A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel
Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Carmel Assembly, Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus
Email: kiwi@netvision.net.il Website: www.out-of-zion.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Out.of.Zion.Ministries Twitter: www.twitter.com outofzionmnstry
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT March 30th 2012
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People...
David's Comment: NOW is the Time for the Jewish People to Come Home
Ezekiel 36:8-10 "But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come. "For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. "I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it; and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. (NKJ)
A month or so back i wrote a comment titled "No Time Like the Present to Come to Israel." That comment was written to the non-Jewish people of Israel, in the hope of encouraging more Christians to visit the Holy Land. This weeks comment is focused on the Jewish people who are still living in the nations or the Diaspora as we call it here in Israel. You may have already guessed that I have been inspired to write this because of the terrible tragedy in France last week. An Israeli rabbi who was working as a teacher at a Jewish school Toulouse, and six and three-year-old daughters, and the eight-year-old daughter of the school's principal were shot to death at the Jewish school by an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist. This horrifying incident has once again shaken the Jewish world and has initiated calls from various government leaders in Israel, for Jewish people to return home to the land that God promised Abraham and our forefathers.
We believe that on May14th 1948, Isaiah 66:8 was miraculously fulfilled as the nation of Israel was born in a day, after 1900 years of non-existence. Jewish people began to return to Israel at the beginning of the 20th century. At first it was just a trickle which slowly became a stream, and then following the end of World War II and the attempted decimation of European Jewry, the stream became a river. At one point in the early 1990s, following the demise of the Soviet Union, when it was the world that was for is what is it the river became a torrent, as a thousand Russian speaking Jews poured into Israel through Ben Gurion airport and the seaports every day. Currently about 1000 Jewish people are returning to Israel every week.
All in all, more than 6 million Jews have returned to Israel in the last 100 years. However there are still many many more to come. As we read in the opening verse of this weeks comment, God says that he will bring all of the house of Israel, all of it back to the land of their forefathers. In Ezekiel 39:29 He says that he will leave none behind, captive in the nations, any longer. Josie and I are people who take the Lord at His word. The major focus of Josie's prayer and intercession ministry, is to encourage Christians to pray for, and assist in the repatriation of the Jewish people to the Land. In Hebrew this is called "Aliyah".
In Isaiah 49:22, we read that God is calling the Church in the nations to bring His sons in their arms and His daughters on the shoulders. We see this as a direct call to Christians everywhere to get involved with Aliyah.
Over the last 10 years, as Arab and media propaganda has turned much of the Western world and even many in the church against Israel, the level of anti-Semitism in almost every nation has increased dramatically. In Berlin Jewish people are saying that it feels like 1932 again. There has been physical attacks on Jewish people in France, Britain and in the USA, some of them involving loss of life. Synagogues and other Jewish buildings have been attacked in the US, India, Australia, and even in New Zealand. And now we have this terrible tragedy in Toulouse. We believe that just in the pre-Holocaust days of the Nazi regime in Germany, the news media is fanning the flames of anti-Semitism. We believe there is another Holocaust in the making. Many will say "oh that could never happen here", but that is what the Jewish people said in Europe in 1938 and 1939. History declares that they were wrong and 6 million perished.
That is why we have now is the time for the Jewish people here to leave the nations where they have been living, and return the Promised Land. Tragically most of the Jewish people ignored the warnings of the Zionists in the decade prior to the Holocaust. Lets pray they don't make the same mistake again. Josie and I invite you to join your hearts and your prayers with us, as we beseech the Lord to move upon the hearts of Jewish people everywhere and stir them to return to the land that he promised Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting inheritance - the land of Israel.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Furious at EU Leader Equating French Murders with Gaza Israel Today News Mar 24th
European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton once again found herself the focus of much acrimony in Jerusalem this week after she seemed to equate the murder of four people at a Jewish school in southern France with the casualties of war in Gaza. The Jewish school attack was one of the more heinous examples of pure anti-Semitism in recent decades. The full extent of the barbarity was revealed by eyewitnesses who spoke to local and international media. According to eyewitnesses cited by Israel's Ynet news portal, the Muslim gunman first targeted and gunned down from close range 30-year-old Yonatan Sandler, who was at that moment holding his 3-year-old and 6-year-old sons, the very image of innocent fatherly love.
