as justification for a fresh attack on the Jewish state.   "Lebanon has warned that it insists on protecting its borders and resources," a spokesman for Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told Bloomberg.  Berri and the Lebanese government were responding to an Israeli cabinet vote that defined the nation's maritime borders. Israel was keen to take that step after Lebanon began laying claim to offshore territories that encompass huge natural gas reserves discovered by Israel in recent years.
    Last year, Lebanon submitted maps demarcating new maritime borders to the UN. But the lines differ greatly from those decided upon by Israel, and even from those Lebanon itself agreed to years ago.  "The line that Lebanon submitted to the UN is significantly south of the Israeli line," said Netanyahu. "It contradicts the line Israel has agreed upon with Cyprus, and what is more significant to me is that it contradicts the line that Lebanon itself concluded with Cyprus in 2007."   Israel will submit its own maps to the UN later this week.  
   The natural gas reserves discovered in the eastern Mediterranean in recent years are estimated to be the largest in the world, and could drastically alter Israel's economic and energy situation.   But the new maritime border insisted upon by Lebanon would mean a loss of billion of dollars worth of gas rights to Israel.   Israeli firms working the Tamar and Leviathan undersea gas fields announced last year that in addition to the enormous amount of natural gas, there may also be rich oil reserves in the area.  Hizballah, which effectively controls Lebanon's government, responded by accusing Israel of "stealing" Lebanon's natural resources, and threatening war.  Hizballah has attacked and started war with Israel for less in the past.
Please pray that no one will try to attack Israel's gas drilling platform3.  Egyptian Gas line Hit Again    ICEJ News   July 12th   Authorities suspect sabotage in the latest explosion to hit the pipeline funneling natural gas from the northern Sinai in Egypt to Israel. The explosion, which occurred Tuesday morning near the town of Al-Arish, caused  a fireball and flames which were visible up to 20 kms (12 miles) away. A security guard and members of his family were reported to be injured in the explosion, even as fire trucks and security forces converged on the area in an effort to contain the damage. The explosion was the fourth attack this year on pipelines in Sinai that supply gas to Israel and Jordan. "The most important economic connection between Israel and Egypt is eroding," National Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau told Army Radio. "Electricity disruptions are not expected since we have other energy reserves, however it will be more expensive."Please pray that the pipeline is repaired quickly & better protected in the future
4.  Glen Beck Impressed Israeli Lawmakers   ICEJ News  July 12th     Popular and controversial American TV commentator Glenn Beck addressed a gathering of Israeli lawmakers on Monday and won overwhelming praise from nearly everyone present.   Speaking at a meeting of the Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee at the invitation of committee chairman MK Danny Danon (Likud), Bech lavished love and praise on the Jewish state.   But, Beck warned that many of Israel's leaders, like his own in America, are either afraid or uninterested in telling the truth.  "We have created a system of politicians who are afraid to tell the truth. Instead they're telling people what they think they want to hear," said Beck, recalling that he mistakenly viewed Israel as a hostile, war-torn nation before actually visiting himself.
    Beck made a surprise visit to Jerusalem in May to help Israel celebrate its 63rd Independence Day. He returned to the US with a newfound zeal for Israel's plight and its biblical mandate. But taking that kind of stand for Israel has come at a price.  "I got my first death threat, because I came back and said the truth – the conflict is about the destruction of Israel and the end to the Western way of life," Beck told his new friends in the Knesset. In the face of such hostility, of such determination to not only discredit, but to bring about Israel's demise, Beck said it is easy to get discouraged or scared. "What do we do? Tell the truth. Live our lives with honor, and integrity, and have courage," Beck encouraged the Israelis.
   On August 24 Beck will host a "Restoring Courage" rally in Jerusalem. He said thousands are expected to attend, including 70 prominent world politicans and four US presidential candidates. Beck said he hopes the event will help the Israelis to see that they are not alone, even if the mainstream media tries to make it out as if they are.  "There are millions of people [who support Israel] that you don't see, because the media doesn't want to tell their story," said Beck.  A string of lawmakers present at the meeting spoke after Beck and thanked their American guest for his unwavering Bible-based support of the Jewish state.
