Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 12th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: It Is a Holy War Between Islam & the West !Mohammed founded the Islamic religion in the 6th century. Right from the outset Mohammed and his followers spread the religion by the sword. Islam spread right across Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, eradicating much of the evangelistic work of Paul, Peter and the other early apostles. Then in the 11th and 12th centuries the Crusaders embarked on counter-attacks against Islam engaging in many violent, bloody battles with the armies of Salah-Ah-Din, the leader of the Muslim Marmelukes. From the 12th to the 15th century, the Marmeluke dynasty controlled most of North Africa and the Middle East, until they were defeated by the Ottoman Turks in AD 1571. The Ottoman empire, which included Jerusalem, reigned until the Marmelukes began to take back their lost empire in the 17th century. The Ottoman army massacred the Marmelukes in Egypt in 1811, and destroyed their counterparts in Baghdad in 1831. The Ottomans ruled over the area until they were defeated by the British in the early 20th century. General Allenby finally liberated Jerusalem from the Otterman Turks in 1917, paving the way for the resurrection of Israel on May 14th 1948.
Islam laid relatively low for several decades until the discovery of oil under the sweltering desert sands of the Muslim Arab countries. As the 20th century advanced, every form of motorised transport began to rapidly increase and the fortunes of the Arab world turned around. After WW2, the British realised their future was very dependant on Middle East oil and thus were one of the first Western countries to compromise the well-being of the Jews, in the hope of protecting the supply of Arab oil. Hundreds of Jews who had made their way to the shores of Israel, having survived the Nazi death camps, drowned in Haifa bay as the British fired on, and sunk several of the ships that had rescued them. With the rapid advancement of technology in the last 40 years of the 20th century, the oil based plastic and synthetic industries were born, and in just a few decades, the developed world's appetite for oil based fuels, and plastic products increased exponentially. Today, almost the entire Western world is totally dependent on the supply of oil from the North African and Middle East Islamic nations.
It seems very obvious to me that this unsatiable appetite for M.E. oil is the reason that the post Christian nations of the West are going to the extreme in trying to placate the Muslims and to convince us all that Islam is a peaceful religion. For more than 40 years Muslims have been flooding into Europe, Scandanavia, the UK. Canada and the USA. In a number of cities in the UK and Sweden, the percentage of Muslims is over 30% - a few of them are approaching the 50% mark. Once they get this close to being the majority, Muslim leaders begin to look for ways to implement Sharia law. At first they begin to demand for Sharia law for the Muslim community, but rest assured that once they get that, it wont be long before they will demand the whole nation come under Sharia law. In the UK Islamic law courts are now sanctioned and operative. You have to have your head stuck in the sand, not to see that the real goal of Islam is to take over the world - And that means your country !
Islam has not changed its spots in the last 1000 years ( if ever). More than 30 years ago, 'Old School' American preacher preacher, the late Lester Sumrall, wrote a book called 'JIHAD', in which he stated that the Islamic leader's intention was to establish beach-heads in London and other European cities, from which the holy war would be launched against the USA and the rest of the world. Brother Sumrall's prophetic words have been proven to be correct. In the US an American-born former Muslim made this statement, "When I was a Muslim I attended about 20 mosques here in America. I can say that every single one of them preached the hatred of Jews, Americans and Israel. Americans are being deceived by their media, their leaders and their political commentators; political correctness is literally going to kill millions of you." Even though they wont admit it, the Western nations are engaged in a holy war with Islamic fundamentalists. It is very clear from the other perspective that radical Islam is openly engaged in a Jihad against the Jewish people and the infidels of the West. And while the West is bending over backwards to be nice to Islam, they are planning and preparing for more 9/11's and worse. The biggest mistake is giving in to their demands. What we see as gestures of peace, they see as pathetic weakness. It encourages them to continue their terror tactics - it works !!!
