Thursday, August 25, 2011
Powerful quake shakes Peru -
25th August 2011
A powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook the Andean nation of Peru on Wednesday with its epicentre some 560 kilometres northeast of the capital Lima.
Seismologists from the US Geological Survey said the epicentre of the quake, which occurred shortly before 1800 GMT, was 82 kilometres north of the town of Puccalpa, in eastern Peru near the Brazilian border.
There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties and the US government's warning centre said no destructive tsunami was created.
On 15 August 2007, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 devastated the province of Ica, just south of Lima, killing some 600 people and causing extensive damage to area buildings and infrastructure.
In 2009, more than 140 earthquakes with magnitudes of 4.0 and above were felt in Peru, located in a region that geologists call the Pacific Ring of Fire due to its intense seismic activity.
SA, US battle over Libya's 1.5 billion
NOTE: Yeah right the United States and United Nations want to use the 1.5 billion for humanitarian aid etc....I SHOUT OUT NONSENSE!!! The Illuminati and world bankers have an agenda and they need that money, the same as the money that was raised for Haiti's earthquake, it was not used for the purpose it was said it would be used for! That money gets put into their own pockets so that they can continue to work towards a NEW WORLD ORDER! One World Government! I have posted a confession on this blog from an Illuminati banker who was dieing of cancer and he confessed last year that the World Bankers, Masons and Illuminati needed a crisis to take place in the north african countries and in 2011 looked what happened! There is alot of manipulation taking place concerning what is taking place in the African Countries, our economy, the world markets and the current crisis with the Dollar and Euro! WAKE UP PEOPLE AND TURN TO YAHSHUA/JESUS, everything in the Bible is being fullfilled and Jesus is coming back. Those who have trusted in Him to eternal salvation and those who refuse Him will experience the Judgement to come! There is a false Messiah that will appear before Jesus's return and many will follow him and be decieved, DON'T BE DECIEVED! News -
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 8:00
The United States and South Africa locked horns at the UN Security Council on Wednesday over a US bid to unfreeze $1.5-billion of Libyan assets to provide humanitarian aid.
The United States set a Thursday deadline for South Africa to lift a block on releasing the funds, saying that if there was deadlock it would seek a Security Council vote on a resolution demanding that the money be made available "as soon as possible".
South Africa insisted the council wait for the African Union to decide whether to recognise the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) at a summit Thursday before approving the US move.
Negotiations between the two sides and other members of the 15 nation council were expected to go on until the US deadline of 3pm (1900 GMT) on Thursday.
The diplomatic battle went ahead as European nations and the United States drew up a separate, broader UN resolution on how the United Nations can help Libya once the conflict between Muammar Gaddafi and opposition rebels ends.
The United States asked the UN's Libya sanctions committee for permission to release $1.5-billion of assets held by the US government on 8 August, US officials said.
Some countries raised concerns that the US administration says it has answered. South Africa has continued to block the US initiative which US diplomats say is now "urgent" because of growing shortages in Libya.
The money would not be used for military purposes, according to the US resolution. Western diplomats said it would be channeled through the rebel government, non-government groups and an international fund for Libya to buy fuel and other humanitarian supplies.
"We still hope that this can be settled through consensus in the next 24 hours," Mark Kornblau, spokesperson for the US mission at the United Nations told reporters after Security Council consultations Wednesday.
"If it is not, the plan is to have a vote tomorrow on the resolution," he added, highlighting "the urgent humanitarian needs on the ground."
South Africa's UN ambassador Baso Sangqu said "all 15 members are concerned about the humanitarian crisis, whether in Tripoli or in Benghazi. We want to ensure that we follow due process, follow the rule of law."
"We are proposing simply that we give ourselves time, the AU is meeting tomorrow to make a determination on Libya, to take a decision on the recognition of the NTC or otherwise."
South Africa is a key member of the AU and has played a central role in AU efforts to mediate in the Libya crisis.
South Africa fears that "when you release this money to any side that is aligned to a conflict, you could be one way or another recognising that entity as legal."
The Security Council imposed sanctions, including freezing the assets of Libyan state entities, in resolutions passed in February and March to put pressure on Gaddafi's government.
South Africa has approved $500-million of the package, which would go to non-government groups, a diplomat from the country said.
It still has doubts about money that would go directly to Libya's transitional council, which is still not fully recognised by the international community. The African Union is to give a sign of its attitude at its summit in Addis Ababa.
The United States and European nations say that the UN must quickly move to change the sanctions to help the National Transitional Council, which many Western governments now recognize.
The UN special envoy to Libya, Abdul Ilah al-Khatib and Ian Martin, the leader of a UN team planning for post-conflict Libya, are in Doha holding talks with the rebel government.
A Western diplomat said that if the transitional government quickly defeats Gaddafi and establishes itself as the government in Tripoli, the Security Council could pass a resolution on Libya allowing for a UN operation in the country and definitively ending sanctions. News -
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 8:00
The United States and South Africa locked horns at the UN Security Council on Wednesday over a US bid to unfreeze $1.5-billion of Libyan assets to provide humanitarian aid.
The United States set a Thursday deadline for South Africa to lift a block on releasing the funds, saying that if there was deadlock it would seek a Security Council vote on a resolution demanding that the money be made available "as soon as possible".
South Africa insisted the council wait for the African Union to decide whether to recognise the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) at a summit Thursday before approving the US move.
Negotiations between the two sides and other members of the 15 nation council were expected to go on until the US deadline of 3pm (1900 GMT) on Thursday.
The diplomatic battle went ahead as European nations and the United States drew up a separate, broader UN resolution on how the United Nations can help Libya once the conflict between Muammar Gaddafi and opposition rebels ends.
The United States asked the UN's Libya sanctions committee for permission to release $1.5-billion of assets held by the US government on 8 August, US officials said.
Some countries raised concerns that the US administration says it has answered. South Africa has continued to block the US initiative which US diplomats say is now "urgent" because of growing shortages in Libya.
The money would not be used for military purposes, according to the US resolution. Western diplomats said it would be channeled through the rebel government, non-government groups and an international fund for Libya to buy fuel and other humanitarian supplies.
"We still hope that this can be settled through consensus in the next 24 hours," Mark Kornblau, spokesperson for the US mission at the United Nations told reporters after Security Council consultations Wednesday.
"If it is not, the plan is to have a vote tomorrow on the resolution," he added, highlighting "the urgent humanitarian needs on the ground."
South Africa's UN ambassador Baso Sangqu said "all 15 members are concerned about the humanitarian crisis, whether in Tripoli or in Benghazi. We want to ensure that we follow due process, follow the rule of law."
"We are proposing simply that we give ourselves time, the AU is meeting tomorrow to make a determination on Libya, to take a decision on the recognition of the NTC or otherwise."
South Africa is a key member of the AU and has played a central role in AU efforts to mediate in the Libya crisis.
South Africa fears that "when you release this money to any side that is aligned to a conflict, you could be one way or another recognising that entity as legal."
The Security Council imposed sanctions, including freezing the assets of Libyan state entities, in resolutions passed in February and March to put pressure on Gaddafi's government.
South Africa has approved $500-million of the package, which would go to non-government groups, a diplomat from the country said.
It still has doubts about money that would go directly to Libya's transitional council, which is still not fully recognised by the international community. The African Union is to give a sign of its attitude at its summit in Addis Ababa.
The United States and European nations say that the UN must quickly move to change the sanctions to help the National Transitional Council, which many Western governments now recognize.
The UN special envoy to Libya, Abdul Ilah al-Khatib and Ian Martin, the leader of a UN team planning for post-conflict Libya, are in Doha holding talks with the rebel government.
A Western diplomat said that if the transitional government quickly defeats Gaddafi and establishes itself as the government in Tripoli, the Security Council could pass a resolution on Libya allowing for a UN operation in the country and definitively ending sanctions.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly),
Pastor Mike Fryer (Wales) & Motte Sircus (Israel)
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 19th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Stefan's Comment: Perseverance In Hebrew the word 'to persevere' is 'lehatmid', and it comes from the Hebrew root 'T.M.D' which also means 'always' or 'forever'. I want to share a little about this attribute. The God of Israel is a persevering God, since He not only has been forever and will be forever, but His covenants and promises are forever and His love is forever and withstands everything. In Leviticus 24:1-4, God commanded the people of Israel to light a lamp that would burn continually in the temple. "Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually. Outside the veil of the Testimony, in the tabernacle of meeting, Aaron shall be in charge of it from evening until morning before the LORD continually; it shall be a statute forever in your generations. He shall be in charge of the lamps on the pure gold lampstand before the LORD continually".
This light was probably the most western light in the Menorah and it was never put out. This lamp was used to light the other six lamps of the Menorah that would be light each evening and go out in the morning as the sun came up. This lamp signified the presence of God in the temple, and was fueled by the most pure olive oil. In the Talmud, a central book in according to the traditions of Judaism, there is a reference to this lamp that never went out. The Talmud states that 40 years prior to the destruction of the temple, the continual lamp would often go out on its own, the doors of the sanctuary would open on their own and the scarlet thread would no longer whiten (Yoma, chapter 4, pg. 39). This is interesting since it was approximately 40 years before the destruction of the second temple that Yeshua died for our sins, and the Spirit of the living God came to dwell in the hearts of those who believe in what Yeshua did for us
When I was in the IDF we used to do a lot of marches. We started in basic training with a 1 km march, and eventually scaled up to 60 km over a period of four months. During this period, new soldiers 'earn' different badges and unit symbols for their uniforms and berets, usually by completing some of these marches. The NCO's and officers can choose to grant a soldier their badge or symbol if they think that they deserve it, and of course the higher rank of the commander is who grants his badge, the greater honor it is considered for the soldier receiving. During one of these marches I was granted my officer's regiment badge on the back of which he had written a sentence that I have adopted and remembered ever since. The sentence said: "A drop of water does not carve through the rock from its force, but from its perseverance. Keep persevering". A drop of water has no real power on its own. A drop of water usually disappears within a number of minutes (or even seconds in the heat of Israel) and cannot be used for almost anything. However, when many drops of water are brought together they create one of the most powerful forces known on the planet that cannot be stopped in any way – torrents or water, whether oceans, rivers or floods. Also, even though a drop cannot do much from falling in one place, if you have water dripping continually in one place for long periods of time, they can carve out even the most durable and solid materials in the world.