5.  US Jews Against Re-Division of Jerusalem   Israel Today News   July 14th     A bipartisan survey of American Jewish voters by McLaughlin & Associates found that an overwhelming majority oppose dividing Jerusalem as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.  Nearly three-fourths (73%) of respondents believe Jerusalem must remain fully under Israeli control, even though the Palestinians have made it a "red line" demand that they receive control over the holy city's eastern half.   The poll results were somewhat surprising in this regard, as a majority of the American Jewish community is in favor of the "two-state solution" and the creation of a Palestinian Arab state as an end to the Middle East conflict.  But American Jewish views may be shifting as the community increasingly sees Israel as facing an existential threat that will eventually reach them as well.   Firm majorities said that both Iran and the Palestinians will continue their efforts to eliminate Israel regardless of whatever concessions they are offered.  Very few American Jews still believe a lasting and genuine peace is achievable via diplomatic means.
    So, where does that leave American Jewish opinion regarding President Barack Obama?   Nearly half of those polled (43%) said they are no longer sure who Obama favors in the Israeli-Arab conflict, and less than half (46%) still think the president's policies are not putting Israel in danger. That leaves more than half of Jewish voters who are either unsure or certain that Obama's policies endanger the future of the Jewish state.  In fact, a sizeable portion of Jewish voters believes Obama is capable of outright lying when it comes to his relationship with Israel.  Obama and other members of his administration have made it clear that they will veto a resolution on unilateral Palestinian statehood expected to be presented at the UN this September. But 40 percent of Jewish voters don't trust the president to actually order the US ambassador to exercise that veto.
6. Hizbollah Threatens Israel Over Gas Field   ICEJ News  July 14th    The Iranian backed Shi'ite terror militia Hizbullah, which effectively governs Lebanon, gave a stark warning to Israel this week that it will protect Lebanese territorial waters against "Israeli threats." The warning is the latest move in the ongoing drama between Lebanon and Israel over drilling rights to massive natural gas deposits recently discovered in the western Mediterranean. Israel and Lebanon never established an internationally recognized maritime border because it would involve Lebanon's de facto recognition of the Jewish State, but until recently neither side thought the matter to be urgent. Israel recently concluded an agreement with Cyprus which marks the border where Lebanon's border with Cyprus also is, but Hizbullah has rejected this and wants the border it agrees to with Israel (including drilling rights) to extend further southPlease pray that no-one will be able to steal the gas from Israel or damage the drilling rig
7.  Israelis Expect a New Intifada Later This Year     Israel Today News  July 15th   A 52 percent majority of Israelis believes the next Palestinian intifada (terrorist uprising) will erupt in September, or shortly thereafter.   That catalyst for this new orgy of violence will be the unilateral Palestinian statehood bid at the UN.   Israelis polled by the Dahaf Institute said they believe the Palestinians will launch a fresh intifada regardless of the outcome of the UN bid, which is expected to be vetoed in the Security Council by the US, but pass as a non-binding resolution in the General Assembly.   In fact, the Palestinians are saying the same thing.   A poll conducted last month by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Opinion found that 76 percent of Palestinians feel the next step after winning a General Assembly vote on statehood will be to go to war with Israel.   Please pray that peace will be maintained for as long as possible
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
             Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel                 Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
             Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
             Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
            The Middle East Problem
"BEE"n GREAT HEALTH     [] click here   to visit Josie's new health products webpage