History is repeating itself. The 1400 year conflict between Islam and the West is increasing, as it has done several times before. This time Islam's greatest weapon is the stupidity of an enemy who is in denial of the true situation. The more we try to pretend all is well, the worse the situation gets. Even if the so called Palestinians get their own state (may it never be) the Jihad will continue. The so called Palestinian issue is just a very well planned Muslim strategy to bring the nations against Israel. The West has been manipulated into choosing to stand with the wrong people and will soon pay a terrible price for doing so. In Genesis 12:3 God warns us that He will curse those who are against Israel , or who take Israel lightly.
To finish on a positive note, there is hope. Isaiah 19 says that one day Israel, Assyria and Egypt will be one. One day the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael will be reconciled. And we can play a part in this reconciliation, not by compromising the Word of God and allowing Islam to take over our once Christian nations, but by boldly declaring the Word of the Lord over the Arabs and the Jews. Let's take authority over the lying spirits that fuel the deep animosity between the sons of Abraham, and then decree salvation over both peoples - in the Name of Yeshua.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System as Rocket Attacks Increase Ha Aretz News Aug 5th The Israel Defence Forces redeployed the Iron Dome missile defence system near Ashkelon on Friday following days of heightened rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. The Iron Dome's deployment comes a day after Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak a letter imploring them to redeploy the missile defence system. Earlier in the week, Meir Yifrach, the chairman of the Sdot Negev Regional Council cautioned that "we are stepping toward the month of September, but we have security problems." Yifrach continued, saying "I have eight towns where the schools and the kindergartens are not protected. I have warned security forces about this, but I have yet to receive an answer." The IDF has attacked several targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of Grad rockets at Israel in the last several days, most recently attacking five locations early Friday morning. Hours before the air strike Friday a rocket fell in an open field near the town of Kiryat Gat. The rocket was the third of its kind in 24 hours, but it caused no injuries or damage.
An IDF Spokesperson said that planes attacked three tunnels used for terror activity and a terror activity site in central Gaza and another terror activity site in southern Gaza. The IDF added that, "The IDF will operate with determination and respond with force against any terror organisation attempting to disturb the way of life or harm the citizens of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organisation solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip." Two additional rockets landed on Wednesday, one near Ashkelon and the other near Kiryat Gat. A woman was lightly wounded on Monday when a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz near Ashkelon.Please pray that the Iron Dome system will succeed in intercepting the incoming rockets
2. "Palestinians" Planning a New Wave of Violence Israel Today News Aug 7th Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday warned that the Palestinian Authority is planning to unleash a new wave of violence against Israel in conjunction with its bid for UN recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN in September. The Palestinian leadership "is planning violence and bloodshed on a scale that has yet to have been seen here," Lieberman told reporters at the Knesset. "The more they talk about their wish to operate in the diplomatic arena, the more I see preparations for violence and bloodshed." Lieberman said the basis for his assessment is recent efforts by the Palestinian Authority to organize massive marches on Israeli army checkpoints and on Jerusalem to coincide with the UN vote. "You can just imagine what would happen if 30 or 40 thousand people try to forcefully enter Israel," noted Lieberman. "How are soldiers and officers supposed to react?"
It is now widely accepted that the Palestinian Authority under former leader Yasser Arafat was behind the start of the "Second Intifada" or "Oslo War," a terrorist uprising against Israel that lasted from the summer of 2000 until it largely fizzled out in 2007. While it would seem counterproductive for the Palestinians to mar their diplomatic efforts with outbreaks of violence, that strategy has served them well until now. Every outbreak of Palestinian violence to date has only increased international pressure on Israel to meet Palestinian demands, while carrying little or no diplomatic consequences for the Palestinians. Please pray that this threat will not come to reality
3. FM Lieberman: Israel Should Cut All Ties With PA Israel Today News Aug 7th Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that he intended to ask the senior ministers comprising the "forum of eight" to cut all ties with the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman added that the Palestinians are getting ready for "unprecedented bloodshed" after the United Nations vote in September. "The Palestinian Authority is stepping up its efforts to try Israeli officers and senior officials at the International Tribunal in the Hague," he said. "I will demand breaking off all ties with it – no treasury officials, not the water authority and no Foreign Ministry officials (will maintain ties with the PA). You can't get security coordination (with Israel) and also try IDF soldiers at the Hague."