Another of the killer's victims, 8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, tried to escape as fast as her little legs could carry her. But the killer was having none of it. He reportedly grabbed the girl by the hair and shot her from point-blank range. As the girl lied bleeding and dying on the ground, the killer wanted to make sure the job was finished, so he lifted up little Miriam's head and fired two additional rounds into her already-broken body. Neither the Sandlers nor little Miriam had done anything to provoke such a murderous attack. It was a deliberate, brutal and heartless execution of innocent life.
By contrast, Israel's military strikes on Gaza are a response to incessant rocket fire on the cities and towns of southern Israel. Despite the fact that international law affords Israel the right to return fire on the aggressors, the Israeli army goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, which is very difficult considering Gaza-based terrorists usually launch their attacks from civilian areas. Many planned Israeli strikes are called off because commanders deem the risk of collateral damage to be too great. In short, Israel does not strike Gaza arbitrarily or indiscriminately.
Ashton knowingly lumped Israel's careful defensive measures against Gaza's terrorist infrastructure together with two brazen terrorist attacks and one blood-soaked crackdown by a rogue dictatorship. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak responded by saying, "I hope that the EU's foreign minister will quickly realize the mistake she made and withdraw her comments." Opposition leader Tzipi Livni blasted Ashton's statement as "unacceptable, outrageous and wrong. There is no similarity between an act of hatred or a leader killing members of his nation and a country fighting terror, even if civilians are harmed." Interior Minister Eli Yishai insisted that Ashton was harming Europe's ability to act as an honest broker, and called for her resignation. Ashton's refusal made her an instant celebrity in Hamas-ruled Gaza. Its time for Ashton to go - please pray for her to be removed from office
2. Iran Planned to Bomb Israeli Ship in Suez Canal Ha Aretz News Mar 25th
An Egyptian press report revealed Saturday that two Egyptians were recently arrested and investigated for allegedly planning an attack on an Israeli ship in the Suez Canal. The questioning of the two found they had received their instructions from Iranian agents and had asked a third person to carry out the act in exchange for 50 million Egyptian pounds. The assault was said to involve launching a missile at ships from a farm bordering the canal. Israeli authorities have warned that Iran is setting up terror infrastructures on Egyptian soil to ready the ground for an operation. A high-ranking official in Jerusalem recently confirmed Iranian military experts have been active in Sinai and the Gaza Strip. "Several terror groups are now at large in Sinai," the source explained. He included local Bedouins, who are adopting the ideology of the Global Jihad - groups supported by Iran, who are trying to recruit and train terrorists not only in Sinai but throughout Egypt - and Palestinian organizations. "Joining them are Global Jihad organizations from Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia," said the official. He explained that many Palestinian organizations use the Sinai Peninsula as a convenient area for activity and warned that Libya has meanwhile been transformed into a huge arms depot, from which weapons are transferred to Egypt and then the Gaza Strip.
Please pray those who deal in arms smuggling and plan murderous attacks will be averted and brought to justice.
3. Russians Almost Finished Constructing Iranian Reactor ICEJ News Mar 24th
Sergei Kiriyenko, chief of Russia's state nuclear company Rosatom, told reporters on 21 March that despite international sanctions and a long list of logistical problems, construction of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant is on schedule. He also denied rumors that his company would assist the Islamic Republic in the construction of additional nuclear power plants. The remarks came the same day as Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio that Israel and the US are on a different timetable in regards to steps necessary to halt Iran's renegade nuclear program. He added that the way to solve the problem was to set a clear goal for upcoming negotiations between Teheran and the P5+1 nuclear powers and make clear that there is a limited amount of time to reach it. "There is a difference in perspective," he said. "The US is looking at this as the leader of the world, and Israel is looking at it as someone threatened from up close." Elsewhere, South African Deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim told reporters that his country had joined the list of countries almost completely oycotting imports of Iranian crude oil. "[To my knowledge], no Iranian oil is flowing into our country," Ebrahim said. "If there is any, it is very little."
Please pray that the Lord will supernaturally cause the reactor to be destroyed
4. Thousands Expected to March Against Israel's Borders Israel Today News Mar 27th
Israeli forces this week are gearing up for the annual "Land Day" marches by Arabs inside Israel and outside its borders. The event, scheduled for this Friday, promises to be a more severe challenge this year after regional powers like Iran, Hizballah, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas became actively involved in planning the march. Thousands of people from the Middle East and other parts of Asia have reportedly arrived in Syria and will begin their trek to the Israeli border in the coming days. Similar marches are planned from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and from within the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories.