This picture has a couple of meanings in my eyes. First, each one of us in the body of Messiah is like a drop or water. Each of us on our own are not as powerful when there are many of united together. Once we as a body come together and unite, there is actually no stopping us, we are like a huge torrent of water that removes and washes away everything in its path. Of course this i n not for us to do our will, but the will of our Father in heaven. Secondly, each one of us on our own may not seem to be much just by 'falling' once, but if we repeatedly hit the same spot over and over again, we can make a difference even in the most impossible of situations. This is exactly what Yeshua teaches in the parable of the persistent widow and the judge in Luke 18:1-8 "Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary. ’And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’” Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? " I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”" We can see that there is a connection between prayer, persistence and faith. If we persist in prayer, and do not lose heart we can say to a mountain to be uprooted from its place and go elsewhere. We are also commanded to persist, or 'lehatmid', in rejoicing, giving thanks to the Lord, speaking gracefully and obeying God and those who are in authority over us.
Last week in Israel was Tisha B'Av, or in English, the 9th day of the month of Av. In Israel this is a significant and mournful day as this is the date that the second temple was destroyed in 70 AD, and also the destruction of the first temple 490 years prior to that, both on the exact same day according to the Hebrew calendar. There are other catastrophes that are associated with this date in a more traditional sense, meaning there is no biblical base for them, including the giving of the bad report by the 10 spies that resulted in Israel complaining and eventually wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, the crushing of the Jewish revolt of Bar Kochvah in 135 AD that brought about the final expulsion of the Jewish people from the land of Israel for approximately 1800 years, the beginning of the Spanish inquisition in 1492 AD and a few other events connected to Israel's history directly and also the world's. In Judaism it is considered the saddest day of the year. Many people fast and afflict themselves as they do on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. Shopping malls , restaurants and other 'enjoyable' venues are closed for the day, even the music played on the radio goes down a notch or two. Despite these calamities that have come upon the Jewish people throughout the generations, one thing can be said about this nation, despite God's hand being upon her to preserve her, and that is that this nation can persevere like no other nation or people group in the world, and perhaps even in history.
In the days of Nehemiah, when the people of Israel returned to the land to rebuild the temple, they encounter much opposition from Sanballat and his companions. Nehemiah 2:17-20 " Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they laughed at us and despised us, and said, “What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?” So I answered them, and said to them, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem."
Today we are experiencing the same situation, in our own lives and here in the nation of Israel. The enemy is mocking and despising the work that the Lord desires to accomplish in us. The state of Israel, and the Jewish people, are under continual attack, verbal and physical, from almost every nation in the world. But we serve a persevering God, one who wants to prosper us to walk in his purposes for us. We shall arise and build, and the enemy shall not have a heritage, memorial or right in our lives and in the plans that God has for His people in these days.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. 8 Israelis Dead After Triple Terror Attack Near Eilat Israel Today News Aug 18th Terrorists who infiltrated southern Israel from the Egyptian Sinai on Thursday launched a two-hour assault on civilian vehicles and security forces near the Red Sea resort town of Eilat that left six Israelis dead and dozens more wounded. The attack began when at least three terrorists riddled a passing passenger bus with bullets, wounding at least 10 people. The bus continued to drive, and the terrorists pursued in their own vehicle. Israeli soldiers traveling on the bus reportedly exchanged fire with the terrorists as the two vehicles continued toward Eilat. Around the same time, a large roadside bomb was detonated against an IDF patrol near the border with Egypt. There were casualties, though exact numbers were not available at press time.
A third attack occured near the small community of Beer Ora, which sits on the main highway just a little further north from Eilat than the first two attacks. In the third assault, machine gun fire was also directed against a passenger bus and passing civilian vehicles. There were also reports that the terrorists fired at least one anti-tank missile or mortar shell. The third attack saw the most casualties, with six killed and at least a dozen wounded. Israeli forces pushed the terrorist cell further north, where they engaged in a brief but fierce gunbattle that left at least three of the infiltrators dead. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak vowed to hunt down the remainder of the attackers and those responsible for sending them. Barak said he believes the attack originated from Gaza, which shares an often porous border with the Sinai. He also said the attack demonstrates Egypt's lack of control over its own territory.
It has long been warned that radical Islamic groups determined to destroy Israel - including Al Qaeda - were setting up bases of operations in the Sinai Peninsula, and had won many of the local Bedouin tribes to their cause. Israelis have been repeatedly warned to avoid traveling to the Sinai Peninsula, which is home to several popular Red Sea resorts. But if terrorists are now crossing from Sinai into Israel, the Jewish state has a whole new problem on its hands.
Please pray that the IDF will apprehend every one responsible2. 10 Rockets Strike Israel Day After Terror Attack Ha Aretz News Aug 19th Less than a day after coordinated terror attacks killed eight Israelis, Palestinian attacks on Israel continue as 10 Grad and Qasasm rockets were fired Friday morning at Ashkelon, Be'er Sheva and Kiryat Gat. Most of the rockets fell in open areas and did not cause damage or injuries, but one of the missiles hit a building in an Ashdod industrial park, wounding six people, one of them seriously. Three Qassam rockets were shot at the western Negev communities overnight. Emergency sirens were sounded, but no injuries or damage were reported. Large contingents of police forces arrived at the scene of the rocket attacks and are on alert for additional missiles. Residents are called to remain in close proximity to bomb shelters. The Palestinian rocket fire followed an IAF attack on the Gaza Strip overnight which came in response to the coordinated terror attacks on Israel that took place on Thursday afternoon. IAF aircraft attacked seven sites in the Gaza Strip overnight. An IDF Spokesperson reported that the targets included two terror activity sites and a weapons storage unit in north Gaza, and two smuggling tunnels and a terror activity site in south Gaza. Please pray for shalom in southern Israel over the coming weekend3. Palestinians Slam Hypocracy of Human Rights Groups Israel Today News Aug 12 Palestinian Arabs demonstrating a recent wave of arrests on Thursday accused international human rights groups of only caring about their well-being when the culprit is Israel. Hundreds of protestors gathered in Hebron following the recent round-up of hundreds of Palestinian activists - most of them Hamas members - by the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma'an reported that many of the signs held by the protestors read: "Human Rights Organizations - what are you doing to achieve rights?" Several people in the crowd accused human rights groups of ignoring human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority, even as they go out of their way to investigate and condemn every alleged violation by Israel. This has been a persistent phenomenon with both human rights groups and the mainstream international press. Both spend an exaggerated amount of time and effort scrutinizing Israel, but more or less give the Palestinians a free pass, leading to the conclusion that their motivation is not truly freedom or truth, but rather a political agenda against the Jewish state. Ironically, average Palestinians are the ones most adversely affected by the cynical behavior of the groups and organizations claiming to be fighting on behalf of the Palestinian Arabs.
4. UN to Vote for Palestinian State September 20th Arutz 7 Aug 12th The Palestinian Authority statehood bid will be presented to the UN on September 20. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas will personally present the request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the opening of the sixty-sixth session. PA officials chose September because Lebanon, which will hold the presidency of the Security Council, will be in a strong position to push the bid forward. The bid comes despite strong doubts over PA readiness for statehood due to fiscal insolvency, corruption, its inability, to form a unity government, and concerns over the inclusion of the Hamas terror organization in its ranks. Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor warned that the PA decision to bypass peace talks will lead only to frustration and violence.Pray that US leaders will hold to their promise to veto this illegal bid for statehood by the PA.
5. Hillary Clinton Demands that Israel Apologise to Turkey INN Aug 19th Hillary Clinton demanded that for the sake of US interests in the Middle East, Israel must apologise to Turkey for the death of 9 turkish terorrists on the Mavi Marama during the flotilla incident last year. PM Benjamin Netanyahu has informed Mrs Clinton that Israel will not apologize for the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid in which nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists died. Speaking with Clinton via telephone on Tuesday, Netanayhu said that Israel does not intend to adopt an outline to restore its relationship with Turkey. (Ha’aretz) The UN report on last year's Gaza flotilla clash found that Israel's blockade of Gaza is legal and that Jerusalem owes no apology to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara raid, diplomatic sources said. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail. However, the report says Israeli commandos used excessive force, though Israel had insisted the soldiers had been attacked and were acting in self-defense.Please pray that the Israeli leadersship will nut bow down to US intimidation & manipulation
Israeli scientists have developed an innovative new nano-particle treatment for cancerous tumors that could replace traditional radiation therapy. Traditional radiation treatment has a range of damaging side effects, but Prof. Israel Gannot believes he can provide an alternative. Scientists from Israel are developing a new way to destroy cancerous tumors that will have fewer side effects than traditional radiation therapy, and cause minimal damage to surrounding tissue. The innovative method developed by a professor at Tel Aviv University uses heat to kill the tumor cells, while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue intact. Today, radiation therapy is one of the most important weapons against cancerous tumors, but the therapy often has a significant impact on the health of a patient as it harms healthy tissue as well as malignant cells.
Professor Israel Gannot, whose method is soon to be published in the journal Nanomedicine , uses a special mixture of nano-particles - already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - and antibodies to locate individual tumors and bind directly to them. The specialized cocktail is administered safely and simply, through topical local injection or injection into the blood stream. "Once the nano-particles bind to the tumor, we excite them with an external magnetic field, and they begin to heat very specifically and locally," Gannot explains. The magnetic field is manipulated to create a targeted rise in temperature, and it is this directed heat elevation that kills the tumors, he says. Once the treatment is completed, the nano-particles are washed out of the body naturally without leaving a trace, minimizing side effects. So far, the treatment has been proven effective against epithelial cancers, which can develop in almost any area of the body, such as the breast or lung. By using a special feedback process, also developed in his laboratory, the process can be optimized for individual treatment. Gannot claims the method is effective against almost any type of tumor, as long as its specific markers and its antibodies can be identified.