Liberman claimed that contrary statements made by senior Palestinian officials, who spoke of non-violent actions in September, there are in fact preparations for bloodshed. "The Palestinian Authority is getting ready for bloodshed on a scale we haven't seen," he said. "The more they speak about non-violent action the more they are preparing for bloodshed." Lieberman talked about a scenario in which tens of thousands of Palestinians try to force their way through a checkpoint. Please pray that Mr Lieberman is taking seriously
4. Released Hamas Leaders Claims Gilad Shalit is in Good Conditions Arutz 7 Aug 8th A senior member of Hamas said Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas terrorists under good conditions. Sheik Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its top operatives in Judea and Samaria who helped plan many of the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and who was released from an Israeli prison last Thursday due to crowdedness (yeah, right! - BL), made the comments in an interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 2 News. (this is getting more bizarre all the time! -BL) “Shalit is in good condition,” he said. “He is being held under good conditions and if he is released soon, if a prisoner swap is made, Shalit would tell you about the human side, about the personal treatment, and about the good living conditions he received.”
Yousef also revealed that Hamas prisoners had met with senior Israeli officials in prison to discuss the possibility of reaching a prisoner swap deal to free Shalit. “There was more than one meeting between us and the relevant Israeli officials on the Shalit issue,” he said. Yousef, whose son Mosab was claimed to be a former spy for the Mossad, added that he believes that ultimately, Hamas and Israel will have no choice but to talk with one another. “If Hamas wins the support of the Palestinian people there may be dialogue [with Israel],” he said. “The most difficult of dialogues take place between enemies. There’s no choice other than to ultimately hold dialogue between us.” He added, however, that “Hamas today is not a replacement for the Palestinian Authority and is not responsible for negotiations.”
Last week, Hamas claimed on one of its websites that Shalit, held captive by terrorists for more than five years, is receiving good treatment from his captors but is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The group claimed that Shalit is “embarrassed to ask for food during Ramadan despite the fact that his captors do not deny him that right.” Please pray for the immediate, unconditional release of Gilad Shalit
5. Arab States Will Lead UN in September ICEJ News Aug 9th YNet News reported on Tuesday that next month, when the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to go to the UN General Assembly to seek recognition for a Palestinian State, the Security Council and the GA will both be chaired by representatives from Arab countries. Lebanon will serve as president of the Security Council in September and Qatar will head the General Assembly for one year as of next month. Lebanon's Ambassador to the UN, Nawaf Salam, will preside over Security Council meetings next month, with the authority to set one special topic for discussion, as well as other prerogatives including inviting speakers. "This is the daily reality we face in the UN," lamented Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor. "It requires double the effort in an arena which has an automatic majority against us." Please pray that the Lord will stop the UN from even discussing the declaration of a Palestinian State
6. New Construction in Jerusalem Approved ICEJ News Aug 11th Brushing off recent proclamations of "deep concern" about Israeli building in eastern Jerusalem by the US and EU, Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced approval of 1,600 additional housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood on Thursday. An additional 700 in Pisgat Ze'ev and another 2,000 in Givat Hamatos are expected to be approved in the next few days. Anti-settlement activists claimed that Yishai was taking advantage of protests against housing shortages to push an agenda that most of those protesting are opposed to.
Israeli construction in East Jerusalem will also likely hurt Washington's efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from seeking statehood at the United Nations next month. These 1,600 apartments had caused a diplomatic rift between Israel and the U.S .last year when they won an earlier approval from the ministry during a visit to Israel by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Please pray that international disapproval will not prevent the construction
7. Palestinian Statehood Plan Beginning to Falter Israel Today News Aug 8th The Palestinian leadership appeared increasingly unsure of itself over the past week when questioned about its unilateral statehood bid at the UN next month. Various Western and Arabic news agencies suggested the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was rethinking its plan to request membership as a sovereign nation in the UN General Assembly. Former Palestinian Authority Information Minister Nabil Amr said that is precisely what he is advising Abbas to do. Speaking to the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Amr warned that "the Americans have not hidden their position and threats to impose sanctions not only against us, but also against those who would vote in favor of the statehood plan."
