Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel 
Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of  Carmel Assembly, Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 
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The CARMEL ALERT  March 2nd 2012
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People...

Guest Comment: 'We Have the Prophetic Word Confirmed’ by Colin Mitchell
2 Peter 1: 19- 21: ‘And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.’

2 Peter 2: 1:   But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.’

There is a real and enduring thirst within the body of Messiah for the prophetic word of God to be both proclaimed and understood. This understandable desire also carries with it some very real dangers.   This hunger for the prophetic has often presented challenges in terms of the person who is giving out the prophecy, the content of the message, and the methods used to convey the message. It is a generally accepted principle among all who accept the Bible as God’s word, that any prophecy given cannot in any way differ from, or contradict the revealed word of God as found in the Holy Scriptures.

If that is the case, then it must also be true to state that the body of Messiah has never been as bombarded with false teachings and prophecies as it is in this present age.  We know that dangerous false teachers were busy undermining the work of God, and infiltrating the believing community in the early church with beliefs that were contrary to the apostolic teachings of James, Peter, Paul, and those who led the first church in Jerusalem.  In Acts 20:29-30 Paul warned the Ephesians that false teachers would come to them to steal away believers and ‘also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.’

There seems no end to false teachings and wrong interpretations plaguing the body of Messiah today. There are the so called prosperity Gospel preachers, whose emphasis on material gain is a far cry from the centrality of the Cross, and all that it means. There are the Supersessionalists who declare that God has replaced Israel with the Christian Church, flying in the face of God’s eternal covenant with the Jewish people, and denying the truth of Romans chapters 9-11. These people can happily rejoice at the first coming of Yeshua as the fulfillment of the prophetic word of scripture, and then deny the same prophetic books that speak of God’s continual love and purpose for Israel and the Jewish people.

I also want to also express deep concern at a new book doing the rounds in some prophetic circles that chooses to deny that the formation of the state of Israel in 1948 was a major fulfillment of God’s prophetic word concerning the return of the Jewish people to their covenant land. The book ‘The controversy of Zion in the time of Jacob’s trouble’ written by Dalton Lifesy, does have some value in trying to keep the centrality of Israel within the forefront of eschatological thinking, but then deviates into teaching reminiscent of the late Art Katz. In basic terms, it argues against the teaching of great bible teachers such as Derek Prince and Lance Lambert by declaring that the modern birth of Israel in May 1948 was not a fulfillment of such scriptures as Ezekiel 36:22-28, and Isaiah 66:8, and that Israel faces another exile from the land in the time of Jacob’s trouble before a final later return of the Jews. The book fails to understand that God often unravels his purpose through a process of time, while also failing to do justice to the appalling Jewish suffering through the ages. These arguments deny accepted biblical teaching on Israel and ignore the critical role of the remnant in standing in the gap for Israel in the last days. When such books are written with such dogmatic certainty that denies alternative thought and contradicts great biblical teachers without any apology, they add unnecessary confusion to the body of Messiah.

Amos 9:15 ‘I will plant them (Israel) in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them,” says the Lord your God.’

God’s word is clear; There are no more exiles from the land now that Israel has been planted there. There are dark prophetic days ahead but the Messianic body in Israel is standing in the gap for the nation until it repents and prepares to welcome the Lord back to Jerusalem.

As Peter correctly proclaimed, we have the prophetic word confirmed.     Beware of those who try to undermine it.     

The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to.   Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for   e Kingdom of God.

Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie  


1. International Conference Attacks Israeli Control of Jerusalem    Israel Today News  Feb 26th
    The Emir of Qatar on Sunday opened the International Conference for the Defense of Jerusalem, where for the next three days Arabs and Westerners, Muslims and Christians will attack Israel's position that Jerusalem is its eternal, undivided capital.   The official program calls for discussing "the legal status of Jerusalem before and after the Israeli occupation [sic], the reality and the future of Jerusalem under occupation [sic], and the status of the holy places under international law."    Arab media reported that the conference is being held amid ongoing assaults on the Muslim-controlled Temple Mount by Israelis determined to "Judaize" the city.  There has been violence at the Temple Mount in recent days, but it has all originated on the Muslim side. Twice last week, Christian tour groups were stoned by Muslims while visiting the Temple Mount. The violence escalated on Friday, with Muslim worshippers attacking police throughout eastern Jerusalem, resulting in the death of at least one Muslim and the injuring of 11 Israelis.
     But the Arab media rarely lets facts get the way of a good Israel-bashing story, and neither do the speakers at the conference in Qatar.   Opening the event was Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who declared, "The Israeli occupation authorities are using the ugliest and most dangerous means to implement plans to erase and remove the Arab-Islamic and the Christian character of east Jerusalem."   It should come as little surprise that such a gathering would not be missed by the anti-Zionist Rev. Stephen Sizer, an Anglican vicar from Surrey, England.   Sizer was scheduled to present his paper "Jerusalem: The City of God in Christian Tradition," in which he attempts to use scripture to refute the idea that Jerusalem was given as part of an eternal heritage to the children of Israel.  Sizer, who will be a headline speaker at the upcoming Christ at the Checkpoint conference in Bethlehem ( see here), is a vehement opponent of Christians who would use the Bible as a basis for supporting the Jewish restoration to their homeland.
    Also scheduled to address this international gathering to defend Jerusalem against the Jews were representatives of the UN, the Arab League, and popular Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who advocates the subjugation of the world to Islam and the annihilation of the Jews.  That political and religious leaders from around the world would gather to wring their hands over Israel's control of Jerusalem should come as little surprise.  "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." - Zechariah 12:2-3
Let's pray confusion and disagreement over this and all similar anti-Israel events