Recuperation at home Aside from being minimally invasive, Gannot says that the treatment is also fast and efficient. The entire treatment lasts only six hours, and can be administered during an out-patient procedure, enabling patients to recuperate in the comfort of their own homes. It's early days yet, however. Gannot is currently applying his technique to cell lines and to ex vivo tissues and tissue-like substitutes in his lab, and plans to start in vivo experiments by next year. If long-term clinical trials are successful, however, Gannot believes the technique could become a mainstay of patient care.6. Targeting Tumors Without the Pain of Radiation Please pray for the success of this cancer breakthru7. Israel Blessed With Rare Summer Rain Israel Today News Aug 14th Israelis in the center of the country who happened to be awake during the early morning hours on Sunday witnessed a rare sight: rainfall in the middle of summer. A light rain fell in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas just as the sun rose. While the rain did not last long, and most of the precious water was quickly snatched up by a parched earth, Israelis hoped that it was a sign the coming winter would be good in terms of rainfall. Israel is at the tail end of a seven-year drought that nearly left the Jewish state having to impose water rationing during the summer months. The drought has caused nearly irreversable damage to the Sea of Galilee and the mountain aquifers, Israel's main sources of fresh water. But a healthy rainfall this coming winter would go a long way toward reversing the situation, and buy Israel a little more time to get a series of desalination plants operational.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011
Israels Great Financial Future
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview
Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
Interesting info from an Arab perspective
For those who want to boycott Israel other YouTube videos about Israel at:
The Middle East Problem "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here
to visit Josie's new health products webpage
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
Pastor Mike Fryer (Wales) & Motte Sircus (Israel)
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 19th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
Stefan's Comment: Perseverance In Hebrew the word 'to persevere' is 'lehatmid', and it comes from the Hebrew root 'T.M.D' which also means 'always' or 'forever'. I want to share a little about this attribute. The God of Israel is a persevering God, since He not only has been forever and will be forever, but His covenants and promises are forever and His love is forever and withstands everything. In Leviticus 24:1-4, God commanded the people of Israel to light a lamp that would burn continually in the temple. "Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually. Outside the veil of the Testimony, in the tabernacle of meeting, Aaron shall be in charge of it from evening until morning before the LORD continually; it shall be a statute forever in your generations. He shall be in charge of the lamps on the pure gold lampstand before the LORD continually".
This light was probably the most western light in the Menorah and it was never put out. This lamp was used to light the other six lamps of the Menorah that would be light each evening and go out in the morning as the sun came up. This lamp signified the presence of God in the temple, and was fueled by the most pure olive oil. In the Talmud, a central book in according to the traditions of Judaism, there is a reference to this lamp that never went out. The Talmud states that 40 years prior to the destruction of the temple, the continual lamp would often go out on its own, the doors of the sanctuary would open on their own and the scarlet thread would no longer whiten (Yoma, chapter 4, pg. 39). This is interesting since it was approximately 40 years before the destruction of the second temple that Yeshua died for our sins, and the Spirit of the living God came to dwell in the hearts of those who believe in what Yeshua did for us
When I was in the IDF we used to do a lot of marches. We started in basic training with a 1 km march, and eventually scaled up to 60 km over a period of four months. During this period, new soldiers 'earn' different badges and unit symbols for their uniforms and berets, usually by completing some of these marches. The NCO's and officers can choose to grant a soldier their badge or symbol if they think that they deserve it, and of course the higher rank of the commander is who grants his badge, the greater honor it is considered for the soldier receiving. During one of these marches I was granted my officer's regiment badge on the back of which he had written a sentence that I have adopted and remembered ever since. The sentence said: "A drop of water does not carve through the rock from its force, but from its perseverance. Keep persevering". A drop of water has no real power on its own. A drop of water usually disappears within a number of minutes (or even seconds in the heat of Israel) and cannot be used for almost anything. However, when many drops of water are brought together they create one of the most powerful forces known on the planet that cannot be stopped in any way – torrents or water, whether oceans, rivers or floods. Also, even though a drop cannot do much from falling in one place, if you have water dripping continually in one place for long periods of time, they can carve out even the most durable and solid materials in the world.
This picture has a couple of meanings in my eyes. First, each one of us in the body of Messiah is like a drop or water. Each of us on our own are not as powerful when there are many of united together. Once we as a body come together and unite, there is actually no stopping us, we are like a huge torrent of water that removes and washes away everything in its path. Of course this i n not for us to do our will, but the will of our Father in heaven. Secondly, each one of us on our own may not seem to be much just by 'falling' once, but if we repeatedly hit the same spot over and over again, we can make a difference even in the most impossible of situations. This is exactly what Yeshua teaches in the parable of the persistent widow and the judge in Luke 18:1-8 "Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary. ’And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’” Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? " I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”" We can see that there is a connection between prayer, persistence and faith. If we persist in prayer, and do not lose heart we can say to a mountain to be uprooted from its place and go elsewhere. We are also commanded to persist, or 'lehatmid', in rejoicing, giving thanks to the Lord, speaking gracefully and obeying God and those who are in authority over us.
Last week in Israel was Tisha B'Av, or in English, the 9th day of the month of Av. In Israel this is a significant and mournful day as this is the date that the second temple was destroyed in 70 AD, and also the destruction of the first temple 490 years prior to that, both on the exact same day according to the Hebrew calendar. There are other catastrophes that are associated with this date in a more traditional sense, meaning there is no biblical base for them, including the giving of the bad report by the 10 spies that resulted in Israel complaining and eventually wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, the crushing of the Jewish revolt of Bar Kochvah in 135 AD that brought about the final expulsion of the Jewish people from the land of Israel for approximately 1800 years, the beginning of the Spanish inquisition in 1492 AD and a few other events connected to Israel's history directly and also the world's. In Judaism it is considered the saddest day of the year. Many people fast and afflict themselves as they do on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. Shopping malls , restaurants and other 'enjoyable' venues are closed for the day, even the music played on the radio goes down a notch or two. Despite these calamities that have come upon the Jewish people throughout the generations, one thing can be said about this nation, despite God's hand being upon her to preserve her, and that is that this nation can persevere like no other nation or people group in the world, and perhaps even in history.
In the days of Nehemiah, when the people of Israel returned to the land to rebuild the temple, they encounter much opposition from Sanballat and his companions. Nehemiah 2:17-20 " Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they laughed at us and despised us, and said, “What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?” So I answered them, and said to them, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem."
Today we are experiencing the same situation, in our own lives and here in the nation of Israel. The enemy is mocking and despising the work that the Lord desires to accomplish in us. The state of Israel, and the Jewish people, are under continual attack, verbal and physical, from almost every nation in the world. But we serve a persevering God, one who wants to prosper us to walk in his purposes for us. We shall arise and build, and the enemy shall not have a heritage, memorial or right in our lives and in the plans that God has for His people in these days.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. 8 Israelis Dead After Triple Terror Attack Near Eilat Israel Today News Aug 18th Terrorists who infiltrated southern Israel from the Egyptian Sinai on Thursday launched a two-hour assault on civilian vehicles and security forces near the Red Sea resort town of Eilat that left six Israelis dead and dozens more wounded. The attack began when at least three terrorists riddled a passing passenger bus with bullets, wounding at least 10 people. The bus continued to drive, and the terrorists pursued in their own vehicle. Israeli soldiers traveling on the bus reportedly exchanged fire with the terrorists as the two vehicles continued toward Eilat. Around the same time, a large roadside bomb was detonated against an IDF patrol near the border with Egypt. There were casualties, though exact numbers were not available at press time.
A third attack occured near the small community of Beer Ora, which sits on the main highway just a little further north from Eilat than the first two attacks. In the third assault, machine gun fire was also directed against a passenger bus and passing civilian vehicles. There were also reports that the terrorists fired at least one anti-tank missile or mortar shell. The third attack saw the most casualties, with six killed and at least a dozen wounded. Israeli forces pushed the terrorist cell further north, where they engaged in a brief but fierce gunbattle that left at least three of the infiltrators dead. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak vowed to hunt down the remainder of the attackers and those responsible for sending them. Barak said he believes the attack originated from Gaza, which shares an often porous border with the Sinai. He also said the attack demonstrates Egypt's lack of control over its own territory.
It has long been warned that radical Islamic groups determined to destroy Israel - including Al Qaeda - were setting up bases of operations in the Sinai Peninsula, and had won many of the local Bedouin tribes to their cause. Israelis have been repeatedly warned to avoid traveling to the Sinai Peninsula, which is home to several popular Red Sea resorts. But if terrorists are now crossing from Sinai into Israel, the Jewish state has a whole new problem on its hands.
Please pray that the IDF will apprehend every one responsible2. 10 Rockets Strike Israel Day After Terror Attack Ha Aretz News Aug 19th Less than a day after coordinated terror attacks killed eight Israelis, Palestinian attacks on Israel continue as 10 Grad and Qasasm rockets were fired Friday morning at Ashkelon, Be'er Sheva and Kiryat Gat. Most of the rockets fell in open areas and did not cause damage or injuries, but one of the missiles hit a building in an Ashdod industrial park, wounding six people, one of them seriously. Three Qassam rockets were shot at the western Negev communities overnight. Emergency sirens were sounded, but no injuries or damage were reported. Large contingents of police forces arrived at the scene of the rocket attacks and are on alert for additional missiles. Residents are called to remain in close proximity to bomb shelters. The Palestinian rocket fire followed an IAF attack on the Gaza Strip overnight which came in response to the coordinated terror attacks on Israel that took place on Thursday afternoon. IAF aircraft attacked seven sites in the Gaza Strip overnight. An IDF Spokesperson reported that the targets included two terror activity sites and a weapons storage unit in north Gaza, and two smuggling tunnels and a terror activity site in south Gaza. Please pray for shalom in southern Israel over the coming weekend3. Palestinians Slam Hypocracy of Human Rights Groups Israel Today News Aug 12 Palestinian Arabs demonstrating a recent wave of arrests on Thursday accused international human rights groups of only caring about their well-being when the culprit is Israel. Hundreds of protestors gathered in Hebron following the recent round-up of hundreds of Palestinian activists - most of them Hamas members - by the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma'an reported that many of the signs held by the protestors read: "Human Rights Organizations - what are you doing to achieve rights?" Several people in the crowd accused human rights groups of ignoring human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority, even as they go out of their way to investigate and condemn every alleged violation by Israel. This has been a persistent phenomenon with both human rights groups and the mainstream international press. Both spend an exaggerated amount of time and effort scrutinizing Israel, but more or less give the Palestinians a free pass, leading to the conclusion that their motivation is not truly freedom or truth, but rather a political agenda against the Jewish state. Ironically, average Palestinians are the ones most adversely affected by the cynical behavior of the groups and organizations claiming to be fighting on behalf of the Palestinian Arabs.