Indeed, the US Congress has threatened to cut all ties to the Palestinian Authority if it goes forward with the unilateral statehood bid, which includes asking the Security Council for official recognition. The Obama Administration has already said it will veto the Security Council vote, but can do nothing to stop a majority of the General Assembly nations from recognizing "Palestine" in a non-binding decision. A senior Western diplomat on Wednesday reiterated that the Palestinian stunt at the UN next month will "make it harder for the US to have relations with the Palestinian Authority." At risk will be direct US financial aid to the Palestinian government and American training of Palestinian security forces. While both programs are determined by the White House, Congress is unlikely to let US President Obama continue supporting a Palestinian Authority that has eschewed the bilateral peace process.
Despite these warnings, and signs that the Palestinian leadership is getting scared, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat this week insisted that the UN bid is scheduled to go forward. Erekat told the Jordan News Agency that the Palestinian Authority heirarchy has no intention of abandoning its quest for recognition of statehood at the UN. Erekat said it was too late to take any other course of action, which he backed up by noting that just last week the Palestinian Authority rejected a proposal by PM Netanyahu to restart peace negotiations based on PA border demands.Please pray that the UN vote will be a failure "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here to visit Josie's new health products webpage
or watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= cHmH_ei7DJU
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW The Simple Truth About the "West Bank" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGYxLWUKwWo&feature=youtu.be
For http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJerusalemCenter.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011 http://youtu.be/Jt601Euxz8A
Israels Great Financial Future http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Hal%20Lindsay.wmv
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Glenn%20Beck.wmv
The Middle East Problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63hTOaRu7h4&feature=player_embedded#at=103
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4dksiRW-Yg
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures http://www.youtube.com/user/israelmedia1#p/a/u/1/mQFWi6cCUtY
Interesting info from an Arab perspective http://www.shoebat.com/videos/speak2arab.php
For those who want to boycott Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIQto3KPUM&eurl
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at: http://www.jr.co.il/videos/israel-videos.htm a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 12th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: It Is a Holy War Between Islam & the West !Mohammed founded the Islamic religion in the 6th century. Right from the outset Mohammed and his followers spread the religion by the sword. Islam spread right across Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, eradicating much of the evangelistic work of Paul, Peter and the other early apostles. Then in the 11th and 12th centuries the Crusaders embarked on counter-attacks against Islam engaging in many violent, bloody battles with the armies of Salah-Ah-Din, the leader of the Muslim Marmelukes. From the 12th to the 15th century, the Marmeluke dynasty controlled most of North Africa and the Middle East, until they were defeated by the Ottoman Turks in AD 1571. The Ottoman empire, which included Jerusalem, reigned until the Marmelukes began to take back their lost empire in the 17th century. The Ottoman army massacred the Marmelukes in Egypt in 1811, and destroyed their counterparts in Baghdad in 1831. The Ottomans ruled over the area until they were defeated by the British in the early 20th century. General Allenby finally liberated Jerusalem from the Otterman Turks in 1917, paving the way for the resurrection of Israel on May 14th 1948.
Islam laid relatively low for several decades until the discovery of oil under the sweltering desert sands of the Muslim Arab countries. As the 20th century advanced, every form of motorised transport began to rapidly increase and the fortunes of the Arab world turned around. After WW2, the British realised their future was very dependant on Middle East oil and thus were one of the first Western countries to compromise the well-being of the Jews, in the hope of protecting the supply of Arab oil. Hundreds of Jews who had made their way to the shores of Israel, having survived the Nazi death camps, drowned in Haifa bay as the British fired on, and sunk several of the ships that had rescued them. With the rapid advancement of technology in the last 40 years of the 20th century, the oil based plastic and synthetic industries were born, and in just a few decades, the developed world's appetite for oil based fuels, and plastic products increased exponentially. Today, almost the entire Western world is totally dependent on the supply of oil from the North African and Middle East Islamic nations.