                              *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

   For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.

Thousands flee volcano News -

More than 4,600 people have been evacuated since an Indonesian volcano erupted on Thursday and its alert status was placed on the highest level, an official said.
Mount Lokon on Sulawesi island spewed grey ash up to 800 metres (2,600 feet) high early on Saturday as it continued to rumble.

"The evacuees are placed in six shelter points. No one has died because of the direct impact of the eruption," disaster management agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said.
"The disaster management agency has assisted them by disbursing 300 million rupiah (35,100 dollars) of emergency funds, logistics, equipment and personnel," he said.
The 1,580-metre Mount Lokon is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. It erupted in 1991, killing a Swiss tourist.

The Indonesian archipelago has dozens of active volcanoes and straddles major tectonic fault lines known as the "Ring of Fire" between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
The country's most active volcano, Mount Merapi in central Java, killed more than 350 people in a series of violent eruptions last year.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jewish Voice Extended Interview with Larry Huch

Watch this clip as Yahshua is changing the hearts of pastors to turn back to their Hebrew Roots. We truly are in the last days and it is exciting to be apart of Yahshua's plan! What an exciting journey and seeing His Word bring fullfilled :) Shalom!

Israel's fullfillment according to prophecy in Ezekiel 36 - Yahweh/God is fullfilling His Word revealing that He is the only God and His Word is TRUTH!

14th July 2011

Shalom Family,

Yahweh is GREAT as He gave us His Word that would testify of Him and reveal to us our past, present and future.  As King David said it best that the Word, His Commandments and Laws were a lamp unto His feet a Light unto His Path. 

The Bible states that a prophet would be known that he is a true prophet if that which he speaks would comes to pass.  Reading through Ezekiel 36 this morning, it is wonderful to realize how true the Living Word of Elohim is as everything in Ezekiel 36 has been coming to fullfillment.

Yisrael was scattered in all the earth,Yehudah taken captive by Babylon and the land became a desert waistland.  Yahweh/God said in Ezekiel 36 that He had judged His people for their disobedience against His Word, His Torah and scattered them throughout the earth.  After this event He said He would witness to the world of His existance and glory by returning Yisrael to the promised land, He would turn the desert waistland into the garden of Eden and He would restore His Torah in the lives of His people that they would want to obey His Commandments.  His people would get rid of their idols and detestable practices.

Every single one of those prophecies concerning Yisrael is coming to pass as Jews and Christians alike have been awoken with the desire to return to their Hebrew Roots and the Promised Land, whether it is to move there or visit.  Yisrael has become a land flourishing with flowers, people, trees and lots more.  Out of Israel they have been exporting flowers and food to other countries as well as great inventions and ideas have been birthed in Israel.  Brothers in the faith have been called to even plant trees in Yisrael, why, because Yahweh is doing it.  Brothers and Sisters have more than ever before been stirred up with the desire to return to the Commandments of Yahweh aswell as have faith in Yahshua/Jesus.  Having His Word, Torah in our hearts and in our minds and that we are getting rid of the detestable pracitices of our forefathers ie Christmas, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies etc

It is Yahweh, by His Spirit that is doing all these things and it is exciting to be apart of His plan.  It is evidence that our King is ALIVE, HE IS THE ONLY LIVING GOD and there is no one else but Him.  Glory be to His Name forever and ever - Amein!

May we continue to grow in the knowledge of Yahshua/Jesus and seek Him with all of our hearts.

Sis J

Ezekiel 36

Blessing on Israel
 1 “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD! 2 Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because the enemy has said of you, ‘Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession,’”’ 3 therefore prophesy, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because they made you desolate and swallowed you up on every side, so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations, and you are taken up by the lips of talkers and slandered by the people”— 4 therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD! Thus says the Lord GOD to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, the valleys, the desolate wastes, and the cities that have been forsaken, which became plunder and mockery to the rest of the nations all around— 5 therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with wholehearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open country.”’
6 “Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, and the valleys, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and My fury, because you have borne the shame of the nations.” 7 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “I have raised My hand in an oath that surely the nations that are around you shall bear their own shame. 8 But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come. 9 For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. 10 I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it; and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. 11 I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bear young; I will make you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginnings. Then you shall know that I am the LORD. 12 Yes, I will cause men to walk on you, My people Israel; they shall take possession of you, and you shall be their inheritance; no more shall you bereave them of children.
13 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because they say to you, ‘You devour men and bereave your nation of children,14 therefore you shall devour men no more, nor bereave your nation anymore,” says the Lord GOD. 15 “Nor will I let you hear the taunts of the nations anymore, nor bear the reproach of the peoples anymore, nor shall you cause your nation to stumble anymore,” says the Lord GOD.’”