4. UN to Vote for Palestinian State September 20th Arutz 7 Aug 12th The Palestinian Authority statehood bid will be presented to the UN on September 20. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas will personally present the request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the opening of the sixty-sixth session. PA officials chose September because Lebanon, which will hold the presidency of the Security Council, will be in a strong position to push the bid forward. The bid comes despite strong doubts over PA readiness for statehood due to fiscal insolvency, corruption, its inability, to form a unity government, and concerns over the inclusion of the Hamas terror organization in its ranks. Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor warned that the PA decision to bypass peace talks will lead only to frustration and violence.Pray that US leaders will hold to their promise to veto this illegal bid for statehood by the PA.
5. Hillary Clinton Demands that Israel Apologise to Turkey INN Aug 19th Hillary Clinton demanded that for the sake of US interests in the Middle East, Israel must apologise to Turkey for the death of 9 turkish terorrists on the Mavi Marama during the flotilla incident last year. PM Benjamin Netanyahu has informed Mrs Clinton that Israel will not apologize for the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid in which nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists died. Speaking with Clinton via telephone on Tuesday, Netanayhu said that Israel does not intend to adopt an outline to restore its relationship with Turkey. (Ha’aretz) The UN report on last year's Gaza flotilla clash found that Israel's blockade of Gaza is legal and that Jerusalem owes no apology to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara raid, diplomatic sources said. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail. However, the report says Israeli commandos used excessive force, though Israel had insisted the soldiers had been attacked and were acting in self-defense.Please pray that the Israeli leadersship will nut bow down to US intimidation & manipulation
Israeli scientists have developed an innovative new nano-particle treatment for cancerous tumors that could replace traditional radiation therapy. Traditional radiation treatment has a range of damaging side effects, but Prof. Israel Gannot believes he can provide an alternative. Scientists from Israel are developing a new way to destroy cancerous tumors that will have fewer side effects than traditional radiation therapy, and cause minimal damage to surrounding tissue. The innovative method developed by a professor at Tel Aviv University uses heat to kill the tumor cells, while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue intact. Today, radiation therapy is one of the most important weapons against cancerous tumors, but the therapy often has a significant impact on the health of a patient as it harms healthy tissue as well as malignant cells.
Professor Israel Gannot, whose method is soon to be published in the journal Nanomedicine , uses a special mixture of nano-particles - already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - and antibodies to locate individual tumors and bind directly to them. The specialized cocktail is administered safely and simply, through topical local injection or injection into the blood stream. "Once the nano-particles bind to the tumor, we excite them with an external magnetic field, and they begin to heat very specifically and locally," Gannot explains. The magnetic field is manipulated to create a targeted rise in temperature, and it is this directed heat elevation that kills the tumors, he says. Once the treatment is completed, the nano-particles are washed out of the body naturally without leaving a trace, minimizing side effects. So far, the treatment has been proven effective against epithelial cancers, which can develop in almost any area of the body, such as the breast or lung. By using a special feedback process, also developed in his laboratory, the process can be optimized for individual treatment. Gannot claims the method is effective against almost any type of tumor, as long as its specific markers and its antibodies can be identified.
Recuperation at home Aside from being minimally invasive, Gannot says that the treatment is also fast and efficient. The entire treatment lasts only six hours, and can be administered during an out-patient procedure, enabling patients to recuperate in the comfort of their own homes. It's early days yet, however. Gannot is currently applying his technique to cell lines and to ex vivo tissues and tissue-like substitutes in his lab, and plans to start in vivo experiments by next year. If long-term clinical trials are successful, however, Gannot believes the technique could become a mainstay of patient care.6. Targeting Tumors Without the Pain of Radiation Please pray for the success of this cancer breakthru7. Israel Blessed With Rare Summer Rain Israel Today News Aug 14th Israelis in the center of the country who happened to be awake during the early morning hours on Sunday witnessed a rare sight: rainfall in the middle of summer. A light rain fell in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas just as the sun rose. While the rain did not last long, and most of the precious water was quickly snatched up by a parched earth, Israelis hoped that it was a sign the coming winter would be good in terms of rainfall. Israel is at the tail end of a seven-year drought that nearly left the Jewish state having to impose water rationing during the summer months. The drought has caused nearly irreversable damage to the Sea of Galilee and the mountain aquifers, Israel's main sources of fresh water. But a healthy rainfall this coming winter would go a long way toward reversing the situation, and buy Israel a little more time to get a series of desalination plants operational.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011
Israels Great Financial Future
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview
Avi Lipkin on Obama & Islam
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
Interesting info from an Arab perspective
For those who want to boycott Israel other YouTube videos about Israel at:
The Middle East Problem "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here
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NEW For a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
The year 2015 - the mid-tribulation point? You decide!
22 August 2011
NOTE: I am in silence and in AWE of the below article a friend of mine forwarded on to me. I sit in silence as this second witness confirms what the Father, Yahweh Almighty, told me in June 2011. He said to me very clearly that we had another 4 years left until something great would take place. I calculated;
June 2011 – June 2012 – 1 year
June 2012 – June 2013 – 2nd year
June 2013 – June 2014 – 3rd year
June 2014 – June 2015 – 4th year
He told me that in the year 2015 something great would take place and I believe it is what is written in the below article.
Time is short and we need to prepare ourselves for our Bridegroom, making ourselves ready.
Be blessed!
A sister in the faith J
Some Ancient Hebrew texts say this is a very interesting year – I HOPE!!
by Get Ready for Jesus (Yeshua) להתכונן ישוע on Friday, May 6, 2011 at 6:13am
THIS YEAR (2011), according to many ancient Hebrew texts, is very interesting and I love searching out the mysteries of God.. “[It is] the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter” Proverbs 25.2
So Let’s do away with all the misunderstood MYTHS first…
1. He will come as a thief in the night even to the Christians:
BUT – 1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”
BUT – 1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”
2. Not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself knows when:
BUT – In Jewish wedding tradition, it is customary to respond to a question of when the wedding will occur with “I do not know, not even the angels know but only the Father knows”. Simply because the bride’s father sets the date of the wedding when he is satisfied that all things are ready. As the big wedding day approaches all is revealed… when the Father gives the all clear, the groom comes with a shout and a trump (Yom Teruah) and takes the bride away for 7 days….
BUT – In Jewish wedding tradition, it is customary to respond to a question of when the wedding will occur with “I do not know, not even the angels know but only the Father knows”. Simply because the bride’s father sets the date of the wedding when he is satisfied that all things are ready. As the big wedding day approaches all is revealed… when the Father gives the all clear, the groom comes with a shout and a trump (Yom Teruah) and takes the bride away for 7 days….
3. No-one knows the day or the hour that He will come: “no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows:..Matt 24:36
BUT – Yom Teruah – IS the Jewish Feast of which “no-one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven know “. Also called: the day of the great shout, the day of awe, the day of trumpets – “THE HIDDEN DAY” .. It is also called: The Time of Jacobs trouble, The Day of the Awakening Blast, Day of Judgment, The Opening of the Books, Opening of the Gates, Yom HaKeseh (The Hidden Day), Ha Kiddushin/Nesuin (Wedding of the Messiah) and Ha Melech (Coronation of the Messiah).
Yom Teruah is called the Hidden Day because, according to custom, God has hidden the day especially from HaSatan and his fallen angels.. The phrase “not even the angels know, nor do I” is a wedding terminology. Basically, if someone asked when the wedding will be, the traditional response is “i don’t know, not even the angels in heaven know, but only my father” simply because the Father would decide the day when he saw that everything had been prepared for the bride (“behold I go to prepare a place for you) as per the note above….. or go here for more about the wedding phrase:
Yom Teruah is unique because there is no explicit reason given in the Torah for its observance other than to “rest” and to offer sacrifice. It WAS a MYSTERY, … ONLY REVEALED IN CORINTHIANS MUCH LATER…. when Paul says, “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet (shofar OF YOM TERUAH): for the trumpet (shofar) shall sound (YOM TERUAH – the beginning of the days of Awe), and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51) – he is intentionally speaking about Yom Teruah.. (1 Cor 15:51-52).
Pentecost is known as the first trump, Yom Kippur is known as the GREAT TRUMP (Isaiah) and Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) is known as the “Last Trump” (because it involves 100 blasts of the shofar). And then the Feast of Trumpets begins (days of awe) - I personally think the rapture (whether pre-trib or post-trib) could occur at any day during the feast of trumpets (the whole week) but MOST likely on Yom Teruah.
If pre-trib doctrine is correct then it’s possible that the 10 days of teshuvah (repentance - Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur) will lead to the 144,000 Israelites chosen out of this repentance.
REMEMBER.. the feasts are HIS Mo’edim (Appointed Times) for example:
BUT – Yom Teruah – IS the Jewish Feast of which “no-one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven know “. Also called: the day of the great shout, the day of awe, the day of trumpets – “THE HIDDEN DAY” .. It is also called: The Time of Jacobs trouble, The Day of the Awakening Blast, Day of Judgment, The Opening of the Books, Opening of the Gates, Yom HaKeseh (The Hidden Day), Ha Kiddushin/Nesuin (Wedding of the Messiah) and Ha Melech (Coronation of the Messiah).
Yom Teruah is called the Hidden Day because, according to custom, God has hidden the day especially from HaSatan and his fallen angels.. The phrase “not even the angels know, nor do I” is a wedding terminology. Basically, if someone asked when the wedding will be, the traditional response is “i don’t know, not even the angels in heaven know, but only my father” simply because the Father would decide the day when he saw that everything had been prepared for the bride (“behold I go to prepare a place for you) as per the note above….. or go here for more about the wedding phrase:
Yom Teruah is unique because there is no explicit reason given in the Torah for its observance other than to “rest” and to offer sacrifice. It WAS a MYSTERY, … ONLY REVEALED IN CORINTHIANS MUCH LATER…. when Paul says, “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet (shofar OF YOM TERUAH): for the trumpet (shofar) shall sound (YOM TERUAH – the beginning of the days of Awe), and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51) – he is intentionally speaking about Yom Teruah.. (1 Cor 15:51-52).
Pentecost is known as the first trump, Yom Kippur is known as the GREAT TRUMP (Isaiah) and Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) is known as the “Last Trump” (because it involves 100 blasts of the shofar). And then the Feast of Trumpets begins (days of awe) - I personally think the rapture (whether pre-trib or post-trib) could occur at any day during the feast of trumpets (the whole week) but MOST likely on Yom Teruah.