Israel has called on neighboring governments, particularly Jordan and the PA, to help prevent an escalation of violence by not allowing the marchers to storm Israel's borders. Just in case the mobs do manage to penetrate the borders, Israeli forces are being outfitted with a variety of non-lethal crowd control tools. Israel is concerned about a repeat of last year's "Nakba Day" marches from Syria into northern Israel. Hundreds of Arab rioters protesting the "catastrophe" of Israel's rebirth as a nation-state managed last May to infiltrate northern Israel and clash with Israeli soldiers, leading to the deaths of 13 demonstrators and harsh international criticism of Israel.
The Land Day marches are a protest of Israel's sovereignty over lands the Arabs claim as their own. This year, the international effort is focusing on Jerusalem amid claims that Israel is increasingly trying to "Judaize" the city. Most Arabs deny the Jews' historical and religious connections to Jerusalem.
The Muslim Brotherhood and other Arab groups have promised that the demonstrations will be non-violent, but these things have a way of quickly spiraling out of control. And, of course, there is no way Israel can allow the huge number of foreign marchers to actually reach Jerusalem.
Please pray that this protest march will fizzle out and come to nothing
5. PM Netanyahu Meets With Gilad Shalit Ynet News Mar 28th
Gilad Shalit who was released five months ago after five and a half years in Hamas captivity met on Thursday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuin Tel Aviv. Gilad's parents Noam and Aviva were also present at the meeting. Shalit thanked Netanyahu for his release to which the prime minister responded with: This year the holiday of liberation (Passover)gets a special meaning. From slavery to freedom; from darkness to light. "You are looking very well and it is evident that you are coming back to life. I'm happy that you are proving (your ability) to overcome all; that you went to see a basketball game and gained weight."
The prime minister mentioned that throughout the period of Gilad's captivity, his wife Sara told him again and again to think of the boy living in darkness.
Shalit confirmed that he had gained 6 kilograms since his release. Now time goes by faster and I'm more active. For example, I have a more varied daily routine. I even came here on the train. Soon I'll be discharged from the army. Gilad's father Noam added that the family sought to meet the prime minister because they wanted to thank those responsible for the release of their son. Aviva Shalit gave the prime minister a book with a dedication: “To the Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, with respect and esteem…from Gilad and the Shalit family. Aviva added: It was important for me to come here today with Gilad so that you will see how whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. We came to say thank you to you and your wife who was in constant contact with me. Soon Sergeant First Class Shalit will be discharged, though an exact date has yet to be decided. Shalit will continue to receive treatment from the Defense Ministry which will decide his status as a disabled IDF veteran. He will be entitled to further medical and psychological care and may receive a monthly allowance as a disabled IDF veteran. Please pray for Gilad's complete restoration
6. Obama Administration Refuses to State Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel
Today, at the daily State Department press briefing, official State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland repeatedly refused to state that the Obama Administration recognizes Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel. In answer to the question: "Is it the view of the - of the United States that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, notwithstanding the question about the embassy - the location of the U.S. embassy? Nuland said, "We are not going to prejudge the outcome of those negotiations, including the final status of Jerusalem." In other words, all of Jerusalem is up for grabs in the eyes of the Obama Administration. Lets pray that there is a change of heart in the US Government concerning Jerusalem
7. Israel and the EU Sign 'Open Skies' Agreement ICEJ News Mar 24th
Adding another nail in the coffin of Israel's 'isolation' in the world, the Jewish State signed an 'open skies' agreement with the EU on Tuesday, opening the way for much cheaper airline flights between Israel and the EU. The agreement, which is scheduled to be fully implemented by 2017, was the result of over three years of negotiations. It includes the removal of taxes, standardization of regulations and other measures designed to ensure that aircraft from any EU city will be able to land in Israel and vice versa with a minimum of hassle and expense. Israeli and EU officials voiced hopes that the result will be increased tourism and economic cooperation, as well as expanded trade and human links. Please pray for stronger ties between Israel & Europe
Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Carmel Assembly, Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus
Email: kiwi@netvision.net.il Website: www.out-of-zion.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Out.of.Zion.Ministries Twitter: www.twitter.com outofzionmnstry
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT March 30th 2012
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People...
