Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel  Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of  Carmel Assembly, Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus                 Email:                            Website: Facebook:               Twitter: outofzionmnstry    CLICK HERE  to read this report  on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT  Feb 4th 2012A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People...

Stefan's Comment: 'Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace…" (Jer 6:14)The history of the people of Israel goes all the way back to the patriarchs, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Long have we as a nation, wandered the through deserts and continents, lived in foreign lands under the constant threat of death and even annihilation as a people. This happened in the ancient days of the Bible as we  came out of Egypt, settled in the land of Israel and then were scattered by the Lord for our disobedience. It has also been happening for the past 2000 years, up until 1948, when the Jewish state was resurrected, but also since then the hated of the Jews continues.

For all these thousands of years, and perhaps most of all for the past 65 years, the Jewish people have longed for peace. Peace is sung about in schools, dreamed about by leaders and even carefully planned out by politicians. But peace is like Israel's unicorn, the single-horned mythological creature that cannot be captured. Modern day Israel has sought to live peacefully and dwell in safety in her land since the declaration of the state, but no matter what she does it has never been achieved and always seems to be out of reach.

For Israel, peace with God has always been tightly connected with living in peace in the land. When the children of Israel disobeyed the Lord and His commandments they would be attacked by their enemies, killed by the sword and even uprooted from the land. However when the children of Israel did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord they had peace, safety and prosperity.

Isaiah 9:6-7 says: "Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this".

Similarly, in Hebrews 7:1-3, Yeshua is named the 'king of Salem', along with the 'king of righteousness', as 'Salem' is the same word as 'shalom', if you recognize it (for those who know some Hebrew). 'Peace' in Hebrew is 'Shalom', which many of you will recognize as the greeting that people use here in Israel, much like 'hello' or 'greetings' in English.  'Shalom' comes from the root word SH.L.M (Shin, Lamed, Mem) and in its primitive form means wholeness. These two words are closely related, hence Messiah Yeshua is the Prince of Peace / Wholeness and where He is not present or welcome there can be no real true peace, and there is a void.

When Israel rejected her Messiah, she rejected her real peace and the only One who can make her whole. Up until this very day we are suffering the consequences of that rejection, the lack of peace, both the peace of the nation and the internal peace of each individual. Every person longs for peace. Not only a peace with our surroundings but an internal peace that connects with our souls and our spirits, a wholeness through which we feel complete, worthy, loved and accepted.

In Jeremiah 14:13-14 we read: " Then I said, “Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, the prophets say to them, ‘You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you assured peace in this place.’" And the LORD said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart”. Peace, Peace and there is no peace, as is written a few chapters before. The Lord showed me how this is the same today, not only in Israel but all over the world with every man and woman on the planet, and it is connected with what Yeshua says in Matthew 24:3-5:  "And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many".

Those words 'Here is the Messiah, there is the Messiah' is in a way the same as saying 'Here is true peace and wholeness, there is true peace and wholeness'. All around us people are being told to look to religion, money, success, titles, love, music and many other things for true inner peace and wholeness, but it is false. 'Peace, Peace, but there is no peace', and so people go from one addiction to another, from one religion to another but are never satisfied.

 In James 4:1-4 we are told that friendship (peace) with the world is enmity with God. There is no middle ground. We cannot serve two masters or have good relations with both the world and that of it, and with the living God, there is no sitting on the fence. We must choose this day who we shall serve and with who we shall be at peace. Moreover, we are called to be peace-makers, which means that we are to be those who seek to bring peace between the people who are around us and God, through Yeshua, by whom they shall find the genuine inner peace and wholeness that they, like every other human being, longs for. As peace-makers we are also called to pray that true peace will come to the house of Israel, that they may dwell in safety once again through the intimate knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah.