If pre-trib doctrine is correct then it’s possible that the 10 days of teshuvah (repentance - Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur) will lead to the 144,000 Israelites chosen out of this repentance.
REMEMBER.. the feasts are HIS Mo’edim (Appointed Times) for example:
a. The birth of John – Passover 4BC calculated by scripture and Josephus (a secular historian) references to Herod’s death….
b. 6 months later the birth of Christ – Just happens to be the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles Sept 11, 3BC
c. Sept 11, 3BC coincides with moon passing under Virgo (at her feet) with the Sun behind her (wrapping her in its light) etc (as per Revelations woman) – Astronomy.. Get the constellation software and have a look .. it’s amazing and beautiful..
d. Which gives us the conception of Christ in Mary 9 months earlier – which just happened to be the Festival of Lights (Chanukah) - December 8th as per Catholic tradition. (they don’t even know why they do it on this day??)
e. The circumcision 8 days later – to fall on the 8th Day Assembly
f. Christ’s Death at Passover.
g. Christ’s ascension on Mem B’Omer
h. Holy Spirit comes on Pentecost
i. Wesley Revival on Passover 1738
j. Azusa Street Revival on Passover 1906
WHATS NEXT ?? Is there a pattern here we should be aware of ??
WHATS NEXT ?? Is there a pattern here we should be aware of ??
k. Yom Teruah – Day of Trumpets – “there will be a trumpet blast” / The Hidden Day – of which no one knows the day or the hour / Usher in judgment / beginning of the other festivals.
According to the ancient HEBREW sages (teachers) there is hidden wisdom in the Tanakh (Old Testament Bible) about the coming 1000 year reign of the MESSIACH (Messiah) and WHEN it will begin.. An interesting date to watch for:
Jesus said to watch for His return of which no-one knows the day or the hour sooooooooo:
Yom Teruah – the Jewish Feast of which “no-one knows the day or the hour” . Also called: the day of the great shout, the day of awe, the day of trumpets – “THE HIDDEN DAY”
According to the ancient HEBREW sages (teachers) there is hidden wisdom in the Tanakh (Old Testament Bible) about the coming 1000 year reign of the MESSIACH (Messiah) and WHEN it will begin.. An interesting date to watch for:
Jesus said to watch for His return of which no-one knows the day or the hour sooooooooo:
Yom Teruah – the Jewish Feast of which “no-one knows the day or the hour” . Also called: the day of the great shout, the day of awe, the day of trumpets – “THE HIDDEN DAY”
Consider THIS…… 7 Years of Tribulation – Yom Teruah 2011 to Yom Kippur 2018 .. here are the facts:
1. Exactly 2550 Days (7 years) as per Revelation specifications.
2. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) is the Biblical Feast of which no-one knows the day or the hour (sounds familiar?)
3. It is also called: The Hidden Day, The day of the great shout, The day of awe, The day of trumpets,.The Time of Jacobs trouble, The Day of the Awakening Blast, Day of Judgment, The Opening of the Books, Opening of the Gates, Yom HaKeseh (The Hidden Day), Ha Kiddushin/Nesuin (Wedding of the Messiah) and Ha Melech (Coronation of the Messiah).
4. It is a High Holy Day.. Did Jesus actually say he would be coming back on Yom Teruah? Just as he fulfilled other prophecies on the other Feasts??
5. 7 years also speaks about the baby boy transcending the 7 days and being circumcised on the 8th, the tzaddikim understood this to mean the 7 years of the birth pangs of the Messiah and the fulfillment of his brit (Covenant) in the 8th year provoked the idea that birth pains have begun (5778 / 2018AD). The amount of earthquakes, animals dying (birds, beast and fish), floods, pestilence and famine may indicate this is happening.
6. During Temple days, Jews always took three and a half years to read through the Torah in the synagogue. The first of 2 Triennial cycle (for a complete 7 year period) begins in Tishri 1 – Rosh Hashanah 2011 (September 29th)
7. We find this year has something VERY interesting that occurs on the Yom Teruah Feast 2011 – The Mo’edim (appointed times) in the stars show Virgo has the sun behind her and the moon at her feet on September 29th, 2011 as per Revelations 12.1 vision (coincidence?).
8. Palestine State may seek to divide Jerusalem in Sept 2011 ( a big no no no) “Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.” Joel 3.2.
9. The traditional Jewish Wedding starts with the male betrothed coming with a shout, a trump and then takes the bride away for 7 days of rejoicing – pretrib?
10. Did you know that the Planet/Comet Elenin will pass directly between Earth and the Sun on Sept 28th-30th, 2011. Just in time for Yom Teruah.. Coincidence?
You can play with the JPL dates to see the entry flight here: (click on “show orbit diagram”)
You can play with the JPL dates to see the entry flight here: (click on “show orbit diagram”)
11. Something to be aware of is that Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) starts on Wednesday evening 28th September, 2011. Beginning on Rosh Chodesh 30th August and continuing until the day before Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah, Wednesday 28th September, it is customary to blow the shofar (ram’s horn) every day (except for Shabbat). This practice was adopted to awaken us for the coming High Holidays. The custom is to first blow tekiah (תְּקִיעָה), a long single blast (the sound of the King’s coronation), followed by shevarim (שְׁבָרִים), three short, wail- like blasts (signifying repentance), followed by Teruah (תְּרוּעָה), several short blasts of alarm (to awaken the soul), and to close with tekiah hagadol (תְּקִיעָה הַגָּדוֹל), a long, final blast: this is repeated 11 times on the last day called the “Last TRUMP” (100 blasts on the last day).. I would personally LOVE to believe that the whole world (or maybe even just the Christians) would hear the days of Trumps from Heaven and just be awake, aware and fully prepared for the LAST TRUMP!!
Talk about a last minute revival !! I wonder if it will occur this year ?? HOPEFULLY
Talk about a last minute revival !! I wonder if it will occur this year ?? HOPEFULLY
12. It is very interesting to note that the actual destruction of the Holy Temple took place on a Saturday night whilst the Midrash records that during those dreadful moments the Levites sang the song for Wednesday – “O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs; O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!” So why did they not sing the Saturday song?
Is it possible that as the Levites stood atop of the mount for the last time, all of a moment they received a final flash of prophetic revelation…?? That maybe, they sang the song of Wednesday as a prophetic insight that once again the clock for Israel’s time would once again re-start on a Wednesday (beginning the 7 years of the 70th week of Daniel’s vision). The time when all of heaven turns its eyes on Israel as the time of the Gentiles ends??? Maybe even Wednesday 28th September, 2011 (Yom Teruah)?? .. It is just as profound to note that the Jerusalem temple mount was captured on Wednesday, June 7th, 1967
Is it possible that as the Levites stood atop of the mount for the last time, all of a moment they received a final flash of prophetic revelation…?? That maybe, they sang the song of Wednesday as a prophetic insight that once again the clock for Israel’s time would once again re-start on a Wednesday (beginning the 7 years of the 70th week of Daniel’s vision). The time when all of heaven turns its eyes on Israel as the time of the Gentiles ends??? Maybe even Wednesday 28th September, 2011 (Yom Teruah)?? .. It is just as profound to note that the Jerusalem temple mount was captured on Wednesday, June 7th, 1967
13. Tishrei 1, 2011 (September 28th Yom Teruah, 2011 the Jewish New Year) will be 64 years since the regathering. 64 is a perfect square 8×8. 8 is the number of new beginnings and resurrection.
It is VERY possible that the 7 years of Tribulation actually starts on Yom Kippur 2011 after the 10 days of awe and repentance have finished (from 29th September to 8th October 2011). … which is also the PERFECT 2550 day fulfilment:
· Yom Kippur 2011 (8th October) and 1260 days take us to New Year 2015 (The Sun Eclipse 20th March 2015)
· New Year 2015 (20th March) and 1290 days takes us to Hoshanah Rabbah 2018 (30th September)
· Hoshana Rabbah is known as the last of the Days of Judgment!!!!!!!
Revelations 12.1 occurs in 2011 – watch the vid here:
3.5 Years (the mid-tribulation point)– 2014/2015 to 2018
1. And so the middle point (after the first Hebrew Torah reading Triennial cycle) would land us right when the abomination of desolation is placed in the temple. (the Torah is read every 3.5 years – and is read twice in a 7 year cycle)
2. During Temple days, Jews always took three and a half years to read through the Torah in the synagogue. The first of 2 Triennial cycle (for a complete 7 year period) begins in Tishri 1 – Rosh Hashanah and finishes in the month of Nisan 2015
3. Is this the last time the Torah is read before Israel Repents and seeks Christ as Saviour. So what occurs at this possible mid-point?
4. The coming blood moons of 2014 through 2015. This is the only tetrad in the near future that aligns itself with the Jewish holidays.
5. We find the tetrad blood moons and lunar eclipse all falling on Jewish holidays – 2014 through 2015
Apr 15, 2014 on Passover
Oct 08, 2014 on Feast of Tabernacles
Apr 04, 2015 on Passover — and finally on
Sep 28, 2015 on Feast of Tabernacles.
The last few times this occurred there was GREAT change in Israel:
Lunar Tetrad on Jewish Feasts:
Apr 15, 2014 on Passover
Oct 08, 2014 on Feast of Tabernacles
Apr 04, 2015 on Passover — and finally on
Sep 28, 2015 on Feast of Tabernacles.
The last few times this occurred there was GREAT change in Israel:
Lunar Tetrad on Jewish Feasts:
- 1493 through 1494 (repulsion of the Jews from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition)
- 1947/1948 (Israel became a nation)
- 1967/1968 (Israel captured Jerusalem)
no more Lunar Tetrad for a LOOOOONNGG time..
Which brings us to the year 2018 (5778 for Hebrew Calendar) .
no more Lunar Tetrad for a LOOOOONNGG time..
Which brings us to the year 2018 (5778 for Hebrew Calendar) .
I could write pages about the year 2018 but I will sum up with these thoughts:
In the Hebrew Year 5778 (our calendar is 2017/2018)
1. 120 years from the first Zionist Congress
2. 100 years since the Balfour Declaration giving Israel the right to be a Nation
3. 70 Years since Israel declared a State
4. 50 Years from capture of Jerusalem temple mount
5. 40 years from the Camp David Accord and Israel’s conflict with Lebanon
6. Yovel of Yovels
7. 120 = Length of Years (Gen 6:3)
8. 100 = Bondage
9. 70 = Prophecy Complete and time period for suffering
10. 50 = Jubilee-Release of Debt and Peace (Yovel)
11. 40 = Testing
12. Maybe also it’s just a co-incidence BUT the photosphere of the Sun, for instance, has an effective temperature of 5778 K (does it represent the Hebrew year 5778 / 2018AD??).