David's Comment: NOW is the Time for the Jewish People to Come Home
Ezekiel 36:8-10 "But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come. "For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. "I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it; and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. (NKJ)
A month or so back i wrote a comment titled "No Time Like the Present to Come to Israel." That comment was written to the non-Jewish people of Israel, in the hope of encouraging more Christians to visit the Holy Land. This weeks comment is focused on the Jewish people who are still living in the nations or the Diaspora as we call it here in Israel. You may have already guessed that I have been inspired to write this because of the terrible tragedy in France last week. An Israeli rabbi who was working as a teacher at a Jewish school Toulouse, and six and three-year-old daughters, and the eight-year-old daughter of the school's principal were shot to death at the Jewish school by an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist. This horrifying incident has once again shaken the Jewish world and has initiated calls from various government leaders in Israel, for Jewish people to return home to the land that God promised Abraham and our forefathers.
We believe that on May14th 1948, Isaiah 66:8 was miraculously fulfilled as the nation of Israel was born in a day, after 1900 years of non-existence. Jewish people began to return to Israel at the beginning of the 20th century. At first it was just a trickle which slowly became a stream, and then following the end of World War II and the attempted decimation of European Jewry, the stream became a river. At one point in the early 1990s, following the demise of the Soviet Union, when it was the world that was for is what is it the river became a torrent, as a thousand Russian speaking Jews poured into Israel through Ben Gurion airport and the seaports every day. Currently about 1000 Jewish people are returning to Israel every week.
All in all, more than 6 million Jews have returned to Israel in the last 100 years. However there are still many many more to come. As we read in the opening verse of this weeks comment, God says that he will bring all of the house of Israel, all of it back to the land of their forefathers. In Ezekiel 39:29 He says that he will leave none behind, captive in the nations, any longer. Josie and I are people who take the Lord at His word. The major focus of Josie's prayer and intercession ministry, is to encourage Christians to pray for, and assist in the repatriation of the Jewish people to the Land. In Hebrew this is called "Aliyah".
In Isaiah 49:22, we read that God is calling the Church in the nations to bring His sons in their arms and His daughters on the shoulders. We see this as a direct call to Christians everywhere to get involved with Aliyah.
Over the last 10 years, as Arab and media propaganda has turned much of the Western world and even many in the church against Israel, the level of anti-Semitism in almost every nation has increased dramatically. In Berlin Jewish people are saying that it feels like 1932 again. There has been physical attacks on Jewish people in France, Britain and in the USA, some of them involving loss of life. Synagogues and other Jewish buildings have been attacked in the US, India, Australia, and even in New Zealand. And now we have this terrible tragedy in Toulouse. We believe that just in the pre-Holocaust days of the Nazi regime in Germany, the news media is fanning the flames of anti-Semitism. We believe there is another Holocaust in the making. Many will say "oh that could never happen here", but that is what the Jewish people said in Europe in 1938 and 1939. History declares that they were wrong and 6 million perished.
That is why we have now is the time for the Jewish people here to leave the nations where they have been living, and return the Promised Land. Tragically most of the Jewish people ignored the warnings of the Zionists in the decade prior to the Holocaust. Lets pray they don't make the same mistake again. Josie and I invite you to join your hearts and your prayers with us, as we beseech the Lord to move upon the hearts of Jewish people everywhere and stir them to return to the land that he promised Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting inheritance - the land of Israel.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Furious at EU Leader Equating French Murders with Gaza Israel Today News Mar 24th
European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton once again found herself the focus of much acrimony in Jerusalem this week after she seemed to equate the murder of four people at a Jewish school in southern France with the casualties of war in Gaza. The Jewish school attack was one of the more heinous examples of pure anti-Semitism in recent decades. The full extent of the barbarity was revealed by eyewitnesses who spoke to local and international media. According to eyewitnesses cited by Israel's Ynet news portal, the Muslim gunman first targeted and gunned down from close range 30-year-old Yonatan Sandler, who was at that moment holding his 3-year-old and 6-year-old sons, the very image of innocent fatherly love.
Another of the killer's victims, 8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, tried to escape as fast as her little legs could carry her. But the killer was having none of it. He reportedly grabbed the girl by the hair and shot her from point-blank range. As the girl lied bleeding and dying on the ground, the killer wanted to make sure the job was finished, so he lifted up little Miriam's head and fired two additional rounds into her already-broken body. Neither the Sandlers nor little Miriam had done anything to provoke such a murderous attack. It was a deliberate, brutal and heartless execution of innocent life.
