Thursday, September 15, 2011

The many tentacles of Agenda 21 - The New World Agenda

3rd September 2011

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.” — Big Brother (“1984,” George Orwell).

It looks as though “1984” has arrived, folks, embodied in Agenda 21, an Orwellian scheme to impose a one-world government through the United Nations, and it necessarily shreds our Constitution in the process.

Agenda 21 is a 40-chapter UN document signed by President George H.W. Bush and representatives of 178 countries in Rio de Janeiro at the 1992 Earth Summit. This isn't a conspiracy theory; it is real and out in the open. Search “UN Agenda 21” and get over 3 million hits!

As it turns out, global governance and the ruling elite are bipartisan. Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858 in 1993, creating the President's Council on Sustainable Development to carry out Agenda 21 in the U.S. It continued under George W. and is accelerating at breakneck speed under Obama.

We can easily identify Agenda 21 in our communities by recognizing buzzwords which have been hijacked to disguise their true intent. For example, “social justice” means socialism/redistribute the wealth; “consensus” means stifled dissent; “the common good” means individuals have no rights, and “green” or “sustainable” is defined arbitrarily by government entities, thus meaning “government-approved” in Newspeak.

Wake up, Nevada County! Self-appointed “experts” pretend to know more about running our lives than we do! Agenda 21 leads to control of private property, energy, water, and even the air we breathe; food production and what we eat; where we'll live, i.e. stack and pack “human settlement” zones, or even if we'll live.

It means locking up the majority of land and natural resources across America, and labeling it off-limits to humans. It leads to higher prices, sacrifice, shortages, Big Brother, and the redistribution of wealth.

Agenda 21 is being implemented in our communities without public discussion, by a hoard of UN nongovernment organizations (NGOs) with private political agendas. They surround our elected officials and pressure them to accept their policies, by dangling grants and/or threatening lawsuits.

Organizations like ICLEI, the Sierra Club, WWF, and the International Chamber of Commerce are among thousands of UN NGOs. ICLEI or its equivalent quietly holds neighborhood “visioning” sessions, manipulating its victims into reaching a “consensus” oddly similar to that of every other community consensus worldwide.

To add insult to injury, they use our tax dollars to pay for it.

Agenda 21 is the blueprint to turn every community into a “Little Soviet.” Our nation is being transformed into a centrally controlled planned economy, the exact opposite of America's unique republic with its limited government and free markets.

Most trusting Americans, and especially the younger generation — victims themselves of our public education system — will wake up when the regulations are implemented and wonder where their freedom went. This is totalitarianism, and it never ends well. We are in transition and there isn't much time to fight back.

Agenda 21 is akin to a monster attacking every aspect of our lives. Picture a giant octopus in the middle of a city block. Each tentacle invades a different house. Chaos descends on each house with the occupants yelling “Help — giant snake attack!” Little do they realize the big picture — that one monster is in charge, using a multitude of tactics on multiple victims to achieve one goal.

Whether the issue is healthcare, education, forests, food, family farms, water rights, the debt ceiling, war, immigration, smart meters, abortion, ad infinitum, Agenda 21 is literally squeezing us to death. Because we lost the media long ago, most of the populace is unaware. Without the Internet, the rest of us would be clueless.

We have been strategically attacked with a brilliant scheme, whose authors came up with “global warming,” famine, the environment and such to enlist the support of unsuspecting folks to implement their global plans. Articulate, soft-hearted, left-leaning leaders are sought out by the global elite and showered with grant money to implement their scheme — our taxes at work.

These community activists seem sincere because they ARE sincere; they would be horrified to learn that the endgame is control and depopulation, not the environment. They are victims like the rest of us. I call them the pod people. If you don't know what that is, ask an old person!

We have been pitted against each other, black against white, rich against poor, left against right, Muslim against Christian and Jew. The plan is evil and crazy, yet brilliant. We can only grab onto a tentacle as it touches us locally and fight.

Millions of people across this nation are awakening and uniting, from all sides of the political and religious spectrum attempting locally to slay the monster which is global rule by the elite.

America says, “Government derives its just power from the consent of the governed.” Global governance says, “The governed derive their freedom from the consent of the government.” These two philosophies cannot co-exist.

Recently a new organization formed in Nevada County to fight the monster that is Agenda 21: Reclaiming Our American Rights (ROAR!). If you would like to learn more about Agenda 21 and/or how you can help stop it locally, please contact or 530-559-0828 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              530-559-0828      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

A good summary of Agenda 21 can be found at

Judi Caler lives in Nevada City. She founded AnimalSave and co-founded ROAR!

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