Saturday, August 6, 2011

OUT of ZION  Ministries  
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Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 

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The CARMEL ALERT  August 5th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel
Guest Comment:    Israel In My Heart by Karin Ranielli (Sweden)On the evening of July 27 we were more than 2000 people gathered in the sanctuary of the Word of Life church in Uppsala Sweden to listen to the Israeli ambassador Benny Dagan and pastor Ulf Ekman. It was very heart-warming to see the beautiful star of David on the wall and the Israeli flag alongside the Swedish one. It was very obvious that the ambassador Dagan felt that he was among friends and he also expressed that feeling to us all. Before sharing his views on what s going on in the Middleeast, he expressed his deepest sympathy for the people of Norway, telling us that he had visited the Norwegian embassy to give his condolences. Ambassador Dagan then went on to thank the Word of Life for their unwavering support of Israel: "Thank you for your support! It s a joy to to be here, we know that we can always count on you!" .

Ambassador Dagan shared his and the Israeli government s view on the peace process. He talked about the importance of Israel being a Jewish state, that there is a strong bond between the land and the Jewish people , a bond that started some 3000 years ago. The history of the Jewish state started there and it was reborn there. He was very clear in his statement that Israel will never accept a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, that Israel has every right to be a Jewish state with secure borders and that Israel has the right to defend herself against rocket attacks, that are an everyday experience of the Jewish people. He also said that Israel has demanded an end to hate propaganda in Palestinian education. Ambassador Dagan also pointed out the fact that Hamas has not recognized Israel as a Jewish state but continue in their call for the destruction and murder of Jews. The ambassador went on to talk about the ideology and belief of the Israeli society, that the y have a strong economy and has absorbed millions of immigrants. In closing he urged us to spread the words of truth, the true story of Israel, to fight against anti-Semitism "enough is enough"!

Pastor Ulf Ekman gave a very passionate address, quoting Psalm 137 and also Romans 11. He talked about our common history, that we the gentile Christians have been grafted in the cultivated olive tree and that we should never forget that. He said that Israel is mentioned daily in the media but that the reports are biased and distorted and often fabricated lies. Pastor Ekman asked us all to picture what it would be like to almost daily live under the threat of being attacked by rockets and bombs. In closing he reminded us of the fact that we are forever connected with the Jewish people, that we are in fact indebted to them, because from them we have received the Bible, the Messiah our Saviour, our ethics and  our future. He also said: "it is utter hypocrisy to have one set of standards for Israel and another one for the rest of the world." He called on us all to stand up for Israel s right to exist as a Jewish state, to defend her right to defend herself and to speak up against anti-Semitism.

" As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, with eyes turned toward the East, looking forward to Zion then our hope, the two-thousand-year-old hope, will not be lost:  to be a free people in our land the land of Zion and Jerusalem"