By contrast, Israel's military strikes on Gaza are a response to incessant rocket fire on the cities and towns of southern Israel. Despite the fact that international law affords Israel the right to return fire on the aggressors, the Israeli army goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, which is very difficult considering Gaza-based terrorists usually launch their attacks from civilian areas. Many planned Israeli strikes are called off because commanders deem the risk of collateral damage to be too great. In short, Israel does not strike Gaza arbitrarily or indiscriminately.
Ashton knowingly lumped Israel's careful defensive measures against Gaza's terrorist infrastructure together with two brazen terrorist attacks and one blood-soaked crackdown by a rogue dictatorship. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak responded by saying, "I hope that the EU's foreign minister will quickly realize the mistake she made and withdraw her comments." Opposition leader Tzipi Livni blasted Ashton's statement as "unacceptable, outrageous and wrong. There is no similarity between an act of hatred or a leader killing members of his nation and a country fighting terror, even if civilians are harmed." Interior Minister Eli Yishai insisted that Ashton was harming Europe's ability to act as an honest broker, and called for her resignation. Ashton's refusal made her an instant celebrity in Hamas-ruled Gaza. Its time for Ashton to go - please pray for her to be removed from office
2. Iran Planned to Bomb Israeli Ship in Suez Canal Ha Aretz News Mar 25th
An Egyptian press report revealed Saturday that two Egyptians were recently arrested and investigated for allegedly planning an attack on an Israeli ship in the Suez Canal. The questioning of the two found they had received their instructions from Iranian agents and had asked a third person to carry out the act in exchange for 50 million Egyptian pounds. The assault was said to involve launching a missile at ships from a farm bordering the canal. Israeli authorities have warned that Iran is setting up terror infrastructures on Egyptian soil to ready the ground for an operation. A high-ranking official in Jerusalem recently confirmed Iranian military experts have been active in Sinai and the Gaza Strip. "Several terror groups are now at large in Sinai," the source explained. He included local Bedouins, who are adopting the ideology of the Global Jihad - groups supported by Iran, who are trying to recruit and train terrorists not only in Sinai but throughout Egypt - and Palestinian organizations. "Joining them are Global Jihad organizations from Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia," said the official. He explained that many Palestinian organizations use the Sinai Peninsula as a convenient area for activity and warned that Libya has meanwhile been transformed into a huge arms depot, from which weapons are transferred to Egypt and then the Gaza Strip.
Please pray those who deal in arms smuggling and plan murderous attacks will be averted and brought to justice.
3. Russians Almost Finished Constructing Iranian Reactor ICEJ News Mar 24th
Sergei Kiriyenko, chief of Russia's state nuclear company Rosatom, told reporters on 21 March that despite international sanctions and a long list of logistical problems, construction of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant is on schedule. He also denied rumors that his company would assist the Islamic Republic in the construction of additional nuclear power plants. The remarks came the same day as Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio that Israel and the US are on a different timetable in regards to steps necessary to halt Iran's renegade nuclear program. He added that the way to solve the problem was to set a clear goal for upcoming negotiations between Teheran and the P5+1 nuclear powers and make clear that there is a limited amount of time to reach it. "There is a difference in perspective," he said. "The US is looking at this as the leader of the world, and Israel is looking at it as someone threatened from up close." Elsewhere, South African Deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim told reporters that his country had joined the list of countries almost completely oycotting imports of Iranian crude oil. "[To my knowledge], no Iranian oil is flowing into our country," Ebrahim said. "If there is any, it is very little."
Please pray that the Lord will supernaturally cause the reactor to be destroyed
4. Thousands Expected to March Against Israel's Borders Israel Today News Mar 27th
Israeli forces this week are gearing up for the annual "Land Day" marches by Arabs inside Israel and outside its borders. The event, scheduled for this Friday, promises to be a more severe challenge this year after regional powers like Iran, Hizballah, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas became actively involved in planning the march. Thousands of people from the Middle East and other parts of Asia have reportedly arrived in Syria and will begin their trek to the Israeli border in the coming days. Similar marches are planned from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and from within the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories.
Israel has called on neighboring governments, particularly Jordan and the PA, to help prevent an escalation of violence by not allowing the marchers to storm Israel's borders. Just in case the mobs do manage to penetrate the borders, Israeli forces are being outfitted with a variety of non-lethal crowd control tools. Israel is concerned about a repeat of last year's "Nakba Day" marches from Syria into northern Israel. Hundreds of Arab rioters protesting the "catastrophe" of Israel's rebirth as a nation-state managed last May to infiltrate northern Israel and clash with Israeli soldiers, leading to the deaths of 13 demonstrators and harsh international criticism of Israel.