2. Has Israel Already Knocked Out Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program ?    Israel Today News  Feb 27th
     One of the five million intelligence emails published by whistleblower website WikiLeaks on Monday suggested that Israel has already eliminated, at least temporarily, Iran's ability to produce a nuclear weapon.    The emails were sent and received by analysts and agents working for the Texas-based private intelligence organization Statfor. Stratfor is widely regarded as a reliable intelligence source, and  is believed to have an extensive intelligence network spanning the globe.
   In one email, an analyst cites a "confirmed Israeli intelligence agent" as saying:   "The Israelis already destroyed all the Iranian nuclear infrastructure on the ground weeks ago."    Addressing the fact that tensions between Iran and Israel are mounting amid reports that the Jewish state is preparing to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, the agent is quoted as saying:  "I think this is a diversion. The current 'let's bomb Iran' campaign was ordered by the [European] leaders to divert the public attention from their at home financial problems."   
Let's pray that this report turns out to be accurate

3.  Pentagon Poised to increase Presence Near Iran   ICEJ News  Feb 27th
    In the latest development of a situation which has the entire world's attention, the Pentagon notified the US Congress over the weekend that it will be sending additional military forces to the Persian Gulf in order to deter Iranian aggression and be ready to respond in case Teheran is not deterred. Elsewhere, a Saudi Arabian government statement refuted Teheran's version of events surrounding the visit of two Iranian warships to the Red Sea port of Jedda last month, raising tensions between the two regional powers even further. In related news, Lebanese Defence Minister Fayez Ghosn visited Teheran on Sunday, issuing statement warning Israel against "any foolishness in attacking Lebanon." The developments came even as the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency issued its latest report saying that the Islamic Republic has tripled its uranium-enrichment capacity, among other "serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program." Many of the nuclear facilities Iran has recently activated are in underground bunkers designed to protect them from air strikes.  Please pray that more military nations will take what ever measures necessary to stop Iran's aggressive behaviour

4.  PM Netanyahu to Seek Broad Agreement With Obama on Iranian Threat    Jerusalem Post   March 2nd
     WASHINGTON – Israel does not want to limit its options in dealing with Iran and will seek broad understandings with the United States about possible courses of action rather than specific assurances in upcoming White House talks, Israeli and American sources said on Thursday. “ The more explicit commitments you seek from one side, the more you’re going to be asked to make commitments of your own,” said Dennis Ross, until recently the top White House adviser on Iran, warning of demands the US would make of Israel should it go down that path.  “The notion of great specificity on either end is something that is overstated,” he said.    Ross also said all the Israeli prime ministers he had known during his 30-year career “want Israel in the end to take the steps it needs to take to deal with its national security as it defines it.”
      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who left on Thursday for a North American trip that will include an Oval Office visit on Monday, is no exception. He has made it clear to interlocutors that Israel maintaining maximum freedom of action will be a key message in his talks with US President Barack Obama. H   e is also understood to be looking for concrete signs that when the Obama administration says all options are on the table to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, there are actions from the US to give that statement credibility.   The Americans’ swift response to Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, including the repositioning of US Navy vessels, was one such sign, and actions that are disruptive of the Iranian nuclear program, including sabotage efforts, would also be welcome.
     Ross cautioned, however, that the US would want to be told ahead of time of any military action Israel took and that taking that decision too soon would be a mistake.   “We do have lots of assets in the area, and I think every administration that I’ve been a part of would want to know what they can know as soon as they can know it,” said Ross, who has worked under Republicans and Democrats, though he now serves in a private capacity as counselor at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.  
Please pray for an amiable meeting between PM Netanyahu & President Obama