The Renewal of Israel
16 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying: 17 “Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own ways and deeds; to Me their way was like the uncleanness of a woman in her customary impurity. 18 Therefore I poured out My fury on them for the blood they had shed on the land, and for their idols with which they had defiled it. 19 So I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed throughout the countries; I judged them according to their ways and their deeds. 20 When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name—when they said of them, ‘These are the people of the LORD, and yet they have gone out of His land.’ 21 But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went.
22 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went. 23 And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the LORD,” says the Lord GOD, “when I am hallowed in you before their eyes. 24 For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land. 25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. 28 Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God. 29 I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses. I will call for the grain and multiply it, and bring no famine upon you. 30 And I will multiply the fruit of your trees and the increase of your fields, so that you need never again bear the reproach of famine among the nations. 31 Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good; and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight, for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 Not for your sake do I do this,” says the Lord GOD, “let it be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel!”
33 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will also enable you to dwell in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt. 34 The desolate land shall be tilled instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass by. 35 So they will say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden; and the wasted, desolate, and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited.’ 36 Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I, the LORD, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the LORD, have spoken it, and I will do it.
37 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them: I will increase their men like a flock. 38 Like a flock offered as holy sacrifices, like the flock at Jerusalem on its feast days, so shall the ruined cities be filled with flocks of men. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.”’”

Thursday, July 14, 2011

IMF urges action on Greece, European banks - the debt crisis

WASHINGTON | Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:45pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund (Note: owned and run by the Illuminati bankers)  on Thursday called for a "greater sense of urgency" to address the Greek debt crisis and warned Europe it was taking too long to repair its banking system in the face of growing risks of contagion.In another warning, the IMF said delays in raising the debt ceiling in the United States had increased downside risks for the global economy and urged Washington to immediately increase the $14.3 trillion debt limit.

"The fiscal situation in Greece threatens market disorder that would affect funding rates for other vulnerable sovereigns and could have severe implications for financial institutions," the fund said in a surveillance note for Group of 20 leading economies.

It said global markets were very concerned with developments in Greece, which had serious implications for the strength of the global financial system.
A surge in Italian and Spanish bond yields, and further downgrades of credit ratings of Portugal and Ireland, have raised concerns that bigger euro zone countries could get dragged into the crisis.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned lawmakers that time is running out to avoid a credit default ahead of an August 2 deadline for raising the U.S. debt ceiling.
"In the United States, current debt dynamics with unchanged policies are unsustainable," the IMF said, warning that if markets were to become overly concerned "a loss of fiscal credibility would be extremely damaging not only for the U.S. but for the rest of the world".
It also called on the United States and Japan to outline credible medium-term plans to deal with their high public debt levels, including through changes to government-funded health and retirement programs and revenue raising tax reforms.

The IMF said overheating pressures in emerging and developing countries were growing, and had become evident through rising inflation and rapid credit growth.
"In emerging G20 economies, more rapid macroeconomic policy tightening and demand rebalancing is needed in some cases," the IMF added, also urging "pragmatic" use of measures such as capital controls, to manage the surge of capital into these markets.
Capital inflows were larger in Latin America than in emerging Asia and Europe, the Fund noted.
It recommended monetary policy stay pat in advanced economies given growth has recently slowed. In contrast, emerging market economies should consider raising rates to reduce rising overheating pressures.

But the IMF said markets were rattled by developments in Europe, where capitalization of banks has been slow and lagged that of Wall Street banks after the 2009 financial crisis.
"Banks across the euro area and elsewhere are lagging behind in securing funding for 2011," the IMF said.
"This is making them vulnerable to a further tightening in funding conditions, underscoring the importance for stepping up the pace at which they roll over maturing funding, since rollover needs remain substantial despite the ongoing deleveraging," it added.