13. The time immediately preceding the appearance of the Messiah will be a time of testing in which the world will undergo various forms of tribulation, called chevlei Mashiach (חֶבְלֵי הַמָּשִׁיחַ) – the “birth pangs of the Messiah” (Sanhedrin 98a; Ketubot, Bereshit Rabbah 42:4, Matt. 24:8). Some say the birth pangs are to last for 70 years, with the last 7 years being the most intense period of tribulation — called the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” / עֵת־צָרָה הִיא לְיַעֲקב(Jer. 30:7). The climax of the “Great Tribulation” (צָרָה גְדוֹלָה) is called the great “Day of the LORD” (יוֹם־יהוה הַגָּדוֹל) which represents God’s wrath poured out upon a rebellious world system.(
14. According to Hebrew sages, Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam (the birth of a nation), and then the Israel the nation was “born” in 1948 AD (1948 years after the “Second Adam” Yeshua)
15. God’s Covenant with Abraham = 2018 years after first Adam and so will the new world begin 2018AD?
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from Abraham’s birth to Covenant with God
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from Israeli Statehood to Messiah
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from Abraham’s birth to Covenant with God
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from Israeli Statehood to Messiah
16. The Arizal (Hebrew text) explains that 70 years is the maximum number of years of suffering that an individual can be decreed.
If we extrapolate that to a Nation we see that the Babylonian exile of the Jewish nation lasted exactly 70 years and that the year 5778 (2017-18 CE) will be the 70th year of the Israeli nation, formed in 5708 (1948 CE).
I just love how Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam and then Israel was 1948 after Jesus (the second Adam).. haha
If we extrapolate that to a Nation we see that the Babylonian exile of the Jewish nation lasted exactly 70 years and that the year 5778 (2017-18 CE) will be the 70th year of the Israeli nation, formed in 5708 (1948 CE).
I just love how Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam and then Israel was 1948 after Jesus (the second Adam).. haha
17. According to Hebrew history and biblical time-lines, King David was born, 2854 years after Adam. He lived 70 years. The coming year 5778 (our year 2018) is the expected year of the Messiah’s Kingdom to come and the end of the world as we know it – according to some manuscripts of Jewish origin. That means that when David was 35 Years old (half his age) the world was also exactly half its age i.e. the midpoint of David’s life was also the midpoint of the history of this world.
The Torah reading on 24th September this year (2011) is actually a wedding announcement – Isaiah 61.10
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”
Also I find it amazing that the Parashah reading Vayelech on 24th September is the portion where, according to Jewish tradition, that the Heavenly Voice called out to Moses, “This is your last day on earth”.. nice!!
The Torah reading on 24th September this year (2011) is actually a wedding announcement – Isaiah 61.10
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”
Also I find it amazing that the Parashah reading Vayelech on 24th September is the portion where, according to Jewish tradition, that the Heavenly Voice called out to Moses, “This is your last day on earth”.. nice!!
Psalms 11 (Year 5771) “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do” – Warnings.
Psalms 12 (Year 5772 – 29th Sept 2011) “for the faithful VANISH from among the children of men” – rapture?
Psalms 14 (Year 5774) “They are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds” – idol of abomination.
Psalms 17 (Year 5777) “Arise, O Lord, confront him, cast him down; by your sword” – defeat of Anti-Christ.
Psalms 18 (Year 5778) “Great deliverance he gives to his king; and to his seed for evermore!”
1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”.
Are you part of the Bride that isn’t watching for his return??? Please, Please keep watching even if nothing happens on September 28th-29th, 2011 (actually keep watching for a few days because the Feast of Trumpets goes on for a while) … because HE will come one day.. and He WILL let those who are watching know the times and season
This is also found on my VERY simple website
Friday, August 19, 2011
Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly), Pastor Mike Fryer & Motte Sircus
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 12th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: It Is a Holy War Between Islam & the West !Mohammed founded the Islamic religion in the 6th century. Right from the outset Mohammed and his followers spread the religion by the sword. Islam spread right across Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, eradicating much of the evangelistic work of Paul, Peter and the other early apostles. Then in the 11th and 12th centuries the Crusaders embarked on counter-attacks against Islam engaging in many violent, bloody battles with the armies of Salah-Ah-Din, the leader of the Muslim Marmelukes. From the 12th to the 15th century, the Marmeluke dynasty controlled most of North Africa and the Middle East, until they were defeated by the Ottoman Turks in AD 1571. The Ottoman empire, which included Jerusalem, reigned until the Marmelukes began to take back their lost empire in the 17th century. The Ottoman army massacred the Marmelukes in Egypt in 1811, and destroyed their counterparts in Baghdad in 1831. The Ottomans ruled over the area until they were defeated by the British in the early 20th century. General Allenby finally liberated Jerusalem from the Otterman Turks in 1917, paving the way for the resurrection of Israel on May 14th 1948.
Islam laid relatively low for several decades until the discovery of oil under the sweltering desert sands of the Muslim Arab countries. As the 20th century advanced, every form of motorised transport began to rapidly increase and the fortunes of the Arab world turned around. After WW2, the British realised their future was very dependant on Middle East oil and thus were one of the first Western countries to compromise the well-being of the Jews, in the hope of protecting the supply of Arab oil. Hundreds of Jews who had made their way to the shores of Israel, having survived the Nazi death camps, drowned in Haifa bay as the British fired on, and sunk several of the ships that had rescued them. With the rapid advancement of technology in the last 40 years of the 20th century, the oil based plastic and synthetic industries were born, and in just a few decades, the developed world's appetite for oil based fuels, and plastic products increased exponentially. Today, almost the entire Western world is totally dependent on the supply of oil from the North African and Middle East Islamic nations.
It seems very obvious to me that this unsatiable appetite for M.E. oil is the reason that the post Christian nations of the West are going to the extreme in trying to placate the Muslims and to convince us all that Islam is a peaceful religion. For more than 40 years Muslims have been flooding into Europe, Scandanavia, the UK. Canada and the USA. In a number of cities in the UK and Sweden, the percentage of Muslims is over 30% - a few of them are approaching the 50% mark. Once they get this close to being the majority, Muslim leaders begin to look for ways to implement Sharia law. At first they begin to demand for Sharia law for the Muslim community, but rest assured that once they get that, it wont be long before they will demand the whole nation come under Sharia law. In the UK Islamic law courts are now sanctioned and operative. You have to have your head stuck in the sand, not to see that the real goal of Islam is to take over the world - And that means your country !
Islam has not changed its spots in the last 1000 years ( if ever). More than 30 years ago, 'Old School' American preacher preacher, the late Lester Sumrall, wrote a book called 'JIHAD', in which he stated that the Islamic leader's intention was to establish beach-heads in London and other European cities, from which the holy war would be launched against the USA and the rest of the world. Brother Sumrall's prophetic words have been proven to be correct. In the US an American-born former Muslim made this statement, "When I was a Muslim I attended about 20 mosques here in America. I can say that every single one of them preached the hatred of Jews, Americans and Israel. Americans are being deceived by their media, their leaders and their political commentators; political correctness is literally going to kill millions of you." Even though they wont admit it, the Western nations are engaged in a holy war with Islamic fundamentalists. It is very clear from the other perspective that radical Islam is openly engaged in a Jihad against the Jewish people and the infidels of the West. And while the West is bending over backwards to be nice to Islam, they are planning and preparing for more 9/11's and worse. The biggest mistake is giving in to their demands. What we see as gestures of peace, they see as pathetic weakness. It encourages them to continue their terror tactics - it works !!!
History is repeating itself. The 1400 year conflict between Islam and the West is increasing, as it has done several times before. This time Islam's greatest weapon is the stupidity of an enemy who is in denial of the true situation. The more we try to pretend all is well, the worse the situation gets. Even if the so called Palestinians get their own state (may it never be) the Jihad will continue. The so called Palestinian issue is just a very well planned Muslim strategy to bring the nations against Israel. The West has been manipulated into choosing to stand with the wrong people and will soon pay a terrible price for doing so. In Genesis 12:3 God warns us that He will curse those who are against Israel , or who take Israel lightly.
To finish on a positive note, there is hope. Isaiah 19 says that one day Israel, Assyria and Egypt will be one. One day the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael will be reconciled. And we can play a part in this reconciliation, not by compromising the Word of God and allowing Islam to take over our once Christian nations, but by boldly declaring the Word of the Lord over the Arabs and the Jews. Let's take authority over the lying spirits that fuel the deep animosity between the sons of Abraham, and then decree salvation over both peoples - in the Name of Yeshua.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System as Rocket Attacks Increase Ha Aretz News Aug 5th The Israel Defence Forces redeployed the Iron Dome missile defence system near Ashkelon on Friday following days of heightened rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. The Iron Dome's deployment comes a day after Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak a letter imploring them to redeploy the missile defence system. Earlier in the week, Meir Yifrach, the chairman of the Sdot Negev Regional Council cautioned that "we are stepping toward the month of September, but we have security problems." Yifrach continued, saying "I have eight towns where the schools and the kindergartens are not protected. I have warned security forces about this, but I have yet to receive an answer." The IDF has attacked several targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of Grad rockets at Israel in the last several days, most recently attacking five locations early Friday morning. Hours before the air strike Friday a rocket fell in an open field near the town of Kiryat Gat. The rocket was the third of its kind in 24 hours, but it caused no injuries or damage.
An IDF Spokesperson said that planes attacked three tunnels used for terror activity and a terror activity site in central Gaza and another terror activity site in southern Gaza. The IDF added that, "The IDF will operate with determination and respond with force against any terror organisation attempting to disturb the way of life or harm the citizens of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organisation solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip." Two additional rockets landed on Wednesday, one near Ashkelon and the other near Kiryat Gat. A woman was lightly wounded on Monday when a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz near Ashkelon.Please pray that the Iron Dome system will succeed in intercepting the incoming rockets
2. "Palestinians" Planning a New Wave of Violence Israel Today News Aug 7th Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday warned that the Palestinian Authority is planning to unleash a new wave of violence against Israel in conjunction with its bid for UN recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN in September. The Palestinian leadership "is planning violence and bloodshed on a scale that has yet to have been seen here," Lieberman told reporters at the Knesset. "The more they talk about their wish to operate in the diplomatic arena, the more I see preparations for violence and bloodshed." Lieberman said the basis for his assessment is recent efforts by the Palestinian Authority to organize massive marches on Israeli army checkpoints and on Jerusalem to coincide with the UN vote. "You can just imagine what would happen if 30 or 40 thousand people try to forcefully enter Israel," noted Lieberman. "How are soldiers and officers supposed to react?"