For me personally it was very moving to sing the Hatikva - the Hope - with the rest of the people there that evening. It s not just the anthem of Israel, it is my anthem, too.   Israel belongs to me, too, or rather I belong to Israel. Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, may it always be so. May we all pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the peace of Israel, may we always stand up for the right of the cultivated olive tree to grow strong and flourish, may we spread the  Word of our Messiah and do it faithfully until He returns to His Holy City!
Psalm 137, 5-6     "If I forget you, o Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy"   NIV
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel.  Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1.  Firefight on Israel-Lebanon Border   Israel Today News   Aug 1st   Israeli and Lebanese soldiers enaged in a brief gun battle along Israel's northern border on Monday.   An Israeli border patrol came under fire from a Lebanese soldier while conducting a routine operation. The Israelis returned fire, wounding the soldier. There were no Israeli casualties.    Lebanese media claimed that the Israeli patrol had crossed the border into Lebanon, thus justifying the attack. But Israel insisted its troops were on the Israeli side of the internationally-recognized border when they were fired upon.  This would not be the first time the Lebanese army has attacked an Israeli border patrol unprovoked.  In 2010, a Lebanese army sniper shot and killed an Israeli commander as his troops worked to prune a tree that was disrupting the Israel's electronic border fence. Israel's retaliatory fired killed two Lebanese soldiers.   In that incident, too, the Lebanese claimed the Israelis had crossed the border line. But UN officials later confirmed that the Israelis had been operating on their side of the so-called "Blue Line." Lebanon refused to apologize.
Lebanon does not recognize the Blue Line as the international border, even though the UN does. Lebanon insists that the Blue Line puts some Lebanese territory inside Israel.  The Lebanese position regarding the Blue Line has only hardened since Hizballah gained control of the government in Beirut.
Please pray that this incident does not escalate into something more serious
2. Abbas Tells Palestinians: "Step Up Arab Spring-Style Protests Against Israel"     Ha Aretz News    July 28th    For the first time, Palestinian president Abbas has openly urged popular activism in support of his initiative to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state.  He urged Palestinians on Wednesday to step up protests against Israel, urging "popular resistance" inspired by the Arab Spring to back a diplomatic offensive at the United Nations.   Abbas, addressing a Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) meeting, reiterated his decision to seek full UN membership for a Palestinian state alongside Israel, saying it was a diplomatic move resulting from paralysis in the U.S.-backed peace process.  "In this coming period, we want mass action, organised and co-ordinated in every place," Abbas said. "This is a chance to raise our voices in front of the world and say that we want our rights."   Abbas' comments to the PLO central committee in Ramallah marked the first time he had openly urged popular activism in support of the initiative, echoing a call made last week by Marwan Barghouti, a leading Palestinian imprisoned in Israel.   Palestinian officials are describing the diplomatic initiative as part of a new approach to their struggle to create an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.
    Israel is concerned that September could serve as a platform for protests inspired by Arab uprisings this year.  Said Abbas; "Every day, we face things that drive us to carry out popular resistance on a wide scale and not in one place. I insist on popular resistance and I insist that it be unarmed popular resistance so that nobody misunderstands us. We are now inspired by the protests of the Arab Spring, all of which cry out 'peaceful', 'peaceful'."   Hany al-Masri, a political analyst, said there were still question marks over whether Abbas was serious in his call. Abbas, 76, may still be nervous about the scope for protests to spiral out of control, he said. 
Please pray that Israel will quickly deal with  and put down any uprising
3.  Israeli Military Preparing for New Palestinian Violence in September    Israel Today News   July 28th    The Israeli army (IDF) has been busy procuring new weapons for its soldiers in preparation for the aftermath of the Palestinian Authority's unilateral statehood bid in September.  It is widely expected that after the Palestinians petition the UN to recognize a Palestinian mass popular violence will break out against Israel.   If the UN votes to recognize "Palestine," most Palestinians want their own armed forces to sieze territory from Israel, including eastern Jerusalem.  If the UN rejects the bid, Israel believes the various Palestinian terror groups will launch a new intifada (terrorist uprising).    In either case, Israel knows all too well how the international community will respond if the Jewish state uses deadly force to defend itself.
     As such, the IDF is distributing weapons with reduced lethality to front-line units. Among these weapons is a new receiver for the standard-issue M-16 assualt rifle that allows it to fire 0.22 mm rounds, which are not lethal from long distance.   Israeli snipers will also be issued non-lead impact bullets that do not penetrate skin, but still deliver a painful blow.  The army is also preparing to deploy new non-lethal weaponry, including the "Scream," which uses bursts of sound to disorient rioters, and the "Skunk Bomb," which needs no explanation.    Despite Israel's extensive and costly efforts to avoid casualities in the expected coming violence, precedent suggests that the international community will still find an excuse to blame Israel for the situation.
Please pray that the IDF will be fully prepared in time
4.  Israeli President in Secret Talks With PA     Ha Aretz News   July 29th    President Shimon Peres has been holding intensive talks with Ramallah in an effort to resume negotiations and head off a unilateral Palestinian statehood bid at the UN in September. Apparently the meetings are being held in complete coordination with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.   Haaretz has learned that on Tuesday night, Peres held a long meeting with the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat. The two went over maps of the West Bank and East Jerusalem in an effort to find a formula that would bypass the dispute over establishing the June 4, 1967 border as a basis for negotiations toward a final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.  One option explored was the exchange of territory, and others was to compensate the Palestinians for settlement blocs annexed into Israel, on the basis of the U.S. proposal that the area of a Palestinian state be equal to the territory of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.   Both the president's and prime minister's bureaux refused to comment on the report. A senior Palestinian source in Ramallah confirmed that Erekat met a number of times with Peres, including this week.