Gold soars to record on debt fears

Posted: Jul 13, 2011 9:26 AM ET

The price of gold hit a record high Wednesday as investors continued to flock to the precious metal as a perceived safe haven amid global financial turmoil.

August gold futures contracts rose $18.50 to $1,580.80 US an ounce in late afternoon trading in New York. Spot gold prices also hit a record.
Gold has risen for eight straight trading sessions as European debt worries gained new traction. Tuesday's downgrade of Ireland's credit rating to junk status also rattled financial markets.
"With European sovereign debt fears intensifying again, [and] little clarity on what Eurozone officials intend to do next …, gold has been a beneficiary," said UBS analyst Edel Tully in a report. “This should, in theory, be gold’s time to shine as a safe haven and as an alternative currency.”

The inability of the White House and Republican leaders to reach a deal on the U.S. debt ceiling added to gold's appeal, analysts said.
Bullion prices also got a boost from the release Tuesday of minutes from the U.S. Federal Reserve that seemed to hint that some members of its key Open Market Committee were open to the possiblity of further quantitative easing measures to stimulate the economy.
Gold prices are up 11 per cent so far this year and have more than doubled in the last four years.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Eyeing oil, Hu congratulates South Sudan

Note: China is climbing into the GOLD, OIL AND RESOURCES of AFRICA, mmmmm....interesting?  They who have the gold and oil have the power!!!   
Yeah right both sides will benefit, China DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE POOR SUDANESE PEOPLE!!!  They just want the OIL!!!

11th July 2011
China Post -
BEIJING--Chinese President Hu Jintao congratulated South Sudan on its independence, promising strong ties between the two countries as China seeks to retain its access to Sudanese oil supplies
China is a major buyer of Sudanese crude oil, and has been keen to ensure the partition of Sudan into two states would not descend into fighting that could disrupt supplies and damage Beijing's stake on both sides of the new border.
China has long had close relations with the government in Khartoum, but has been moving to ensure it also remains friendly with South Sudan, where the majority of the old unified Sudan's oil reserves were.
“Although China and the Republic of South Sudan are separated by thousands of miles, the two peoples have a deep traditional friendship and common wish to enhance friendly exchanges,” Hu told President Salva Kiir in a telephone call.
“China's establishment of diplomatic ties with South Sudan has opened a new chapter in relations between the two countries,” Hu said, according to a statement released by the Foreign Ministry late on Saturday on its website.
China is willing to “establish a long-term, friendly and stable cooperative relationship with South Sudan, to the benefit of the peoples of both nations,” Hu added.
Jiang Weixin, Hu's envoy to the ceremonies marking South Sudan's nationhood, said he hoped South Sudan and Sudan would maintain friendly ties, according to a separate statement on the Foreign Ministry's website.
“(We) believe ... that both sides can resolve their problems through negotiations and consultations,” it paraphrased Jiang as saying. “We sincerely hope that both Sudan and South Sudan can forever be good neighbors, good partners and good brothers.”
While China has been building ties with the emerging state in southern Sudan over the past few years, it remains a major supporter of the Khartoum government, and its top arms supplier.
China's Consul General in Juba, Li Zhiguo, was cited as saying in the Saturday edition of Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily that China was “friends with people in both north and south Sudan.”
With three-quarters of the unified Sudan's oil being located in the south, cooperation in this field would be an important part of China and South Sudan's “mutually beneficial” relationship, Li added, without elaborating.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 
CLICK HERE  to read this report  on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT  July 8th  2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Guest Comment: Not Stealing 'Palestine, but Purchasing IsraelThe Real History of Israel's founding & Why it Matters   by   -  Daniel Pipes
Zionists stole Palestinian land: That’s the mantra both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas teach their children and propagate in their media. This claim has vast importance, as
Palestinian Media Watch explains: “Presenting the creation of the [Israeli] state as an act of theft and its continued existence as a historical injustice serves as the basis for the PA’s non-recognition of Israel’s right to exist.” The accusation of theft also undermines Israel’s position internationally.  But is this accusation true?