It is now widely accepted that the Palestinian Authority under former leader Yasser Arafat was behind the start of the "Second Intifada" or "Oslo War," a terrorist uprising against Israel that lasted from the summer of 2000 until it largely fizzled out in 2007. While it would seem counterproductive for the Palestinians to mar their diplomatic efforts with outbreaks of violence, that strategy has served them well until now. Every outbreak of Palestinian violence to date has only increased international pressure on Israel to meet Palestinian demands, while carrying little or no diplomatic consequences for the Palestinians. Please pray that this threat will not come to reality
3. FM Lieberman: Israel Should Cut All Ties With PA Israel Today News Aug 7th Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that he intended to ask the senior ministers comprising the "forum of eight" to cut all ties with the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman added that the Palestinians are getting ready for "unprecedented bloodshed" after the United Nations vote in September. "The Palestinian Authority is stepping up its efforts to try Israeli officers and senior officials at the International Tribunal in the Hague," he said. "I will demand breaking off all ties with it – no treasury officials, not the water authority and no Foreign Ministry officials (will maintain ties with the PA). You can't get security coordination (with Israel) and also try IDF soldiers at the Hague."
Liberman claimed that contrary statements made by senior Palestinian officials, who spoke of non-violent actions in September, there are in fact preparations for bloodshed. "The Palestinian Authority is getting ready for bloodshed on a scale we haven't seen," he said. "The more they speak about non-violent action the more they are preparing for bloodshed." Lieberman talked about a scenario in which tens of thousands of Palestinians try to force their way through a checkpoint. Please pray that Mr Lieberman is taking seriously
4. Released Hamas Leaders Claims Gilad Shalit is in Good Conditions Arutz 7 Aug 8th A senior member of Hamas said Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas terrorists under good conditions. Sheik Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its top operatives in Judea and Samaria who helped plan many of the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and who was released from an Israeli prison last Thursday due to crowdedness (yeah, right! - BL), made the comments in an interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 2 News. (this is getting more bizarre all the time! -BL) “Shalit is in good condition,” he said. “He is being held under good conditions and if he is released soon, if a prisoner swap is made, Shalit would tell you about the human side, about the personal treatment, and about the good living conditions he received.”
Yousef also revealed that Hamas prisoners had met with senior Israeli officials in prison to discuss the possibility of reaching a prisoner swap deal to free Shalit. “There was more than one meeting between us and the relevant Israeli officials on the Shalit issue,” he said. Yousef, whose son Mosab was claimed to be a former spy for the Mossad, added that he believes that ultimately, Hamas and Israel will have no choice but to talk with one another. “If Hamas wins the support of the Palestinian people there may be dialogue [with Israel],” he said. “The most difficult of dialogues take place between enemies. There’s no choice other than to ultimately hold dialogue between us.” He added, however, that “Hamas today is not a replacement for the Palestinian Authority and is not responsible for negotiations.”
Last week, Hamas claimed on one of its websites that Shalit, held captive by terrorists for more than five years, is receiving good treatment from his captors but is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The group claimed that Shalit is “embarrassed to ask for food during Ramadan despite the fact that his captors do not deny him that right.” Please pray for the immediate, unconditional release of Gilad Shalit
5. Arab States Will Lead UN in September ICEJ News Aug 9th YNet News reported on Tuesday that next month, when the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to go to the UN General Assembly to seek recognition for a Palestinian State, the Security Council and the GA will both be chaired by representatives from Arab countries. Lebanon will serve as president of the Security Council in September and Qatar will head the General Assembly for one year as of next month. Lebanon's Ambassador to the UN, Nawaf Salam, will preside over Security Council meetings next month, with the authority to set one special topic for discussion, as well as other prerogatives including inviting speakers. "This is the daily reality we face in the UN," lamented Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor. "It requires double the effort in an arena which has an automatic majority against us." Please pray that the Lord will stop the UN from even discussing the declaration of a Palestinian State
6. New Construction in Jerusalem Approved ICEJ News Aug 11th Brushing off recent proclamations of "deep concern" about Israeli building in eastern Jerusalem by the US and EU, Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced approval of 1,600 additional housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood on Thursday. An additional 700 in Pisgat Ze'ev and another 2,000 in Givat Hamatos are expected to be approved in the next few days. Anti-settlement activists claimed that Yishai was taking advantage of protests against housing shortages to push an agenda that most of those protesting are opposed to.
Israeli construction in East Jerusalem will also likely hurt Washington's efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from seeking statehood at the United Nations next month. These 1,600 apartments had caused a diplomatic rift between Israel and the U.S .last year when they won an earlier approval from the ministry during a visit to Israel by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Please pray that international disapproval will not prevent the construction
7. Palestinian Statehood Plan Beginning to Falter Israel Today News Aug 8th The Palestinian leadership appeared increasingly unsure of itself over the past week when questioned about its unilateral statehood bid at the UN next month. Various Western and Arabic news agencies suggested the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was rethinking its plan to request membership as a sovereign nation in the UN General Assembly. Former Palestinian Authority Information Minister Nabil Amr said that is precisely what he is advising Abbas to do. Speaking to the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Amr warned that "the Americans have not hidden their position and threats to impose sanctions not only against us, but also against those who would vote in favor of the statehood plan."
Indeed, the US Congress has threatened to cut all ties to the Palestinian Authority if it goes forward with the unilateral statehood bid, which includes asking the Security Council for official recognition. The Obama Administration has already said it will veto the Security Council vote, but can do nothing to stop a majority of the General Assembly nations from recognizing "Palestine" in a non-binding decision. A senior Western diplomat on Wednesday reiterated that the Palestinian stunt at the UN next month will "make it harder for the US to have relations with the Palestinian Authority." At risk will be direct US financial aid to the Palestinian government and American training of Palestinian security forces. While both programs are determined by the White House, Congress is unlikely to let US President Obama continue supporting a Palestinian Authority that has eschewed the bilateral peace process.
Despite these warnings, and signs that the Palestinian leadership is getting scared, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat this week insisted that the UN bid is scheduled to go forward. Erekat told the Jordan News Agency that the Palestinian Authority heirarchy has no intention of abandoning its quest for recognition of statehood at the UN. Erekat said it was too late to take any other course of action, which he backed up by noting that just last week the Palestinian Authority rejected a proposal by PM Netanyahu to restart peace negotiations based on PA border demands.Please pray that the UN vote will be a failure "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here to visit Josie's new health products webpage
or watch the video cHmH_ei7DJU
* Recommended U-Tube Video Clips *
NEW The Simple Truth About the "West Bank"
Jan Willem van der Hoeven speaking at IRI 2011
Israels Great Financial Future
Glen Beck Encourages All Christians to stand with Israel Glen Beck interview FOX NEWS interview
The Middle East Problem
Melanie Phillips Interview on Israel TV news
The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
Interesting info from an Arab perspective
For those who want to boycott Israel
85 other YouTube videos about Israel at: a clear exposition of the issue of the borders, FYI.
CLICK HERE to read this report on the Internet
The CARMEL ALERT August 12th 2011A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People
David's Comment: It Is a Holy War Between Islam & the West !Mohammed founded the Islamic religion in the 6th century. Right from the outset Mohammed and his followers spread the religion by the sword. Islam spread right across Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, eradicating much of the evangelistic work of Paul, Peter and the other early apostles. Then in the 11th and 12th centuries the Crusaders embarked on counter-attacks against Islam engaging in many violent, bloody battles with the armies of Salah-Ah-Din, the leader of the Muslim Marmelukes. From the 12th to the 15th century, the Marmeluke dynasty controlled most of North Africa and the Middle East, until they were defeated by the Ottoman Turks in AD 1571. The Ottoman empire, which included Jerusalem, reigned until the Marmelukes began to take back their lost empire in the 17th century. The Ottoman army massacred the Marmelukes in Egypt in 1811, and destroyed their counterparts in Baghdad in 1831. The Ottomans ruled over the area until they were defeated by the British in the early 20th century. General Allenby finally liberated Jerusalem from the Otterman Turks in 1917, paving the way for the resurrection of Israel on May 14th 1948.
Islam laid relatively low for several decades until the discovery of oil under the sweltering desert sands of the Muslim Arab countries. As the 20th century advanced, every form of motorised transport began to rapidly increase and the fortunes of the Arab world turned around. After WW2, the British realised their future was very dependant on Middle East oil and thus were one of the first Western countries to compromise the well-being of the Jews, in the hope of protecting the supply of Arab oil. Hundreds of Jews who had made their way to the shores of Israel, having survived the Nazi death camps, drowned in Haifa bay as the British fired on, and sunk several of the ships that had rescued them. With the rapid advancement of technology in the last 40 years of the 20th century, the oil based plastic and synthetic industries were born, and in just a few decades, the developed world's appetite for oil based fuels, and plastic products increased exponentially. Today, almost the entire Western world is totally dependent on the supply of oil from the North African and Middle East Islamic nations.
It seems very obvious to me that this unsatiable appetite for M.E. oil is the reason that the post Christian nations of the West are going to the extreme in trying to placate the Muslims and to convince us all that Islam is a peaceful religion. For more than 40 years Muslims have been flooding into Europe, Scandanavia, the UK. Canada and the USA. In a number of cities in the UK and Sweden, the percentage of Muslims is over 30% - a few of them are approaching the 50% mark. Once they get this close to being the majority, Muslim leaders begin to look for ways to implement Sharia law. At first they begin to demand for Sharia law for the Muslim community, but rest assured that once they get that, it wont be long before they will demand the whole nation come under Sharia law. In the UK Islamic law courts are now sanctioned and operative. You have to have your head stuck in the sand, not to see that the real goal of Islam is to take over the world - And that means your country !