It seems very obvious to me that this unsatiable appetite for M.E. oil is the reason that the post Christian nations of the West are going to the extreme in trying to placate the Muslims and to convince us all that Islam is a peaceful religion. For more than 40 years Muslims have been flooding into Europe, Scandanavia, the UK. Canada and the USA. In a number of cities in the UK and Sweden, the percentage of Muslims is over 30% - a few of them are approaching the 50% mark. Once they get this close to being the majority, Muslim leaders begin to look for ways to implement Sharia law. At first they begin to demand for Sharia law for the Muslim community, but rest assured that once they get that, it wont be long before they will demand the whole nation come under Sharia law. In the UK Islamic law courts are now sanctioned and operative. You have to have your head stuck in the sand, not to see that the real goal of Islam is to take over the world - And that means your country !
Islam has not changed its spots in the last 1000 years ( if ever). More than 30 years ago, 'Old School' American preacher preacher, the late Lester Sumrall, wrote a book called 'JIHAD', in which he stated that the Islamic leader's intention was to establish beach-heads in London and other European cities, from which the holy war would be launched against the USA and the rest of the world. Brother Sumrall's prophetic words have been proven to be correct. In the US an American-born former Muslim made this statement, "When I was a Muslim I attended about 20 mosques here in America. I can say that every single one of them preached the hatred of Jews, Americans and Israel. Americans are being deceived by their media, their leaders and their political commentators; political correctness is literally going to kill millions of you." Even though they wont admit it, the Western nations are engaged in a holy war with Islamic fundamentalists. It is very clear from the other perspective that radical Islam is openly engaged in a Jihad against the Jewish people and the infidels of the West. And while the West is bending over backwards to be nice to Islam, they are planning and preparing for more 9/11's and worse. The biggest mistake is giving in to their demands. What we see as gestures of peace, they see as pathetic weakness. It encourages them to continue their terror tactics - it works !!!
History is repeating itself. The 1400 year conflict between Islam and the West is increasing, as it has done several times before. This time Islam's greatest weapon is the stupidity of an enemy who is in denial of the true situation. The more we try to pretend all is well, the worse the situation gets. Even if the so called Palestinians get their own state (may it never be) the Jihad will continue. The so called Palestinian issue is just a very well planned Muslim strategy to bring the nations against Israel. The West has been manipulated into choosing to stand with the wrong people and will soon pay a terrible price for doing so. In Genesis 12:3 God warns us that He will curse those who are against Israel , or who take Israel lightly.
To finish on a positive note, there is hope. Isaiah 19 says that one day Israel, Assyria and Egypt will be one. One day the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael will be reconciled. And we can play a part in this reconciliation, not by compromising the Word of God and allowing Islam to take over our once Christian nations, but by boldly declaring the Word of the Lord over the Arabs and the Jews. Let's take authority over the lying spirits that fuel the deep animosity between the sons of Abraham, and then decree salvation over both peoples - in the Name of Yeshua.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System as Rocket Attacks Increase Ha Aretz News Aug 5th The Israel Defence Forces redeployed the Iron Dome missile defence system near Ashkelon on Friday following days of heightened rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. The Iron Dome's deployment comes a day after Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak a letter imploring them to redeploy the missile defence system. Earlier in the week, Meir Yifrach, the chairman of the Sdot Negev Regional Council cautioned that "we are stepping toward the month of September, but we have security problems." Yifrach continued, saying "I have eight towns where the schools and the kindergartens are not protected. I have warned security forces about this, but I have yet to receive an answer." The IDF has attacked several targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of Grad rockets at Israel in the last several days, most recently attacking five locations early Friday morning. Hours before the air strike Friday a rocket fell in an open field near the town of Kiryat Gat. The rocket was the third of its kind in 24 hours, but it caused no injuries or damage.