No, it is not. Ironically, the building of Israel represents almost the most peaceable in-migration and state creation in history. Understanding why requires seeing Zionism in context. Simply put, conquest is the historical norm. Governments everywhere have been established through invasion and nearly all states came into being at someone else’s expense. No one is permanently in charge; everyone’s roots trace back to somewhere else.

Germanic tribes, Central Asian hordes, Russian tsars, and Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors remade the map. Modern Greeks have only a tenuous connection to the Greeks of antiquity. Who can count the number of times Belgium was overrun? The United States came into existence after the defeat of Native Americans. Kings marauded in Africa, Aryans invaded India. In Japan, Yamato-speakers eliminated all but tiny groups such as the Ainu.

The Middle East, due to its centrality and geography, has experienced more than its share of invasions, including the Greek, Roman, Arabian, Crusader, Seljuk, Timurid, Mongolian, and modern European. Within the region,
dynastic froth caused the same territory ­ Egypt for example ­ to be conquered and re-conquered.

The land that now makes up Israel was no exception. In
Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel, Eric H. Cline writes of Jerusalem: “No other city has been more bitterly fought over throughout its history.” He backs up that claim, counting “at least 118 separate conflicts in and for Jerusalem during the past four millennia.” He calculates Jerusalem to have been destroyed completely at least twice, besieged 23 times, captured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. The PA fantasizes that today’s Palestinians are descended from a tribe of ancient Canaan, the Jebusites; in fact, they are overwhelmingly the offspring of invaders and immigrants seeking economic opportunities.

Against this tableau of unceasing conquest, violence, and overthrow, Zionist efforts to build a presence in the Holy Land until 1948 stand out as astonishingly mild, mercantile rather than military. Two great empires, the Ottomans and the British, ruled Eretz Yisrael. In contrast, Zionists lacked military power. They could not possibly achieve statehood through conquest.

Instead, they purchased land. Acquiring property
dunam by dunam, farm by farm, house by house, lay at the heart of the Zionist enterprise until 1948. The Jewish National Fund, founded in 1901 to buy land in Palestine “to assist in the foundation of a new community of free Jews engaged in active and peaceable industry,” was the key institution ­ and not the Haganah, the clandestine defense organization founded in 1920.

Zionists also focused on the
rehabilitation of what was barren and considered unusable. They not only made the desert bloom, but drained swamps, cleared water channels, reclaimed wasteland, forested bare hills, cleared rocks, and removed salt from the soil. Jewish reclamation and sanitation work precipitously reduced the number of disease-related deaths.

Only when the British Mandate of Palestine gave up power in 1948, followed immediately by an all-out attempt by Arab states to crush and expel the Zionists, did the latter take up the sword in self-defense and go on to win land through military conquest. Even then, as the historian Efraim Karsh demonstrates in
Palestine Betrayed, most Arabs fled their lands; exceedingly few were forced off.

This history contradicts the
Palestinian account that “Zionist gangs stole Palestine and expelled its people” which led to a catastrophe “unprecedented in history” (according to a PA twelfth-grade textbook) or that Zionists “plundered the Palestinian land and national interests, and established their state upon the ruins of the Palestinian Arab people” (writes a columnist in the PA’s daily). International organizations, newspaper editorials, and faculty petitions reiterate this falsehood worldwide.