Islam has not changed its spots in the last 1000 years ( if ever). More than 30 years ago, 'Old School' American preacher preacher, the late Lester Sumrall, wrote a book called 'JIHAD', in which he stated that the Islamic leader's intention was to establish beach-heads in London and other European cities, from which the holy war would be launched against the USA and the rest of the world. Brother Sumrall's prophetic words have been proven to be correct. In the US an American-born former Muslim made this statement, "When I was a Muslim I attended about 20 mosques here in America. I can say that every single one of them preached the hatred of Jews, Americans and Israel. Americans are being deceived by their media, their leaders and their political commentators; political correctness is literally going to kill millions of you." Even though they wont admit it, the Western nations are engaged in a holy war with Islamic fundamentalists. It is very clear from the other perspective that radical Islam is openly engaged in a Jihad against the Jewish people and the infidels of the West. And while the West is bending over backwards to be nice to Islam, they are planning and preparing for more 9/11's and worse. The biggest mistake is giving in to their demands. What we see as gestures of peace, they see as pathetic weakness. It encourages them to continue their terror tactics - it works !!!
History is repeating itself. The 1400 year conflict between Islam and the West is increasing, as it has done several times before. This time Islam's greatest weapon is the stupidity of an enemy who is in denial of the true situation. The more we try to pretend all is well, the worse the situation gets. Even if the so called Palestinians get their own state (may it never be) the Jihad will continue. The so called Palestinian issue is just a very well planned Muslim strategy to bring the nations against Israel. The West has been manipulated into choosing to stand with the wrong people and will soon pay a terrible price for doing so. In Genesis 12:3 God warns us that He will curse those who are against Israel , or who take Israel lightly.
To finish on a positive note, there is hope. Isaiah 19 says that one day Israel, Assyria and Egypt will be one. One day the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael will be reconciled. And we can play a part in this reconciliation, not by compromising the Word of God and allowing Islam to take over our once Christian nations, but by boldly declaring the Word of the Lord over the Arabs and the Jews. Let's take authority over the lying spirits that fuel the deep animosity between the sons of Abraham, and then decree salvation over both peoples - in the Name of Yeshua.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
1. Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System as Rocket Attacks Increase Ha Aretz News Aug 5th The Israel Defence Forces redeployed the Iron Dome missile defence system near Ashkelon on Friday following days of heightened rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. The Iron Dome's deployment comes a day after Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak a letter imploring them to redeploy the missile defence system. Earlier in the week, Meir Yifrach, the chairman of the Sdot Negev Regional Council cautioned that "we are stepping toward the month of September, but we have security problems." Yifrach continued, saying "I have eight towns where the schools and the kindergartens are not protected. I have warned security forces about this, but I have yet to receive an answer." The IDF has attacked several targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of Grad rockets at Israel in the last several days, most recently attacking five locations early Friday morning. Hours before the air strike Friday a rocket fell in an open field near the town of Kiryat Gat. The rocket was the third of its kind in 24 hours, but it caused no injuries or damage.
An IDF Spokesperson said that planes attacked three tunnels used for terror activity and a terror activity site in central Gaza and another terror activity site in southern Gaza. The IDF added that, "The IDF will operate with determination and respond with force against any terror organisation attempting to disturb the way of life or harm the citizens of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organisation solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip." Two additional rockets landed on Wednesday, one near Ashkelon and the other near Kiryat Gat. A woman was lightly wounded on Monday when a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz near Ashkelon.Please pray that the Iron Dome system will succeed in intercepting the incoming rockets
2. "Palestinians" Planning a New Wave of Violence Israel Today News Aug 7th Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday warned that the Palestinian Authority is planning to unleash a new wave of violence against Israel in conjunction with its bid for UN recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN in September. The Palestinian leadership "is planning violence and bloodshed on a scale that has yet to have been seen here," Lieberman told reporters at the Knesset. "The more they talk about their wish to operate in the diplomatic arena, the more I see preparations for violence and bloodshed." Lieberman said the basis for his assessment is recent efforts by the Palestinian Authority to organize massive marches on Israeli army checkpoints and on Jerusalem to coincide with the UN vote. "You can just imagine what would happen if 30 or 40 thousand people try to forcefully enter Israel," noted Lieberman. "How are soldiers and officers supposed to react?"
It is now widely accepted that the Palestinian Authority under former leader Yasser Arafat was behind the start of the "Second Intifada" or "Oslo War," a terrorist uprising against Israel that lasted from the summer of 2000 until it largely fizzled out in 2007. While it would seem counterproductive for the Palestinians to mar their diplomatic efforts with outbreaks of violence, that strategy has served them well until now. Every outbreak of Palestinian violence to date has only increased international pressure on Israel to meet Palestinian demands, while carrying little or no diplomatic consequences for the Palestinians. Please pray that this threat will not come to reality
3. FM Lieberman: Israel Should Cut All Ties With PA Israel Today News Aug 7th Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that he intended to ask the senior ministers comprising the "forum of eight" to cut all ties with the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman added that the Palestinians are getting ready for "unprecedented bloodshed" after the United Nations vote in September. "The Palestinian Authority is stepping up its efforts to try Israeli officers and senior officials at the International Tribunal in the Hague," he said. "I will demand breaking off all ties with it – no treasury officials, not the water authority and no Foreign Ministry officials (will maintain ties with the PA). You can't get security coordination (with Israel) and also try IDF soldiers at the Hague."
Liberman claimed that contrary statements made by senior Palestinian officials, who spoke of non-violent actions in September, there are in fact preparations for bloodshed. "The Palestinian Authority is getting ready for bloodshed on a scale we haven't seen," he said. "The more they speak about non-violent action the more they are preparing for bloodshed." Lieberman talked about a scenario in which tens of thousands of Palestinians try to force their way through a checkpoint. Please pray that Mr Lieberman is taking seriously
4. Released Hamas Leaders Claims Gilad Shalit is in Good Conditions Arutz 7 Aug 8th A senior member of Hamas said Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas terrorists under good conditions. Sheik Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its top operatives in Judea and Samaria who helped plan many of the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and who was released from an Israeli prison last Thursday due to crowdedness (yeah, right! - BL), made the comments in an interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 2 News. (this is getting more bizarre all the time! -BL) “Shalit is in good condition,” he said. “He is being held under good conditions and if he is released soon, if a prisoner swap is made, Shalit would tell you about the human side, about the personal treatment, and about the good living conditions he received.”
Yousef also revealed that Hamas prisoners had met with senior Israeli officials in prison to discuss the possibility of reaching a prisoner swap deal to free Shalit. “There was more than one meeting between us and the relevant Israeli officials on the Shalit issue,” he said. Yousef, whose son Mosab was claimed to be a former spy for the Mossad, added that he believes that ultimately, Hamas and Israel will have no choice but to talk with one another. “If Hamas wins the support of the Palestinian people there may be dialogue [with Israel],” he said. “The most difficult of dialogues take place between enemies. There’s no choice other than to ultimately hold dialogue between us.” He added, however, that “Hamas today is not a replacement for the Palestinian Authority and is not responsible for negotiations.”
Last week, Hamas claimed on one of its websites that Shalit, held captive by terrorists for more than five years, is receiving good treatment from his captors but is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The group claimed that Shalit is “embarrassed to ask for food during Ramadan despite the fact that his captors do not deny him that right.” Please pray for the immediate, unconditional release of Gilad Shalit
5. Arab States Will Lead UN in September ICEJ News Aug 9th YNet News reported on Tuesday that next month, when the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to go to the UN General Assembly to seek recognition for a Palestinian State, the Security Council and the GA will both be chaired by representatives from Arab countries. Lebanon will serve as president of the Security Council in September and Qatar will head the General Assembly for one year as of next month. Lebanon's Ambassador to the UN, Nawaf Salam, will preside over Security Council meetings next month, with the authority to set one special topic for discussion, as well as other prerogatives including inviting speakers. "This is the daily reality we face in the UN," lamented Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor. "It requires double the effort in an arena which has an automatic majority against us." Please pray that the Lord will stop the UN from even discussing the declaration of a Palestinian State
6. New Construction in Jerusalem Approved ICEJ News Aug 11th Brushing off recent proclamations of "deep concern" about Israeli building in eastern Jerusalem by the US and EU, Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced approval of 1,600 additional housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood on Thursday. An additional 700 in Pisgat Ze'ev and another 2,000 in Givat Hamatos are expected to be approved in the next few days. Anti-settlement activists claimed that Yishai was taking advantage of protests against housing shortages to push an agenda that most of those protesting are opposed to.
Israeli construction in East Jerusalem will also likely hurt Washington's efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from seeking statehood at the United Nations next month. These 1,600 apartments had caused a diplomatic rift between Israel and the U.S .last year when they won an earlier approval from the ministry during a visit to Israel by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Please pray that international disapproval will not prevent the construction
7. Palestinian Statehood Plan Beginning to Falter Israel Today News Aug 8th The Palestinian leadership appeared increasingly unsure of itself over the past week when questioned about its unilateral statehood bid at the UN next month. Various Western and Arabic news agencies suggested the regime of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was rethinking its plan to request membership as a sovereign nation in the UN General Assembly. Former Palestinian Authority Information Minister Nabil Amr said that is precisely what he is advising Abbas to do. Speaking to the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Amr warned that "the Americans have not hidden their position and threats to impose sanctions not only against us, but also against those who would vote in favor of the statehood plan."
Indeed, the US Congress has threatened to cut all ties to the Palestinian Authority if it goes forward with the unilateral statehood bid, which includes asking the Security Council for official recognition. The Obama Administration has already said it will veto the Security Council vote, but can do nothing to stop a majority of the General Assembly nations from recognizing "Palestine" in a non-binding decision. A senior Western diplomat on Wednesday reiterated that the Palestinian stunt at the UN next month will "make it harder for the US to have relations with the Palestinian Authority." At risk will be direct US financial aid to the Palestinian government and American training of Palestinian security forces. While both programs are determined by the White House, Congress is unlikely to let US President Obama continue supporting a Palestinian Authority that has eschewed the bilateral peace process.
Despite these warnings, and signs that the Palestinian leadership is getting scared, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat this week insisted that the UN bid is scheduled to go forward. Erekat told the Jordan News Agency that the Palestinian Authority heirarchy has no intention of abandoning its quest for recognition of statehood at the UN. Erekat said it was too late to take any other course of action, which he backed up by noting that just last week the Palestinian Authority rejected a proposal by PM Netanyahu to restart peace negotiations based on PA border demands.Please pray that the UN vote will be a failure "BEE" in GREAT HEALTH click here to visit Josie's new health products webpage
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