An IDF Spokesperson said that planes attacked three tunnels used for terror activity and a terror activity site in central Gaza and another terror activity site in southern Gaza. The IDF added that, "The IDF will operate with determination and respond with force against any terror organisation attempting to disturb the way of life or harm the citizens of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organisation solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip." Two additional rockets landed on Wednesday, one near Ashkelon and the other near Kiryat Gat. A woman was lightly wounded on Monday when a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz near Ashkelon.Please pray that the Iron Dome system will succeed in intercepting the incoming rockets
2. "Palestinians" Planning a New Wave of Violence Israel Today News Aug 7th Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday warned that the Palestinian Authority is planning to unleash a new wave of violence against Israel in conjunction with its bid for UN recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN in September. The Palestinian leadership "is planning violence and bloodshed on a scale that has yet to have been seen here," Lieberman told reporters at the Knesset. "The more they talk about their wish to operate in the diplomatic arena, the more I see preparations for violence and bloodshed." Lieberman said the basis for his assessment is recent efforts by the Palestinian Authority to organize massive marches on Israeli army checkpoints and on Jerusalem to coincide with the UN vote. "You can just imagine what would happen if 30 or 40 thousand people try to forcefully enter Israel," noted Lieberman. "How are soldiers and officers supposed to react?"
It is now widely accepted that the Palestinian Authority under former leader Yasser Arafat was behind the start of the "Second Intifada" or "Oslo War," a terrorist uprising against Israel that lasted from the summer of 2000 until it largely fizzled out in 2007. While it would seem counterproductive for the Palestinians to mar their diplomatic efforts with outbreaks of violence, that strategy has served them well until now. Every outbreak of Palestinian violence to date has only increased international pressure on Israel to meet Palestinian demands, while carrying little or no diplomatic consequences for the Palestinians. Please pray that this threat will not come to reality
3. FM Lieberman: Israel Should Cut All Ties With PA Israel Today News Aug 7th Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that he intended to ask the senior ministers comprising the "forum of eight" to cut all ties with the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman added that the Palestinians are getting ready for "unprecedented bloodshed" after the United Nations vote in September. "The Palestinian Authority is stepping up its efforts to try Israeli officers and senior officials at the International Tribunal in the Hague," he said. "I will demand breaking off all ties with it – no treasury officials, not the water authority and no Foreign Ministry officials (will maintain ties with the PA). You can't get security coordination (with Israel) and also try IDF soldiers at the Hague."
Liberman claimed that contrary statements made by senior Palestinian officials, who spoke of non-violent actions in September, there are in fact preparations for bloodshed. "The Palestinian Authority is getting ready for bloodshed on a scale we haven't seen," he said. "The more they speak about non-violent action the more they are preparing for bloodshed." Lieberman talked about a scenario in which tens of thousands of Palestinians try to force their way through a checkpoint. Please pray that Mr Lieberman is taking seriously
4. Released Hamas Leaders Claims Gilad Shalit is in Good Conditions Arutz 7 Aug 8th A senior member of Hamas said Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas terrorists under good conditions. Sheik Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its top operatives in Judea and Samaria who helped plan many of the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and who was released from an Israeli prison last Thursday due to crowdedness (yeah, right! - BL), made the comments in an interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 2 News. (this is getting more bizarre all the time! -BL) “Shalit is in good condition,” he said. “He is being held under good conditions and if he is released soon, if a prisoner swap is made, Shalit would tell you about the human side, about the personal treatment, and about the good living conditions he received.”
Yousef also revealed that Hamas prisoners had met with senior Israeli officials in prison to discuss the possibility of reaching a prisoner swap deal to free Shalit. “There was more than one meeting between us and the relevant Israeli officials on the Shalit issue,” he said. Yousef, whose son Mosab was claimed to be a former spy for the Mossad, added that he believes that ultimately, Hamas and Israel will have no choice but to talk with one another. “If Hamas wins the support of the Palestinian people there may be dialogue [with Israel],” he said. “The most difficult of dialogues take place between enemies. There’s no choice other than to ultimately hold dialogue between us.” He added, however, that “Hamas today is not a replacement for the Palestinian Authority and is not responsible for negotiations.”