Israelis should hold their heads high and point out that the building of their country was based on the least violent and most civilized movement of any people in history. Gangs did not steal Palestine. Merchants purchased Israel.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1.  Gazans Admit No Shortages - No Need for Flotilla    israel Today News    July 2nd    Israel has maintained that the international aid flotillas that keep trying to break the Israeli maritime blockade and reach the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip are unnecessary, since no one is starving in the narrow coastal strip.   Now local Gazans are saying the same thing.   In a series of conversations with Gaza businessmen, Israel's Ynet news portal revealed that the Palestinians living there are unimpressed with the latest aid flotilla, the first ship of which set sail from Greece on Friday.    "The flotilla isn't bringing things that reach the man on the street," said one Gazan, hinting at the fact that not only does Gaza have plenty of supplies thanks to daily transfers via the Gaza-Israel border crossings, but also that much of what does come in is siezed by Hamas and resold at exorbitant prices.
    The latest flotilla docked in Greece earlier this week, only to have a number of its ships mysteriously disabled in port. The flotilla organizers claimed Israeli special forces were behind the alleged sabotage.   But the first ship, the American "Audacity of Hope," managed to set off for Gaza on Friday afternoon.   The Audacity of Hope is carrying several dozen Americans supportive of the "Palestinian cause" and opposed to Israel's security measures against Gaza. The organizers of that particular ship admitted last month that their only goal was to confront the Israeli blockade, and they didn't even bother to pack any humanitarian aid on the vessel.
     Because of the acknowledged political and nationalist nature of the stunt, Israeli officials fear at least some of the flotilla participants are determined to harm or even kill Israeli soldiers sent to board their ship.   Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week ordered the Israeli military to do whatever it takes to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza, but to also take every measure to avoid casualities on either side.  But by press time it appeared Israel would not yet have to deal with the problem directly. The Greek coast guard halted the Audacity of Hope shortly after it left port, and ordered the ship to return. The American vessel and the others in the flotilla had been forbidden by Greece from disembarking until further notice.  The flotilla organizers have accused Israel of exerting political and economic pressure on Greece to stop the ships, but the truth is that the bulk of the international community is against the sailing of the ships.   
Please pray that this fiasco will end Flotillas for good
2.  UN to Discuss Making  "Palestine" a Member State   Reuters   July 5th    The U.N. Security Council plans to discuss in July the possibility of Palestine becoming a United Nations member state, the Security Council president said on Tuesday.   The Arab League has said it would request U.N. membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital at the U.N. General Assembly in September.   An open debate on the Middle East has been scheduled for July 26 according to a provisional calendar for the Security Council for July.   "I think (that) will be an occasion to explore the various options that might exist on the Palestinian side," said German Ambassador Peter Wittig, U.N. Security Council president, in response to a question about when the issue would be debated. Germany holds the Security Council presidency in July.   Wittig pointed to an upcoming Quartet meeting as a possible indicator on the situation. The Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators -- the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations -- are expected to meet on July 11. The meeting, expected to take place in Washington, will come amid a U.S. push to revive peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.  Separately, a spokesman for U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said he could not give a firm date as to when the much-delayed findings from a panel set up to investigate the 2010 Gaza flotilla incident would be released.  "I don't think we are yet at the point where the report would be handed over - when that happens obviously we'll let you know," he said at a press conference.   Please pray that the Lord will intervene to stop the UN going ahead with this
3 Pro-Palestinian Activists Take to the Skies    Israel Today News   July 4th    Discouraged by the current failures of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" stuck in port in Greece and beset by internal disputes and controversies, pro-Palestinian activists are turning to the skies.   This coming Friday, an estimated 700 activists from America and Europe plan to land at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport and list "Palestine" as the destination on their entry cards.  The activists, who will arrive on numerous different flights, said they hope to draw attention to the Palestinians' statehood bid and to garner support for an end to the "Israeli occupation."   Israel's Foreign Ministry says it will prevent the activists from entering the country, just as it has done with similar groups in the past that were determined to create public disturbances.Please pray that these activists will be identified & deported before they can cause any trouble
