Friday, April 22, 2011

22nd April 2011 - the past weeks report and news from Israel

Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly),
Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 

The CARMEL ALERT  April 22nd 2011

A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People

1.  IDF Captures Killers of the Fogel Family
     The Israeli army on Sunday confirmed the recent arrest of two young Palestinian Arabs for the March 11 slaughter of the Fogel family in the northern Samaria Jewish community of Itamar.   An army spokesman told Israel Radio that 18-year-old Hakem Awwad and 19-year-old Amjad Awwad confessed to the murders of Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their young children, and that they showed absolutely no remorse for their crime.   Reenacting the murder, the young suspects told security officials that they infiltrated Itamar at around 9 PM armed with knives. They proceeded to enter a home that was empty and stole an M-16 rifle that they found there.  The killers then broke into the Fogel home, found the bedrooms of 11-year-old Yoav Fogel and 4-year-old Elad Fogel and stabbed them to death. They then entered the parents' bedroom, where they struggled with and overcome Udi and Ruth Fogel.   After exiting the house, Amjad told officials that he could not resist the urge to go back in and kill 3-month-old Hadas Fogel, who was left crying amidst her parents' blood.  Amjad also said that had he known there were two other children sleeping in the house, he would have killed them, too.
   Following the attack, the youths returned to their nearby village and informed various family members of their villainous deed. An uncle helped hide the knives, burn the bloody clothes and get rid of the M-16 rifle they had stolen. Other family members helped cover up the murder in other ways.  Security officials believe the Awwad boys acted on their own volition, and were not following the orders of an established terrorist organization, though they were widely praised by such organizations.  Israel has been facing an increasing phenomenon of young Arabs engaging not only in stone throwing, but cold-blooded murder. Security officials and Israeli lawmakers have attributed the trend to poor parenting, to put it lightly, and have noted that Palestinian parents are more often than not ready to help their children cover up such crimes, rather than discipline them.  It is also important to note that Palestinian society views the killers of Israeli Jews, and especially Israeli "settlers," as national heroes, increasing the motivation to engage in such violence.

2.  More Missiles From Gaza    Israel Today News Apr 17th
    Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired two Grad missiles at the southern Israel port city of Ashdod on Friday, causing damage but no injuries.   While attacks from Gaza have slowed down over the past week, they have not ceased, and many Israelis living in the south of the country continue to spend days at a time in local bomb shelters.  Over the weekend, the Israeli army released aerial surveillance videos showing Gaza terrorists firing missiles from crowded public areas and even from places of worship.   The goal is to either discourage an Israeli response, or to use the subsequent damage to civilian structures to elicit public condemnation of Israel.   Despite these cynical tactics, Israeli officials said they will not tolerate continued missile attacks on communities in southern Israel.  In other violence, a Jewish man was lightly wounded late Saturday night when the Arab residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan stoned his vehicle. The man was evacuated to a local hospital for treatment.   On Friday, an Israeli Border Police officer was injured when a protester along Israel's "West Bank" security fence hit the officer in the face with a stone.