Those who pursue this calling shall be called sons of God (Matt 5:9), just as Yeshua is the Son of God and the top peace-maker Himself (Prince of Peace).
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this wth your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to.   Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
  Israel Today   Jan 24th
1.  More Arabs Declare They Prefer to Live Under Israeli Control       Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is making good on a promise to improve the standard of living and infrastructure in the city’s Arab neighborhoods. One example is the East Jerusalem village of Umm Tuba near the large Jewish neighborhood of Har Homa. The municipality has resurfaced roads and built stylish brick sidewalks, and new classrooms have been added on to the elementary school.  “In recent years the municipality has really been making an effort with regard to the Arab population,” Umm Tuba resident Hassan Abu Tir told Israel Today. “We can go on yelling that Jews have no right to be in Jerusalem, unlike us Muslims, but life under Jewish rule is better for us than under Muslim rule.”Please pray for an increase in the number of Arabs willing to tell the truth about life under the PA
2. Record Number of Israeli Jews Believe in God  Israel Today News   Jan 18thFully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists - the highest figure found by the Guttman-Avi Chai survey since this review of Israeli-Jewish beliefs began two decades ago. The study also found that 70% of respondents believe the Jews are the Chosen People, 65% believe the Torah and mitzvot (religious commandments) are God-given, and 56% believe in life after death. But that doesn't mean Jews in general are becoming more religious, at least not in an Orthodox Jewish way. Only 37% of Israeli Jews had a problem with fellow Jews not following the biblical commandments, and nearly 70% said they want more entertainment venues to be open on the Shabbat. The numbers, however, coincide with other recent findings that Israelis are increasingly hungry for a deeper spiritual life.Please pray that large numbers of Israelis will now move on to discover Yeshua as the Messiah
3. Palestinians Praise Killer of Jewish Family      Israel Today News   Jan 30th    The mother and aunt of a young Palestinian man who brutally slaughtered nearly an entire Jewish family last year went on Palestinian Authority television recently to praise his murderous actions and to denounce Israel for having the audacity to put him in jail.   Hakim Awad was given five life sentences by an Israeli court last August for his role in the March 2011 massacre of the Fogel family in the northern Samaria Jewish community of Itamar. During the home invasion attack, Hakim and his cousin, Amjad Awad (who also received five life sentences), mercilessly stabbed to death Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their young children, including a four-month-old baby.   The Fogel massacre sent shockwaves through Israeli society both because of the brutality and the purposeful targeting of young children, at least two of whom were sleeping when they were set upon by the Awad cousins.
     Palestinian society views the murders and the murderers much differently.   Last week, Palestinian Authority TV aired a program called "For You" decrying Israel's imprisonment of convicted Palestinian terrorists. Hakim Awad was one of the stars of the show.   Phoning in to the show, Awad's aunt read a poem she had written for Hakim and referred to the blood-soaked killer as a "hero" and a "legend" among his family, friends and peers. Awad's mother also got on the line to lament that she was being prevented from visiting her son due to the severity of the "Itamar operation" - Palestinians regularly refer to the murder of Israeli Jews, even children, as    military "operations."
    Remarks such as those expressed by the Awad matriarchs suggests that Palestinian society has actually been educated to hate Jews even more. And it is a certainty that at least some young Palestinians watching "For You" took away the lesson that they, too, can become "legends" by murdering Jews. 
Please pray that the world will recognise that Israel is not the bad guy in the conflict
4. PM Netanyahu Doubtful About Peace Process    Israel Today News   Jan 29th    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday sounded a pessimistic tone when discussing with his cabinet ministers the future potential of direct peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.  "The signs are not particularly good," said Netanyahu in reference to exploratory talks currently taking place in Amman, Jordan. "But I hope they will rebound and we can make progress."  Netanyahu criticized the Palestinian leadership for the seeming failure thus far of the Amman meetings, noting that the Palestinians "have refused to discuss with us our security needs."  A day earlier, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas tried to lay the blame on Netanyahu and his government, insisting that "Israeli intransigence" was behind the failure of the Amman talks, which the Palestinians have threatened to pull out of if Israel does not meet their demands within a matter of days.
    Abbas charged that Israel had failed to provide a "clear vision" regarding future borders and the removal of Jews from Judea and Samaria. Israel maintains that making such commitments at this point would prejudice the outcome of negotiations, and leave Israel with no bargaining chips.  Netanyahu has for years been urging Abbas to return to direct bilateral negotiations without preconditions. Abbas has during that same time being doing his utmost to paint Netanyahu has the primary obstacle to peace over his refusal to accept preconditions.
Please pray that all those involved in the peace process will realise its futility
5. Gaza Missile Attack on Southern Israel    Israel Today News   Feb 2nd      Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip launched an unprovoked missile attack on communities in southern Israel on Wednesday night.
Eight missiles landed near an in Israeli towns and villages bordering the Gaza Strip. There were no injuries or damage reported.   The "Red Alert" missile warning system sent local residents scrambling for their bomb shelters, but local officials again warned that the area is largely unprotected. It was noted that Israel's highly publicized "Iron Dome" anti-missile system cannot stop short range rockets fired at communities within 7 kilometers (4 miles) of Gaza, and that most houses and buildings do not have reinforced roofs and walls.   Another often ignored effect of the rocket attacks is the psychological damage it is doing to children living in the area. A very high percentage of Israeli children living in the northern Negev region have exhibited signs of emotional stress disorders due to the missile attacks.
Please pray that all incoming missiles will be intercepted before causing any harm or damage6. Israel: Iran's Missile System is Complete  -  Can Also Reach the USA   Israel Today News  Feb 4th     Iran has completed the development of a nuclear weapon and awaits nothing more than a sign from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to start assembling its first nuclear device, said Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Major General Aviv Kochavi on Thursday. Assembling a bomb would take up to a year, Kochavi estimated. With 100 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20 percent grade and another 4 tons of uranium enriched to 3.5 percent already in stock, Iran would need another two years to make four nuclear weapons.   Therefore, by the end of 2012
or early 2013 Iran may have a single nuclear weapon, but by 2015 the figure would jump to four or five.  
    The officer was essentially amplifying the words of his predecessor, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, who said on Jan. 26 that as long ago as 2007 or 2008, Iran had already passed the point of no return in developing nuclear weapons.   Kochavi agreed with him that none of the sanctions imposed thus far had persuaded Iran to slow down, least of all shut down, its drive for a nuclear weapon.   His comments coincided with the findings published Thursday by the Enterprise Institute, an American think tank, that Iran would be able to manufacture a 15-kiloton nuclear weapon as soon as August of this year, just seven months from now.
Please pray that Iran's nuclear weapons program will be dealt a severe blow
7. Heavy rains raise level of Sea of Galilee   ICEJ News   Feb 1st    A wet January which saw several days of heavy rain and snow have raised the level of the Sea of Galilee by 55 centimeters, although it remained 10 centimeters below the "bottom red line" and is not yet out of danger. Rains continued in many parts of the country on Wednesday giving Israelis hope that the Sea and other main sources of fresh water in the country will make a further recovery from years of severe drought.   Please pray that the rain will continue to fall until the Spring
*  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               
         An excellent 60 min expose on the Israel / Arab Conflict over the land         For a concise look at Israel's right to the land
         For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI. .
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
         Israels Great Financial Future
         Glen Beck Encourages Christians to stand with Israel
         Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview
          Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
         The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
        85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:

FINANCES: The Carmel Alert prayer points bulletin is sent out weekly via e-mail.  We also produce a bi-monthly  family ministry newsletter which we prefer to send out by postal mail.  Much of our literature is on our  website at: Out of Zion Ministries is answering the call to be a blessing and a light to the nations.   David regularly travels to churches around the world to share the Word of the Lord in respect to the Jewish roots of Christianity, and to bring awareness of the Church's relation-ship to Israel and  the Jewish people and her responsibility to partner with the Lord in the restoration of  Israel.  We are open to  visiting your congregation if  we are invited.  We are have a vision to take the Gospel to the Jew first and then to the people of other nations.
      The work of  Out of Zion is made possible through the prayerful and financial support of  the Body of Messiah.  We encourage you to seek the Lord as to how He would have you be His & our fellow-workers.   If you wish to become a partner in the restoration & salvation of  Israel, & the restoration of the Church to  her Jewish roots,   please contact us at  Your prayer and financial support will go toward our expenses here in Israel and our ministry to the nations.  
Click Here to MAKE A SUPPORT DONATION  by Paypal  or via our international representatives

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    & MALAYSIA:   cheques to D S & J Silver  deposit Westpac Bank, ACCT # 03  0239  0111482 00 or mail to Linda as above
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          Interesting info from an Arab perspective
          For those who want to boycott Israel
         The Middle East Problem

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