4.  Terrorist Attack gas Pipeline for the 3rd Time    ICEJ News   July 6th        After saboteurs blew up a section of the Egypt to Israel natural gas  pipeline, which conveys gas to both Israel and Jordan, for the third time in five months on Monday morning, experts had conflicting predictions as to the impact on electricity prices, but urged the country to continue to develop its alternative resources.  While the outcomes of this explosion will in all likelihood be similar to those of the previous two occurrences – more expensive, polluting fuels will be used as backup during the period – this third incident has made experts increasingly doubtful of Egypt’s gas reliability.  In the wake of last week’s announcement from the Public Utility Authority that electricity prices could increase by 20 percent in 2012, industry leaders expressed hopes that such a rise would not be further influenced by the events in Sinai.
   “A disruption in supply of Egyptian gas to Israel has a significant impact on the electricity tariffs in Israel,” Amit Mor, CEO and energy specialist at the Eco Energy consulting firm, said. Mor said he felt price rises might be inevitable due to the Israel Electric Corporation’s need to replace the gas with sources like coal, heavy fuel oil and diesel, as well as to extract gas quicker from Israel’s own depleting Mari-B reserves in Yam Tethys.  While Egyptian gas only costs $4.5 per million British thermal units, diesel costs more than $40 after taxes, coal costs about $5.5, and heavy fuel oil costs $17 plus negligible taxes, according to Mor.   “The government has some leeway, has some means, to lower the impact on electricity price increase by allowing the IEC to utilize the less costly but more polluting heavy fuel oil,” he said.  
Please pray that gas supplies will be restored as soon as possible
5.  Airstrikes on Terror Cell in Gaza Kill Two   ICEJ News   July 6th     Two known terrorists central Gaza were killed on Tuesday in airstrikes carried out by the IAF in response to intelligence that a cell from the Global Jihad terror group was preparing to launch a rocket attack on Israel. Minutes later, Palestinian gunman opened fire on Israeli vehicles driving on the highway adjacent to the Strip inside Israel moderately wounding one driver. The violence was the first along the Gaza border in over two months, not including four rockets which were fired into Israel from Gaza in June. Please pray that all terror attempts will be intercepted & prevented
6.  Israel is Sitting Pretty   
    On the economic front, Israel is coming up roses. Her economygrew  by 4.7 percent last year according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development against an average of 2.8 for its member countries. The OECD forecast for Israel in 2011 is 5.4 percent.”   Canada’s Globe and mail recently reported  ”The London-based World Energy Council says Israel’s Shfela Basin, a half-hour drive south of Jerusalem, holds 250 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil, possibly making the energy-vulnerable country (as expressed by The Wall Street Journal) “the world’s newest energy giant.”  With reserves of 260 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia would remain the world’s No. 1 oil country – though not, perhaps, for long. Howard Jonas, CEO of U.S.-based IDT Corp., the company that owns the Shfela Basin concession, says there is much more oil under Israel than under Saudi Arabia: Perhaps, he says, twice as much.”
   It concluded that Israel should be pumping oil within three to four years. Israel, it reported, “will match Canada in oil exports to the U.S. and thus free its long-time friend from needing to deal with tyrants”.   This week Bloombergs reported  “The results for Sara and Myra follow other gas finds off  Israel since 2009, including the Tamar and Leviathan discoveries that together hold an estimated 25 trillion cubic feet. The finds are sufficient to meet Israel’s domestic needs eventually and enable it to export gas, industry executives and government officials have said.”  In effect, these resources will change the global balance of power.    Yes, Israel is sitting pretty. 
Lets give thanks to God for this incredible provision for Israel's future
7. UN Exonerates Israel in Marmara Incident   ICEJ News July 8th       Ha'aretz reported on Thursday that Turkish and Israeli diplomats have been shown a copy of the UN's final report on the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident from May 2010. The report contains harsh criticism of Turkey for failing to prevent the flotilla from sailing, as well as upholding Israel's legal right to impose a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. The UN investigative committee, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, also criticized Turkey for its highly politicized investigation into the incident and praised Israel for its own investigation which it said was performed to levels consistent with international standards for fairness and integrity.   Please pray that this decision will be accepted internationally

Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
             Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel                 Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam        
            The Middle East Problem
             Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
             Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:    
"BEE" in GREAT HEALTH   click here  [] to visit Josie's new health products webpage

                                         *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

   For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.