    A hint at the meetings with the Palestinians could be found in statements made by Peres during a special message to the Arabic media on the eve of Ramadan, which is expected to begin early next week.    "I speak with all sides," Peres said. "I know that there are exchanges in order to prevent [the crisis] in September and that the differences are very minor."   Officials fear that heightened tensions and violence could break out come September, when the Palestinian Authority is expected to appeal to the UN for recognition as a state, a move which may push the two sides further apart. Peres also told the reporters there is no basis to the claims that Netanyahu is planning to void the Oslo Accords.  
Pleas e pray that there will be NO land for peace negotiation -  it is not anyones and to give away -  it is the Lord's land
5.  Egyptians Call For Sharia Law & Islamic Caliphate      Israel Today News   July 31     Tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Egyptians poured into Cairo's now-famed Tahrir Square on Friday to demand their nation become subject to Sharia Law and form the cornerstone for a new Islamic caliphate.  The unplanned demonstration erupted following Friday prayers at mosques around the Egyptian capital.   The demonstrators, who were led by the increasingly powerful Muslim Brotherhood, demanded that Egypt's interim military regime give way to an intolerant Islamic dictatorship.   Various news media reported the demonstrators shouting and holding up signs reading: "Egypt will return to Sharia Law!", "Liberals and secularists are the enemies of Allah!", and "The solution is Islam!"
    When Egyptians ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak in February, the international media made much of how conservative Muslims, Coptic Christians and Egyptian secularists worked together for the common goal of democratic freedom.   The prevailing assumption was that Egypt would serve as a model of how a diverse, but tolerant Middle East society could throw off the shackles of dictatorial oppression and build something better.   But Egyptian commentators are now saying that what is happening in their country more closely resembles the Iranian revolution.
6. Gaza Missiles Strike Deeper Into Israel   Israel Today News   Aug 4thPalestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip late Wednesday night fired two long-range GRAD missiles into southern and central Israel.  The first missile exploded on the outskirts of the town of Kiryat Gat, which is at the southern end of Israel's densely populated central region.  The second landed within the city limits of the southern port of Ashkelon.  The attacks caused no injuries, but a road was damaged in Ashkelon.  Israeli officials said they view the attacks as an escalation of violence, as GRAD missiles are far more accurate than the Palestinians' locally-produced Kassam rockets, can travel much further, and carry a larger payload.
   In response, Israeli forces attacked several terrorist installations in Gaza on Thursday morning, reporting direct hits on their targets.  Despite the mounting violence, Israel continues to go out of its way to aid the local Palestinian population by improving economic conditions.   Late last month, the Israeli army stressed its ongoing efforts to help Palestinian farmers export their produce to European markets.  When some of that produce failed to meet the standards of European importers, the Israeli army set up a seminar for Palestinian strawberry growers with an expert in that field.  The expert taught the Palestinians how to more properly prepare their soil, make use of pesticides and fertilizers and handle the picked fruit.
  Please pray for calm to return to the Israel / Gaza border7.  Israeli Jets Attack Gaza Targets For Second Night in a Row    Ha Aretz News  Aug 5th    Israel Air Force jets attacked five targets in the Gaza Strip early Friday morning in response to the firing of Grad rockets at Israel in the last several days.  Hours before the air strike a rocket fell in an open field near the town of Kiryat Gat. The rocket was the third of its kind in 24 hours, but it caused no injuries or damage. An IDF Spokesperson said that planes attacked three tunnels used for terror activity and a terror activity site in central Gaza and another terror activity site in southern Gaza. The IDF added that, "The IDF will operate with determination and respond with force against any terror organization attempting to disturb the way of life or harm the citizens of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip."   Two additional rockets landed on Wednesday, one near Ashkelon and the other near Kiryat Gat. A woman was lightly wounded on Monday when a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz near Ashkelon.
    In response to rocket fire Thursday night, the IDF fired rockets of its own at eastern Gaza in trying to hit the cell that had fired the original rockets. Two Palestinians were wounded in the attack, though it was unclear if they were among the militants.  The Abdallah Azzam Brigades took responsibility for the militant rocket fire. The Azzam group is connected to global jihadists and the namesake of the group is considered to be the spiritual progenitor of Osama bin Laden.   Islamic Jihad and other extremist groups that have splintered off from more established militant groups have been responsible for the rocket attacks in recent days. Security sources in Israel said Thursday night that the Hamas government in Gaza is opposed to this round of rocket fire and is currently making an effort to halt it, arresting a number of militants.  At this time, the IDF does not believe that the events will lead to a general escalation in violence unless there are casualties from rockets launched at Israel. Mayors of towns in the area are worried about a possible escalation and have been making appropriate preparations in recent days.  
Please pray that the IDF will succeed in striking those responsible for the rocket attacks  

                                           *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *               

    The Simple Truth About the "West Bank"
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at  IRI 2011
             Israels Great Financial Future
     Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel                 Glen Beck interview  FOX NEWS interview

             The Middle East Problem
            Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news   
            The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
            Interesting info from an Arab perspective
            For those who want to boycott Israel

85 other YouTube videos about Israel at:     a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.

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