3. Palestinian State By September ?   Israel Today's News   Apr 15th
     Israelis are growing anxious over the international community’s renewed rush to impose a peace settlement on Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. And the world’s impatience is being fueled by Palestinian threats to unilaterally declare statehood in September, even in the absence of a final status peace deal.  Palestinian leaders have publicly announced that they will declare independence in September and seek UN recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state.  “The admission of Palestine as a member t the United Nations has become an inevitable reality in September next,” Israeli Arab lawmaker Ahmed Tibi told Palestinian Authority reporters on Tuesday. Before he became an Israeli Knesset member, Tibi was an advisor to former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
    The UN itself on Tuesday suggested Tibi’s assessment is more than wishful thinking when it declared that the Palestinian Authority is capable and ready to function as an independent state, and is only being held back by the “Israeli occupation.”  At a donors meeting in Brussels a day later, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, together with representatives of nations that regularly finance the Palestinian Authority, agreed with the UN.  “The PA is above the threshold for a functioning state in key sectors,” said the donor nations. They urged the Palestinians to achieve independence via a peace deal with Israel, but signalled they will not oppose a unilateral declaration of independence.
    With that kind of backing, Israeli offocials estimate that even America won’t be able to prevent the birth of Palestine in the halls of the UN later this year.   “[US President Barack] Obama wants a Palestinian state and although the US is not interested in a unilateral declaration, it would be hard for it to stand alone in the General Assembly and vote against it,” an Israeli official told Israel’s Ynet news portal.  Another official noted that the US had blocked previous attempts to advance a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence, but that it had only slowed down what has now become an unstoppable trend.
    Meanwhile, the Palestinians see all of this and know they can now play hardball and stick to even their most outrageous demands. Compromise is off the table as far, as they are concerned.  “The [Obama] administration has started to realize the situation in the Mideast is dangerous,” Palestinian spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeinah told Reuters. “It’s time for the American administration to move before September.”   US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said her government is already on the job, and that Obama can be expected to launch a new peace initiative in the coming weeks.   Obama’s previous high-profile efforts to jump-start the Middle East peace process were foiled by the Palestinians' refusal to negotiate with Israel.  At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly working on his own peace proposal, but it is expected to be rejected by the international community if it veers from established Arab demands.   4. Iran Supplying Hamas With Ready-to go Rockets   Ha Aretz News   Apr 16     Iran is manufacturing special missiles for Hamas that can be smuggled through tunnels into the Gaza Strip, according to the report of a conversation between Israel Defense Forces Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Harel and U.S. ambassador to Israel James Cunningham.   A cable on the discussion, which also involved senior officials of the U.S. State Department and Defense Department who came to Israel in February 2009, was sent from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv on February 19 and is part of the WikiLeaks documents Haaretz is exclusively reporting.  Harel, who has meanwhile retired from the IDF, spoke at the meeting about Katyusha, Grad and Fajr rockets. The Katyusha was originally manufactured in the former Soviet Union, and was developed before World War II. It comes in diameters of 107 millimeters and 122 millimeters, with a range of up to 40 kilometers.

5. New Law: Child Killers  Will Never Be Released   Israel Today News   Apr 20
  Israel's Knesset (parliament) this week began advancing a bill that would prohibit the release of terrorists who killed children in any future prisoner exchange deals with the Palestinians.  "I think this bill will send the message that although all terrorism is bad, terrorism against children is unforgivable," the bill's author, MK Yoel Hasson of the Kadima Party, was quoted as saying by The Jerusalem Post.  Hasson said it is time for Israel to make clear that such killers can never hope to regain their freedom. "This bill will go a long way in strengthening Israel's deterrence," he noted.  The bill was initiated in the wake of the massacre of Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their young children in the northern Samaria Jewish community of Itamar last month.  Last week, Israel confirmed that it had captured the two terrorists responsible for butchering the Fogel family. Already, Palestinian officials have said they will insist that the two killers go free as part of a future peace deal.  Hasson's bill is also in response to ongoing efforts to win the freedom of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. 
6. US Demands that the UN Rescind Goldstone Report    Israel Today News   Apr 21
   The US Senate on Tuesday formally and unanimously passed a resolution demanding that the UN Human Rights Council rescind the Goldstone Report, which falsely accused Israel of committing war crimes in its 2009 invasion of the Gaza Strip.  Israel launched the month-long incursion in order to curb terrorist rocket fire on southern Israel. But in his UN-mandated investigation into the conflict, South African judge Richard Goldstone claimed - based solely on Palestinian accusations - that Israel had deliberately targeted civilians. In an op-ed in the Washington Post earlier this month, Goldstone acknowledged that an internal Israeli investigation had proved that his conclusions were wrong, and that Israel had not committed any war crimes.
    Nevertheless, Israel's enemies at the UN continue to use the Goldstone Report to attack the Jewish state, and US congressional leaders want that to stop.  The Senate resolution calls on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to see to it that the Human Rights Council shelf the Goldstone Report and no longer use it as a basis for further motions against Israel.  The Palestinian Authority, in turn, lashed out at the US Congress, calling the resolution a distortion of justice in service to Israel.  The Palestinian leadership called on US President Barack Obama to veto the Senate resolution, insisting that it encourages Israeli "settlement activity" and the mistreatment of Palestinian civilians.   That the Senate resolution was based on Goldstone's own admission that he had been wrong about Israel's actions was not addressed by the Palestinian Authority.

7.  Hizbollah Planning to Assasinate Jews Over Passover Holiday    Jerusalem Post
    Hezbollah is planning a terrorist attack against Israelis abroad within days, security sources warned on Thursday night.  The warning of the imminent attack did not mention specific locations. It was issued as many Israelis were abroad for the week-long Pessah holiday.  The planned attack is in revenge for the assasintion of a leading Hizbollah terrorist several years ago   

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