The Land Day marches are a protest of Israel's sovereignty over lands the Arabs claim as their own. This year, the international effort is focusing on Jerusalem amid claims that Israel is increasingly trying to "Judaize" the city. Most Arabs deny the Jews' historical and religious connections to Jerusalem.
The Muslim Brotherhood and other Arab groups have promised that the demonstrations will be non-violent, but these things have a way of quickly spiraling out of control. And, of course, there is no way Israel can allow the huge number of foreign marchers to actually reach Jerusalem.
Please pray that this protest march will fizzle out and come to nothing
5. PM Netanyahu Meets With Gilad Shalit Ynet News Mar 28th
Gilad Shalit who was released five months ago after five and a half years in Hamas captivity met on Thursday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuin Tel Aviv. Gilad's parents Noam and Aviva were also present at the meeting. Shalit thanked Netanyahu for his release to which the prime minister responded with: This year the holiday of liberation (Passover)gets a special meaning. From slavery to freedom; from darkness to light. "You are looking very well and it is evident that you are coming back to life. I'm happy that you are proving (your ability) to overcome all; that you went to see a basketball game and gained weight."
The prime minister mentioned that throughout the period of Gilad's captivity, his wife Sara told him again and again to think of the boy living in darkness.
Shalit confirmed that he had gained 6 kilograms since his release. Now time goes by faster and I'm more active. For example, I have a more varied daily routine. I even came here on the train. Soon I'll be discharged from the army. Gilad's father Noam added that the family sought to meet the prime minister because they wanted to thank those responsible for the release of their son. Aviva Shalit gave the prime minister a book with a dedication: “To the Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, with respect and esteem…from Gilad and the Shalit family. Aviva added: It was important for me to come here today with Gilad so that you will see how whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. We came to say thank you to you and your wife who was in constant contact with me. Soon Sergeant First Class Shalit will be discharged, though an exact date has yet to be decided. Shalit will continue to receive treatment from the Defense Ministry which will decide his status as a disabled IDF veteran. He will be entitled to further medical and psychological care and may receive a monthly allowance as a disabled IDF veteran. Please pray for Gilad's complete restoration
6. Obama Administration Refuses to State Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel
Today, at the daily State Department press briefing, official State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland repeatedly refused to state that the Obama Administration recognizes Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel. In answer to the question: "Is it the view of the - of the United States that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, notwithstanding the question about the embassy - the location of the U.S. embassy? Nuland said, "We are not going to prejudge the outcome of those negotiations, including the final status of Jerusalem." In other words, all of Jerusalem is up for grabs in the eyes of the Obama Administration. Lets pray that there is a change of heart in the US Government concerning Jerusalem
7. Israel and the EU Sign 'Open Skies' Agreement ICEJ News Mar 24th
Adding another nail in the coffin of Israel's 'isolation' in the world, the Jewish State signed an 'open skies' agreement with the EU on Tuesday, opening the way for much cheaper airline flights between Israel and the EU. The agreement, which is scheduled to be fully implemented by 2017, was the result of over three years of negotiations. It includes the removal of taxes, standardization of regulations and other measures designed to ensure that aircraft from any EU city will be able to land in Israel and vice versa with a minimum of hassle and expense. Israeli and EU officials voiced hopes that the result will be increased tourism and economic cooperation, as well as expanded trade and human links. Please pray for stronger ties between Israel & Europe
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips * NEW Obama & Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wbH5KVPrPo
An excellent 60 min expose on the Israel / Arab Conflict over the land http://www.glennbeck.com/content/blog/glenn/rumorsofwar/
For a concise look at Israel's right to the land www.GivePeaceAChance.info
For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJerusalemCenter .
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011 http://youtu.be/Jt601Euxz8A
Israels Great Financial Future http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Hal%20Lindsay.wmv
Glen Beck Encourages Christians to stand with Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6jPq1z97s&feature=player_embedded
The Middle East Problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63hTOaRu7h4&feature=player_embedded#at=103
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures http://www.youtube.com/user/israelmedia1#p/a/u/1/mQFWi6cCUtY
Interesting info from an Arab perspective http://www.shoebat.com/videos/speak2arab.php
For those who want to boycott Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIQto3KPUM&eurl
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at: http://www.jr.co.il/videos/israel-videos.htm
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