5.  Israeli Technology Blesses the World  ICEJ News    Mar 2nd
The National Council for Research and Development issued a report this week giving details of Israel's world class contributions in the fields of scientific R&D and technology in the fields of medicine, agriculture, electronics, communication and much more. In 2010, Israeli companies exported $9.5 billion worth of technological services, licensing agreements on technological information, patents and related items. Another $300 million was added to that on Wednesday when Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz and Chinese Finance Minister Xie Xuren signed a deal in Beijing designed to boost export of Israeli water technology for agriculture. Israeli hi-tech also goes West, as British Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould said yesterday, pointing out that the bilateral trade between Israel and the UK has increased 34% to £3.75 billion ($6b) last year, negating talk of boycotts and divestment. "There is a fantastic synergy there," he said. "Our content and your technology go incredibly well together."
Lets give thanks to the Lord for the many blessings that come from the Jewish people

6.  Car-Jacking Epidemic    Israel Today News  Feb 27th
     Over the past two weeks at least 13 Jewish motorists traversing the highways of Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") have had their vehicles car-jacked and their lives threatened by Palestinian assailants.  Most of the victims have been female Jewish drivers, who have reported being forced off the road or otherwise stopped and approached by young Palestinian Arab men wielding knives.   One women said that one evening last week she stopped on the side of the road to fasten her seat belt when another car quickly pulled over in front of her. Within second, the occupants of the other car, young Palestinian men, had opened both of her front doors and were forcing the woman out of her vehicle.  "They pushed me forcibly, but I held to the steering wheel and engaged the car horn as many times as possible," said the victim. "Someone sat in the driver set and forced me out, but the seat belt was still partially around me. They tried to start driving and were dragging me on the road for several meters before I freed myself."
     Another female victim recounted that after being forced off the road a week and a half ago she quickly tried to call her husband. But a young Arab man smashed the driver side window, snatched her cell-phone and yelled, "Do you want to die?"  A similar thing happened to an off-duty female police officer late Sunday night, leading to the arrest of one of the car-jackers.    Police believe the 23-year-old assailant is part of a gang that is actively targeting female Jewish drivers. With little to fear from Palestinian Authority police, the thieves are able to make good money scrapping and selling stolen Israeli vehicles.
Please pray angelic protection over Israeli motorists  and that the perpetrators are quickly apprehended

7.  Heavy Snow Fall in Jerusalem   Ha Aretz News   March 2nd
Heavy snow fell in the Jerusalem area on Friday, and for the first time in four years, parts of Jerusalem were white with snow. Snow fell in Ramot, Givat Ze’ev and Har Gilo, and three centimeters of snow fall were reported.    The Jerusalem municipality, which had prepared for the weather conditions in recent days, was due to clear snow from the streets of Jerusalem on Friday.  Snow also fell in the Golan Heights in the early hours of Friday morning, and classes were canceled in the Golan and in the area around Safad because of the weather. Safad area residents were also asked not to drive by the municipality, and there was no public transport in the area.
    Cold and stormy weather swept through Israel since Tuesday, and Friday was expected to be the coldest day of the year. Snow fell on Mount Hermon and at high elevations in the Golan Heights and the Galilee on Wednesday, as well as in the central mountains. In some locations, the winds exceeded 100 kilometers per hour.   A 70-year-old man in Netanya was lightly injured on Wednesday when he was struck in the head by a glass door that was blown off its hinges. Elsewhere in the city, on Yehuda Halevi Street, a tree fell on a car, but no injuries were caused. On Tel Aviv's King George Street, traffic was disrupted when a large tree was uprooted by strong winds, tearing down power lines, ripping a bench out of the ground and blocking the street. Traffic lights and signs were blown down around the city. In south Tel Aviv's Levinsky Park, the city erected a new tent to provide shelter for the homeless.
    Aviation traffic was also disrupted yesterday. A Dutch KLM jet scheduled to land at Ben-Gurion International Airport was forced to land in Cyprus instead. The Israel Airports Authority went on a state of alert for other possible disruptions in airplane traffic. Both Safed and Jerusalem received some 40 millimeters of rain, according to the Meteo-Tech meteorology firm, while Netanya had 30 millimeters of rain. The Mediterranean was particularly rough, with waves reaching up to nine meters.   The level of Lake Kinneret rose three centimeters over the past two days. Air pollution levels in the south were higher than average.
Lets thank the Lord for the rain & snow,  but  please pray that there will be no more damage done over the weekend


 *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

         An excellent 60 min expose on the Israel / Arab Conflict over the land   
         For a concise look at Israel's right to the land

         For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI. .
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011

         Israels Great Financial Future

         Glen Beck Encourages Christians to stand with Israel

         The Middle East Problem

         The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures

          Interesting info from an Arab perspective

          For those who want to boycott Israel

        85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:

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