Last week, Hamas claimed on one of its websites that Shalit, held captive by terrorists for more than five years, is receiving good treatment from his captors but is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The group claimed that Shalit is “embarrassed to ask for food during Ramadan despite the fact that his captors do not deny him that right.” Please pray for the immediate, unconditional release of Gilad Shalit
5. Arab States Will Lead UN in September ICEJ News Aug 9th YNet News reported on Tuesday that next month, when the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to go to the UN General Assembly to seek recognition for a Palestinian State, the Security Council and the GA will both be chaired by representatives from Arab countries. Lebanon will serve as president of the Security Council in September and Qatar will head the General Assembly for one year as of next month. Lebanon's Ambassador to the UN, Nawaf Salam, will preside over Security Council meetings next month, with the authority to set one special topic for discussion, as well as other prerogatives including inviting speakers. "This is the daily reality we face in the UN," lamented Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor. "It requires double the effort in an arena which has an automatic majority against us." Please pray that the Lord will stop the UN from even discussing the declaration of a Palestinian State
6. New Construction in Jerusalem Approved ICEJ News Aug 11th Brushing off recent proclamations of "deep concern" about Israeli building in eastern Jerusalem by the US and EU, Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced approval of 1,600 additional housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood on Thursday. An additional 700 in Pisgat Ze'ev and another 2,000 in Givat Hamatos are expected to be approved in the next few days. Anti-settlement activists claimed that Yishai was taking advantage of protests against housing shortages to push an agenda that most of those protesting are opposed to.
Israeli construction in East Jerusalem will also likely hurt Washington's efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from seeking statehood at the United Nations next month. These 1,600 apartments had caused a diplomatic rift between Israel and the U.S .last year when they won an earlier approval from the ministry during a visit to Israel by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Please pray that international disapproval will not prevent the construction
7. Palestinian Statehood Plan Beginning to Falter Israel Today News Aug 8th The Palestinian leadership appeared increasingly unsure of itself over the past week when questioned about its unilateral statehood bid at the UN next month. Various Western and Arabic news agencies suggested the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was rethinking its plan to request membership as a sovereign nation in the UN General Assembly. Former Palestinian Authority Information Minister Nabil Amr said that is precisely what he is advising Abbas to do. Speaking to the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Amr warned that "the Americans have not hidden their position and threats to impose sanctions not only against us, but also against those who would vote in favor of the statehood plan."
Indeed, the US Congress has threatened to cut all ties to the Palestinian Authority if it goes forward with the unilateral statehood bid, which includes asking the Security Council for official recognition. The Obama Administration has already said it will veto the Security Council vote, but can do nothing to stop a majority of the General Assembly nations from recognizing "Palestine" in a non-binding decision. A senior Western diplomat on Wednesday reiterated that the Palestinian stunt at the UN next month will "make it harder for the US to have relations with the Palestinian Authority." At risk will be direct US financial aid to the Palestinian government and American training of Palestinian security forces. While both programs are determined by the White House, Congress is unlikely to let US President Obama continue supporting a Palestinian Authority that has eschewed the bilateral peace process.
Despite these warnings, and signs that the Palestinian leadership is getting scared, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat this week insisted that the UN bid is scheduled to go forward. Erekat told the Jordan News Agency that the Palestinian Authority heirarchy has no intention of abandoning its quest for recognition of statehood at the UN. Erekat said it was too late to take any other course of action, which he backed up by noting that just last week the Palestinian Authority rejected a proposal by PM Netanyahu to restart peace negotiations based on PA border demands.Please pray that the UN vote will be a failure "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here to visit Josie's new health products webpage
or watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= cHmH_ei7DJU
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW The Simple Truth About the "West Bank" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGYxLWUKwWo&feature=youtu.be
For http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJerusalemCenter.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011 http://youtu.be/Jt601Euxz8A
Israels Great Financial Future http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Hal%20Lindsay.wmv
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview http://www.out-of-zion.com/audio/Glenn%20Beck.wmv
The Middle East Problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63hTOaRu7h4&feature=player_embedded#at=103
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4dksiRW-Yg
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures http://www.youtube.com/user/israelmedia1#p/a/u/1/mQFWi6cCUtY
Interesting info from an Arab perspective http://www.shoebat.com/videos/speak2arab.php
For those who want to boycott Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIQto3KPUM&eurl
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at: http://www.jr.co.il/videos/israel-videos.htm a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
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